Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 503: An uproar

Grandmaster Ze stood next to the Xia family father and daughter, thinking secretly in his heart. He didn't know when these people knew that he had refined the elixir for Rongxian Chamber of Commerce for three days and three nights. It was only 500 myogenic pills and 500 elixirs. What will you think when you take the Yangyuan Pill?

You must know that the Muscle Pill and the Yuan Yang Pill are only the most basic pills. Even if they are refined by a third-grade alchemist, it does not mean how high a price they can be sold for. It is simply impossible to make a lot of money by refining large amounts of muscle-stimulating pills and nourishing-yuan pills.

Grandmaster Ze really couldn't figure out why Su Chen asked him to refine such a low-level elixir.

Thinking of this, Grandmaster Ze also deeply regretted that he should not have let down his guard because he poisoned Su Chen. Instead, he gave Su Chen the opportunity to poison him, causing him to be controlled by Su Chen now.

Now, Grandmaster Ze can basically confirm that Su Chen, apart from being able to control Gu insects, his other Alchemy skills are probably ordinary.

This also disappointed Grandmaster Ze. He originally expected Su Chen to be an alchemy expert who suddenly appeared from somewhere. In this way, he could secretly learn something by following Su Chen and improve his alchemy attainments.

But now it seems that I am probably thinking too much.

"But that guy seemed to have said that he wanted to process the elixir I refined?"

Master Ze suddenly remembered that last night, after he had refined the 500 Myogenic Pills and 500 Yuan-Yuan Pills, Su Chen took all the pills away and said he would process them himself.

Could it be that Su Chen could process the elixir in any way?

Grandmaster Ze then smiled bitterly and shook his head secretly. What hope could he have here? How could a boy less than sixteen years old really have any extraordinary attainments in alchemy?

"Everyone, now we officially start the launch of new elixirs."

Xia Xuan cleared his throat and said, "The new elixir we are going to release today is... the double recovery elixir!"

Double recovery elixir?


Not only everyone was stunned, but Master Ze Dan was also confused.

What is Double Return Pill? Didn't he refine 500 Myogenic Pills and 500 Yuan-Yuan Pills?

He thought that the pills released today were the Myogenic Pills and Yuan-Yuan Pills he had refined, but why did a Double Recovery Pill appear?

Xia Xuan smiled. To be honest, the first time he heard Su Chen talk about the concept of Double Recovery Pill, he was deeply shocked!

Years of experience in running the Chamber of Commerce led him to conclude that these two pills would definitely overturn the entire pill market.

"Double-recovery elixir, as the name suggests, is an elixir that can simultaneously recover injuries and restore true energy. In other words, it combines the effects of the muscle-growing elixir and the nourishing yuan elixir into the same elixir. Plant elixirs combined into one.”

"As we all know, the Myosheng Dan and Yangyuan Dan currently on the market cannot be taken at the same time due to slight conflicts in their medicinal effects. They need to be taken at least half a stick of incense apart. That is to say, after taking the Myosheng Dan to treat an injury, You have to wait for half a stick of incense before taking the Yangyuan Pill to restore your true energy. In actual combat, this restriction will cause a lot of inconvenience."

"However, if you take our Double Recovery Pill, there is no such restriction. It is equivalent to combining the Myogenic Pill and the Yangyuan Pill into one. It can treat injuries while simultaneously restoring true energy. In actual combat, it can Let you return to your peak condition faster!”

As soon as Xia Xuan said these words, a stone immediately stirred up a thousand waves!


"Can the medicinal effects of the Myogenic Pill and the Yangyuan Pill be combined?"

"How is this possible? One elixir combines the effects of two elixirs?"

"I have never heard of such a thing. How is it possible?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Among the crowd, a white-haired old man wearing an alchemist's robe kept shaking his head and said, "I have never heard of such a thing being able to combine two existing elixirs into one. This is absolutely incredible. possible!"

Combining two kinds of elixirs into one, fusing them together, is completely contrary to the common sense in the alchemy world. It is like saying that an old sow can fly in the sky. If you say it, it will make people laugh.

No one at the scene wanted to believe this.

Even Master Ze, who is a third-grade alchemist, showed a ridiculous expression.

Combining the Myogenic Pill and the Yangyuan Pill into one... Su Chen is probably still dreaming, right?

As we all know, there is a certain conflict between the medicinal properties of these two elixirs, otherwise it would not be possible to take them after a certain period of time.

Even the elixir can be taken after a certain period of time, let alone the raw materials.

It is simply impossible for raw materials with conflicting medicinal properties to be fused together to form an elixir.

Trying to fuse the Myogenic Pill and the Yangyuan Pill together is tantamount to wishful thinking.

If the Myogenic Pill and the Yangyuan Pill could be combined into one, then the Myogenic Pill and Yangyuan Pill on the Imperial Capital Market could now be taken off the shelves!

Because, if these two elixirs could be combined into one, no one would be interested in the Myogenic Pill and Yangyuan Pill currently on the market.

Those warriors who lick blood from the edge of the knife every day will inevitably pursue the two-in-one elixir, because the two-in-one elixir does not have any restrictions on how long it must take before taking the other one, and it can help them faster to restore combat effectiveness.

However, in the eyes of everyone present, it was impossible for such a pill to exist.

Even if the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce has a third-grade alchemist on staff, it is absolutely not allowed to talk nonsense on this kind of matter. If everyone feels that the people of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce are talking nonsense, it will greatly affect the reputation of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, and no one will buy the products of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce in the future.

Reputation is very important to a chamber of commerce and is the foundation of a chamber of commerce.

Therefore, many people shook their heads secretly in their hearts, feeling that the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce should not make such nonsense in public and destroy the sign of their own chamber of commerce.

"Everyone, you don't believe it?"

Xia Xuan smiled and said, to be honest, when Su Chen told him at first, he didn't believe it either.

But after personally testing it, he realized how miraculous these two healing elixirs were.

"Of course I don't believe it. How can we believe something that goes against common sense?"

"Unless you prove to us that the effect of the medicine that you said can heal injuries and restore true energy at the same time really exists!"

"That's right, confirm it on the spot!"

Everyone at the scene expressed their opinions and asked Rongxian Chamber of Commerce to confirm the efficacy of the medicine on the spot.

Xia Xuan had obviously expected everyone's reaction, and said with a confident smile: "Please be patient, even if you don't bring it up, we will confirm it on the spot."

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