Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 506: The sky-high price of a first-grade elixir

"Well, I believe everyone has seen his current state clearly."

Su Chen chuckled, took out a Double Return Pill, and ordered the waiter to stuff it directly into Wang Cheng's mouth.

"Boy, you did it on purpose, I..."

Wang Cheng glared at Su Chen weakly. He was sure that Su Chen must have deliberately ordered someone to beat him so badly.

However, before he could say anything, he was surprised to find that the wounds on his body were healing rapidly, and even his two broken legs had a tendency to heal.

At the same time, the true essence in his own true essence sea was also recovering rapidly.

It actually has the effect of healing and restoring true energy at the same time!

Wang Cheng was completely stunned. He couldn't believe that such a magical elixir could be real!

It's not the people from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce who are putting on a show!

"Everyone, looking at Wang Cheng's recovery so quickly, does anyone still doubt the authenticity of our Double Rejuvenation Pill?"

Xia Xuan on the side also reacted and immediately said while the iron was hot.

"No, Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is lying. My true energy has not been restored at all, only the physical injuries have been restored!"

Wang Cheng was still telling lies and making his final struggle.

As long as he doesn't admit that his true energy has been restored, what can the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce do to him?

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Here comes someone!"

Immediately, guys from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce gathered around him with sticks, aiming at Wang Cheng and trying to hit him again.

Wang Cheng was so frightened that he put his head in his hands and shouted: "Stop fighting!"

At the same time, he instinctively released the body-protecting essence.

Suddenly, the scene was in an uproar.

"Wang Cheng lied, he has obviously recovered his true energy!"

"It seems that these two healing elixirs are real. Even Wang Cheng has personally proved it!"

Both the previous hero who tried the elixir and the current Wang Cheng have confirmed the efficacy of the double recovery elixir through personal experience.

This magical double recovery elixir is indeed as claimed by the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce before. It can not only restore physical injuries, but also restore true energy!


Suddenly, the whole scene was boiling.

"I want to order five double recovery pills!"

"I want to order ten!"

"I want to reserve thirty pills, no one can compete with me..."

The people present, whether they were the dignitaries of the imperial capital or the individual warriors who came and went in the wind and rain, everyone was excited and kept shouting and pushing forward, lest they fall behind others.

Everyone knows how valuable an elixir that can restore physical injuries and true energy at the same time is. In actual combat, if you can have such an elixir, you can save the time between taking two elixirs. In the ever-changing world, In a battle situation, maybe this can be used to establish victory.

Therefore, when they encounter this magical elixir, they will not be stingy with spending money at all.

They can be 100% sure that when the elixir conference is over and the Double Return Pill is completely launched on the market, then the people rushing to buy the Double Return Pill with them will definitely not be the only ones here today.

Because, this pair of recovery elixirs will definitely take the elixir market in the imperial capital by storm!

"Everyone, please be patient."

Seeing that his purpose of promoting the elixir had been completely achieved, Su Chen couldn't help but smile. Speaking of which, I have to thank Wang Cheng for this. If Wang Cheng had not had the fearless spirit to sacrifice himself for others and help him test the elixir at the cost of being seriously injured, I am afraid that today's press conference would not be so sensational.

"Everyone, everyone already understands the effect of the Double Recovery Pill. However, do you think it will be easy to refine such a pill?"

Su Chen pressed down his hands to suppress the noise at the scene, and then spoke again.

With one sentence, everyone immediately became quiet and began to think deeply.

Yes, it shouldn’t be too easy to refine such a magical elixir, right?

In other words, the quantity of this pair of recovery elixirs is limited. They will not be the kind of elixirs sold on the market, but treasures that are in limited supply!

However, even though they knew that the number of Double Recovery Pills was limited, it still did not dampen their enthusiasm. Among them, there are many wealthy people. They are not short of money, but they are short of precious elixirs.

For them, even if they spend ten times or even dozens of times the price to buy a double recovery pill, they will not be stingy. In actual combat, sometimes this pill just buys one's life.

"So here, I must regretfully inform you that currently we can only supply fifty Double Recovery Pills per month, and each pill sells for fifty thousand taels of silver." Su Chen said again.

Fifty thousand taels of silver each!

Hearing this price, even those who had just made up their minds to buy a double return pill couldn't help but take a breath.

You know, the ordinary muscle-building pill or nourishing-yuan pill only costs five hundred taels of silver each. However, the price of Double Recovery Pill has increased a hundred times on their basis!

Such a selling price is really a sky-high price among first-grade elixirs, and even exceeds many third-grade elixirs. Of course, the premise is that it is still a first-grade elixir.

Immediately, everyone at the scene calmed down as if a basin of cold water had been poured on their heads by the exaggerated selling price.

The fiery atmosphere at the scene was also slightly chilled by it.

Seeing this, Su Chen also smiled slightly and said, "Whether you want to order or not depends entirely on your own free will. The Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will not buy or sell by force. Anyway, we only sell fifty pieces a month, first come, first served."

This is not because Su Chen is engaging in thirsty marketing, but because there are too many Divine Star Grasses needed to refine the Double Recovery Pill. Every time you refine a double-return pill, you need to use a drop of the essence of the divine star grass, so that you can combine a muscle-promoting pill and a nourishing pill to form a double-return pill.

A drop of the essence of Divine Star Grass requires a pound of Divine Star Grass to be extracted.

In other words, each refining of a double recovery pill requires one pound of divine star grass, and fifty double recovery pills are equivalent to fifty pounds of divine star grass.

This is only a first-grade elixir. For second-grade and above elixirs, if you want to refine a double-effect fusion elixir, the amount of divine star grass required will increase exponentially.

This is the biggest reason why the Divine Star Grass in the Dan Realm of the previous life became extinct.

Now the Double Return Pill is only the most basic double-effect fusion pill, and there are also more advanced fusion pills. Su Chen hasn't taken it out yet, so he naturally won't waste a lot of Divine Star Grass on the Double Return Pill right now. above.

What's more, refining the essence of the Divine Star Grass is a very complicated task, and no one in the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce can do it except Su Chen.

But Su Chen himself did not put so much energy into alchemy, because his first priority in this life was to practice martial arts, and he would not delay his martial arts practice just to make money from alchemy.

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