Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 504 Verification on the spot

After saying that, Xia Xuan waved his hand, and a group of servants immediately came out carrying four tables, lined them up, and placed them on an open space in front of everyone.

"Next, we will place a double-return elixir on each of the four tables. Everyone can line up in front of the four tables and observe the elixir up close and personal. As the saying goes, hearing is false, seeing is believing."

"After everyone has finished observing, we will also invite the elixir tester to test the elixir on the spot for everyone."

As we all know, the so-called elixir testers are those who think that they have no great future in martial arts, but if they want to make money, they will go to major chambers of commerce or elixir shops to act as elixir testers. When new elixirs are launched, , try the elixir first to earn rewards.

The profession of the elixir-testing hero exists because every new elixir may have risks. No one knows how effective this new elixir will be if taken, and whether there will be any side effects. .

Therefore, the profession of elixir testers has emerged. Their duty is to test elixirs to verify their efficacy and risks before they are officially released to the market.

To put it bluntly, this is a high-risk, but also high-reward career.

Everyone present walked towards the four tables one after another, wanting to take a look and see if this so-called Double Return Pill was so magical.

"Hey, this pair of Hui Dan does seem to have the smell of a muscle-building pill, but at the same time, it also has the smell of a nourishing pill."

"It's really amazing. Aren't the raw materials of the Myogenic Pill and the Yangyuan Pill conflicting in medicinal properties? They can actually be fused together to become a pill?"

"Is it really two pills combined into one?"

Everyone was talking about it, looking at the four double-return pills that were displayed, it was difficult to be sure.

Among them, the old white-haired alchemist also carefully picked up an elixir and put it in front of his eyes for observation. After a while, he said: "It is true that there are two elixirs at the same time, but is it specific? To have the effect of two medicines at the same time, it still depends on the effect of the trial pill warrior. To be honest, I still don’t believe that there can be a pill that combines the muscle growth pill and the nourishment pill.”

"Yes, as the saying goes, seeing is believing. We have seen this elixir, but we still have to see the effect of the elixir-testing hero. Otherwise, we won't believe it."

Everyone also agreed.

"Next, let me invite you to try the elixir hero."

Xia Xuan knew that only by a hero who tried the elixir on the spot could everyone be truly convinced and believe that the effect of these two healing elixirs was real.

The elixir-testing hero was quickly invited out, and there were four of them lined up in a row, standing in front of everyone.

These four elixir-testing heroes are all at the tenth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. They were specially invited by the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce at a high price for today's elixir conference.

To test this kind of elixir that has physical healing effects, you need to injure the elixir-testing hero first. The process is very cruel, so the reward must be higher.

But today, the situation was a little different. The four elixir-testing heroes were divided into groups in pairs in front of everyone, and then they unleashed their martial arts on each other and started fighting on the spot.

The Double Recovery Pill not only restores physical injuries, but also restores true energy. Therefore, the brave man who tries the elixir must not only be physically injured, but also deplete his true energy, so that the efficacy of the double recovery elixir can be demonstrated.

At the moment, the four elixir-testing heroes were fighting with martial arts that consumed a lot of real energy. Within a moment, all four of them were covered in scars and panting.

"You can take a look. Now our elixir-testing heroes are all injured, and all the true energy in their bodies has been exhausted."

Xia Xuan said, and asked everyone to see the status of the Dan-Testing Heroes. At this moment, the condition of the Dan-Testing Heroes was really not good. In order to make it easier to test the efficacy of the medicine later, they were beating each other hard just now. At this moment, one by one Their noses and faces were all bruised, and some of their teeth had fallen out. Although they were not seriously injured, they were not minor.

And in order to prove that the true energy in the body of the hero who tried the pill was indeed exhausted, Xia Xuan also invited several people from the audience to come up and personally verify whether the hero who tried the pill had really exhausted his true energy.

As a result, it was confirmed that the four people's true energy sea had indeed been exhausted.

"Next, the hero who tries the elixir can take the double recovery elixir."

The four brave men who tried the elixir sat cross-legged on the spot, and each of them took a double-return elixir.

Seeing the four pill-testing heroes taking the Double-Return Pill, Xia Xuan couldn't help but have a look of pain on his face. To be honest, if it weren't for the name of the Double-Return Pill, he would never give it up. These four double-return elixirs.

Everyone at the scene was soon surprised to find that after taking the Double Return Pill, the complexions of the four elixir-testing heroes had changed in just a few breaths.

Their faces, which were originally bruised and swollen, gradually turned rosy, and the bruises on their faces were eliminated at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the aura of the whole person also began to change. They, who were originally depressed, seemed to be obviously energetic.

Within a moment, one of the elixir-testing heroes stood up and punched him on the spot in full view of everyone.

His fists clearly contained traces of true energy.

"The injuries and true energy have indeed been recovered!"

Everyone present was simply unbelievable.

However, the facts before us have already explained everything!

These four elixir-testing warriors are recovering quickly, regardless of their physical injuries or the true essence in the sea of ​​true essence.

I believe everyone who is not blind at the scene has seen this.

"Real or false, am I right?"

"Is it really the effect of two medicines combined into one?"

Everyone present felt that their world view was about to be subverted at this moment.


Even Grandmaster Ze opened his mouth wide, then closed it immediately, trying his best to suppress the look of disbelief on his face.

He knew that everyone at the scene would probably think that he had refined this magical double-return elixir himself.

But the feeling in his heart was like a dream. What on earth is this so-called Double Return Pill? Isn’t it a batch of myogenic pills and a batch of nourishing pills that I refined?

Could it be that... Grandmaster Ze had an incredible guess in his heart? Could it be that Su Chen processed the muscle-promoting pill and nourishing-yuan pill that he had refined, and merged them into a double-return pill?

But how is this possible? How could two elixirs with conflicting medicinal properties be fused together?

"Could it be that Young Master Chen is an expert in alchemy after all?"

Grandmaster Ze's heart was pounding, and he could hardly stand on his feet. His heart was full of fanaticism at this moment, and he wished he could rush to Su Chen immediately and let Su Chen teach him how to refine the pair of Hui Dan.

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