Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 531: Evergreen Pill for All Seasons

Suddenly, many people in the hall looked back at Private Room No. 5. This Private Room No. 5 must be too wealthy. They started bidding again, and it was for a piece of useless scrap metal.

"First time for three hundred and one thousand taels!"

The auctioneer said quickly, as if he was afraid that Su Chen would regret it.

"Three hundred and one thousand taels for the second time..."

In the private room No. 10, Lin Wei frowned. Listening to the auctioneer's voice below, he suddenly seemed to understand something and sneered secretly: "I understand, that boy must be luring me into taking the bait again, thinking that I will do it again." Go fight with him and spend hundreds of thousands of taels of silver on a piece of useless iron? "

"Hmph, boy, you have underestimated my young master's IQ. Do you think I will be fooled this time?"

A proud smile appeared on the corner of Lin Wei's mouth. This time, he would never be taken advantage of again. No one would let him bid. This time, let this piece of broken iron fall into the hands of the boy opposite!

"Three hundred and one thousand taels for the third time! Deal!"

In Lin Wei's elation, the auctioneer quickly made a final decision and confirmed that this piece of extraterrestrial meteorite belongs to Su Chen.

Soon, the meteorite was sent to Su Chen's private room by the staff of Wubaotang.

"Brother Chen, why did you buy such a useless piece of iron?"

Gu Qianxue blinked her big eyes and asked in confusion, and not only her, but also several other people in the private room also showed doubts.

Su Chen smiled and put the piece of meteorite iron into the space ring without any explanation.

He continued to set his sights on the next lot.

There was nothing in the next few auction items that Su Chen was particularly interested in.

Soon we arrived at the last lot.


"The effect of this elixir is to awaken people's body functions, activate people's vitality cycle, return people to youth, and maintain their appearance! Rejuvenate your youth in ten years!"

As the auctioneer spoke, he displayed the elixir contained in the jade box on the spot. When the jade box was opened, a round and plump snow-white elixir was revealed.

The elixir, as soon as it was revealed in front of everyone, exuded a vitality and an intoxicating sense of mystery.

"What? The elixir that will rejuvenate your youth for ten years?"

"It's indeed a good thing. No wonder the Five Treasures Hall uses it as the finale. Such an elixir is probably what many people dream of."

Everyone was talking a lot. After all, who doesn’t want to stay young and look like a young man forever?

Especially for some beauty-loving ladies at the scene, this elixir suddenly aroused their interest.

Women are like this. If you say it is a martial arts treasure, they may not be that interested, but if you say it is a pill that can restore youth and maintain appearance, it can firmly capture their hearts.

After all, for many women, the most important thing is their face.

"A pill that can rejuvenate your youth and maintain your appearance?"

The girls in Su Chenya's room all murmured, but they were not interested in the elixir itself. They were all young girls of the right age, and their bodies were full of youthful aura. They didn't need it at all. Use this elixir.

"It turns out to be a beauty-preserving elixir."

Su Chen glanced at the elixir in the auctioneer's hand from a distance and understood in his heart. Beauty-preserving elixirs are also an indispensable category among elixirs.

However, the refining techniques for this beauty-preserving elixir were obviously very rough, and in Su Chen's mind, it was considered a very unpopular elixir.

But judging from the heated atmosphere at the scene, it was obvious that everyone was very interested in this elixir.

This also reminded Su Chen that the market for beauty elixirs was also an extremely profitable market.

"I just didn't expect that there would be someone else in the imperial capital who could refine beauty-preserving elixirs..."

Su Chen was also a little curious, wondering who was the person who refined this everlasting elixir.

As soon as I thought about it, the bidding for the Four Seasons Evergreen Pill had already begun.

"The evergreen elixir has a starting price of 300,000 yuan."

"I bid three hundred and fifty thousand taels."

"I bid four hundred thousand!"

"I bid four hundred and fifty thousand taels..."

As soon as the bidding for the Four Seasons Evergreen Pill started, it was immediately enthusiastically sought after by the crowd.

The price has also been rising all the way, starting from 300,000 and gradually breaking through the one million mark.

You know, spending one million taels of silver to buy a pill is an extremely crazy thing in itself, let alone a pill that has nothing to do with improving martial arts strength.

Furthermore, most of the bidders are women, or men with female companions. It can only be said that once a woman's consumption power is stimulated, it cannot be underestimated.

Even the auctioneer was gasping for breath, one million taels!

If you don't count the two items that Su Chen and Lin Wei bought before, this everlasting elixir can be regarded as the most expensive item today.

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