Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 505: A rough meal

"No...impossible, this is impossible!"

Among the crowd, Xia Rongxian's cousin couldn't sit still and suddenly raised his voice and shouted, "They must be faking it, don't be fooled by them!"

"Isn't that Wang Cheng? I remember that he is the son of Shopkeeper Xia's brother-in-law and Xia Rongxian's cousin?"

Among the crowd, someone quickly recognized Wang Cheng's identity.

Regardless of the fact that his leg injury was not yet healed, Wang Cheng jumped out of the crowd on one leg and shouted loudly: "Don't be fooled by the tricks of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. They must have faked it and used some kind of deception. In fact, there is no way there will be any double recovery elixir, it’s all a show by the people of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.”

"What did you say?"

No matter how good-tempered Xia Xuan is, he can't help but get angry when he hears this, "What did our Rongxian Merchant Guild do for a while? Isn't it obvious to everyone that the efficacy of these two pills of recovery is obvious to everyone?"

"Who knows if these brave elixir-testing men have colluded with your Rongxian Chamber of Commerce and are deliberately acting here? In short, I don't believe in any double-return elixir at all!" Wang Cheng shouted.

"Yes, I don't believe it either!"

"I don't believe it either. I'm afraid you're just making it up about the Double Return Pill, trying to defraud us of our money?"

A series of questioning voices sounded from the crowd.

Xia Xuan glanced at the crowd with cold eyes. He could see that one by one of those who followed Wang Cheng and raised questions, they were all sent by other chambers of commerce.

The purpose of their questioning now is nothing more than to use rumors to attack Rongxian Chamber of Commerce's new elixirs and make others distrust Rongxian Chamber of Commerce's new elixirs.

Seeing so many people supporting him, Wang Cheng felt even more confident. He sneered and said, "It's easy to shut me up. There is only one way, and that is to let me try the elixir! Since you keep saying this, The Hui Dan is indeed real, shouldn’t you even have the courage to let me try the elixir?”

Wang Cheng believed in his heart that this so-called Double Return Pill was definitely fake and a deceptive gimmick.

As long as he goes out to test the elixir himself, he will definitely be able to expose the lies of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

"It costs money to refine this elixir. Why should I let you try the elixir for free?" If you want to give Wang Cheng another one, he will not agree.

"Hahaha, what am I talking about? You really don't dare to let me try the elixir. It seems that there is something fishy about your elixir." Wang Cheng laughed, as if he had caught something about the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. , extremely happy.

"Do you want to try our elixir yourself?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice came.

Su Chen walked out of the gate of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce with his hands behind his back and asked calmly.

Many people present saw Su Chen for the first time. They saw that he was wearing an ordinary black mask and could not see his face. Listening to the voice, it sounds very young.

"Is this the new owner of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

"Such a young new owner, can't he be unreliable?"

All kinds of questioning voices kept coming, but Su Chen seemed not to hear it, and said to Wang Cheng calmly: "If you want to try the elixir, it's not impossible. I can give you an elixir here."


Wang Cheng perked up and looked at Su Chen with a sneer.

"It's just that your injuries are too minor. If you want to try the elixir, your injuries must be at least five times worse than this. Otherwise, how can you test the healing effect?"

Su Chen shrugged and said lightly.


Wang Cheng didn't expect this. He was speechless and wanted to refute, but found that he couldn't find a reason to refute.

Yes, the elixirs they sell have healing effects. If you want to try the elixir, you must at least be injured before you can test it, right?

"Am I already injured?"

Wang Cheng said unwillingly that his leg, which was broken by Grandmaster Ze last time, had indeed not recovered yet.

Su Chen smiled faintly: "What does this injury mean? Didn't you see how badly our elixir-testing hero suffered just now?"


Wang Cheng's mind immediately flashed back to the bruised noses and swollen faces of the few heroes who had tried the elixir just now, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Speak, do you want to give it a try?"

Su Chen urged calmly.

"I...I'll try!"

Wang Cheng gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and made up his mind. Anyway, although the few heroes who tried the elixir were badly injured, they were not seriously injured! If you just endure it for a while and ask an alchemist for diagnosis and treatment later, you can still get over it!

As long as I can expose the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce's scam, what does it matter if I get hurt?

"Now that you say so, come here!"

Su Chen waved, and a group of guys immediately rushed out of the Calm Fairy Merchant Guild.

These guys are all very imposing, holding weapons such as sticks and rakes in their hands!

"Hit me!"

Su Chen waved his hand, and the guys immediately rushed toward Wang Cheng aggressively.

"Come on, brothers!"

"Cripple him!"

This group of guys from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce didn't have the slightest fondness for Wang Cheng.

This guy not only poisoned Xia Xuan, but also took advantage of others' danger to plot to seize the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce and seize Xia Rongxian!

For such a person, to be honest, I have long wanted to beat him up!

Wang Cheng couldn't help but shudder and said subconsciously: "Wait a moment..."

However, these guys who are on the string will not really wait just because he said to wait.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The sticks kept hitting Wang Cheng's back, arms, and legs. Soon, Wang Cheng's limbs were bleeding and he lost several teeth. He kept shouting: "Stop hitting! Stop hitting." !”

Su Chen turned a deaf ear and ordered: "Keep fighting until I empty his True Yuan Sea."

The guys from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce were ordered to fight even harder. The sticks like a storm kept hitting Wang Cheng, forcing Wang Cheng to use the true essence in the true essence sea to form a defense and protect himself.

Until the end, all the true essence in Wang Cheng's true essence sea was exhausted.

Su Chen then signaled the guys to stop.

"Everyone, look at his current condition."

Su Chen ordered someone to pull Wang Cheng up and throw him in front of the crowd, and then asked everyone.

At this moment, Wang Cheng was in extremely miserable condition. Both of his legs were broken, including the one that had almost recovered from the injury. Now it was broken again. His whole body was covered in bruises, and he was lying on the ground, dying.


Many people present were secretly amused. The young owner of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce might have deliberately ordered such a heavy blow to beat Wang Cheng like this!

However, even so, Wang Cheng asked for this. Who asked him to take the initiative to try the medicine?

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