Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 507: Man in Black

Although the main body of the elixir was actually refined by Master Ze, what Su Chen did was just fuse the two elixirs.

However, this step alone consumes a lot of energy.

In this life, Su Chen doesn't want to be an alchemy machine, he wants to enjoy a more exciting life.

"It's so dangerous."

I heard Su Chen say that the Shuanghui Dan only sells fifty pills per month.

If this pair of recovery pills could be mass-produced, then all the muscle-stimulating pills and nourishing-yuan pills currently on the market would have to be taken off the shelves and swept into the trash heap, where no one would care.

These two elixirs are the most common elixirs on the market now, and they are also the basis for the survival of these chambers of commerce. These two elixirs are the most popular ones sold by these chambers of commerce. If these two kinds of elixirs were completely eliminated, people like them would have nothing to eat.

Fortunately, the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce only sells 50 double-return pills per month, which means that the muscle-building pills and nourishing pills sold by other chambers of commerce will not be eliminated from the market for the time being.

In fact, this was exactly what Su Chen had in mind. He has just arrived, and his foundation is unstable. If he rashly releases a large number of Double Return Pills to seize all the markets, he may have been stared at by countless pairs of eyes before he can seize the market.

You want to make money, but also make those secretive eyes feel that you are not a threat to them. This is the most correct way to make money at the moment.

"I want to order two!"

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence at the scene. A tall and tall man in the realm of transformation strode out of the crowd and shouted, "I want to order two double recovery pills. Money is not a problem. Life is at the critical moment." is the most important."

As he said that, the big man happily threw out a stack of banknotes and placed them on the table!

“Thank you for your patronage!”

Xia Xuan said quickly, "Come here, register this customer with two double recovery pills!"


The big man's words suddenly reminded others that if this elixir could really buy a life at a critical moment, no amount of money would be too expensive. Just spending fifty thousand taels of silver felt like a profit.

"I'll order one too."

"Give me one too!"

"I want three!"

The appearance of the big man was like a fuse, igniting the enthusiasm of the scene.

For a time, all the warriors present, except those who couldn't find enough fifty thousand taels of silver, rushed to take out their money.

"I'll order one too."

A man dressed entirely in black, with a black cloth around his face and only his eyes exposed, squeezed to the front of the line, took out his banknotes and said.

Xia Xuan glanced at it but didn't care. He took his banknote and registered him in the register.

In just a dozen breaths, the reservation quota for fifty double-return pills was sold out.

And despite this, when all fifty places were snatched up, there were still many people who didn't get them and could only sigh in despair while holding the banknotes in their hands.

They secretly vowed to grab it as soon as the reservation quota for fifty double-return elixirs becomes available next month.

Xia Xuan received a total of 2.5 million taels of silver notes. He was so excited that the hand holding the bank notes was trembling. This is the first time that he has seen such a large amount of money at once for all the years he has been running a chamber of commerce.

"Okay, today our elixir press conference has come to a successful conclusion. Please look forward to the next new elixir press conference of our Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. The press conference time is to be determined."

Xia Xuan calmed down and said with a smile on his face.

Those warriors who did not grab the Double Return Pill were still a little unwilling, but they had no choice but to wait until next month.

In addition, they heard that there would be a new elixir launch conference, and their inner hopes became even greater. Maybe, the new elixir next time will be better.

The crowd surrounding the gate of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce gradually dispersed.

The man in black pulled up the black cloth on his face and turned around to leave.

As for Wang Cheng, at this moment, he knew that his plan to disrupt the elixir press conference today had completely failed. With a sad face and extremely unwilling to drag his broken leg, he prepared to go home.

"Are you Wang Cheng? Are you Xia Rongxian's cousin?"

When Wang Cheng walked into an alley, several figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Yes, I am, are you?"

Wang Cheng looked at the unfamiliar faces in front of him and asked with a little vigilance.

"Haha, we are from the Longyou Chamber of Commerce. Don't be nervous. We just want to ask you for some information about the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. Tell you everything you know and we will give you one hundred thousand taels of silver."

One hundred thousand taels of silver!

Wang Cheng suddenly became more energetic: "I say, I say!"

"It's not convenient to talk here. Find a place to talk."

"Go to my house." Wang Cheng said quickly, "My house is on the street opposite."

Su Chen's side.

He left the outside to the steward and the guys, and walked back to the lobby with the Xia family and his daughter.

"Mr. Chen, this elixir conference was so successful. We earned 2.5 million taels of silver."

Until now, Xia Xuan still feels that it is like a dream. Two and a half million taels of silver were obtained so easily. Even if the cost of raw materials is taken out, the cost of raw materials is only less than 10%, and there is still two hundred and thirty thousand taels. One hundred thousand taels of silver is a net profit.

In the past, Rongxian Chamber of Commerce could not earn so much money in five years, no, ten years.

But in Su Chen's hands, he made so much money in just a few days.

"Master Chen!"

At this moment, I heard an expectant cry and saw Grandmaster Ze walking in from outside. He kept rubbing his hands and walked up to Su Chen with a flattering smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen, now that my subordinates know how powerful you are, can you... can you teach them the method of refining the double recovery elixir?"

Grandmaster Ze couldn't suppress the enthusiasm in his eyes. Anyone who practices alchemy always has great enthusiasm for new areas of alchemy that he has never been exposed to. What's more, these two healing elixirs are so magical. If you can learn the essence of them and draw inferences from one example, you will definitely be able to use them throughout your life.

"Do you want to learn how to refine the Double Recovery Pill?"

Su Chen asked with a slight smile.

"That's right, that's right."

Grandmaster Ze nodded repeatedly, looking like a pug, almost spitting out his tongue.

"If you behave well, it's not impossible."

Su Chen spoke calmly.

"I understand, I will behave well."

Grandmaster Ze knew that Su Chen would definitely not teach him the method of refining such a precious double-return elixir all at once, so he was not disappointed. Anyway, if he followed Su Chen in the future, he would always have a chance to learn it.

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