Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 50 The strong man from the imperial capital

"Sir, I will immediately order someone to make a VIP pass for you. May I ask your surname?" The steward asked diligently after leading Su Chen into the Five Treasures Hall.

"The surname is Su." Su Chen looked indifferent, but Wubaotang's attitude was what he expected.

If Wubaotang didn't even have this shrewdness, then there would be no need to do business.

"Master Su, is there anything you want to buy when you come today?" the steward asked.

Su Chen nodded, took out a list and threw it to the steward: "Give me one of each of the medicinal materials on this."

The steward took the order, looked at it carefully, and said, "Master Su, our Five Treasures Hall has all the medicinal materials on this, but..."


"It's just that there's a snake-blood ginseng in it. I can't decide on that. We only have one plant in the store, and it's the treasure of the store." The manager looked confused. The snake-blood ginseng is much more precious than the century-old Sun Herb. , it must be sold with the nod of the person in charge.

"Take me to see the person in charge." Su Chen said directly without any nonsense.

The steward took Su Chen to the door of a room on the third floor of Wanbaotang, knocked on the door, and said: "Shopkeeper Min, there is a distinguished customer who wants to buy snake blood ginseng!"

"Come in!" said the house.

Su Chen pushed the door open and entered the house, only to see two people sitting face to face in the house.

One of them is an old man with gray beard and hair, while the other is a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe with gleaming eyes.

"Shopkeeper Min, this is Mr. Su, a distinguished guest of our Five Treasures Hall. He wants to buy snake blood ginseng."

The steward said to the old man with gray beard and hair. Obviously, this old man was the person in charge of Wubao Hall, Shopkeeper Min.

Shopkeeper Min listened to the steward's words, smoothed his white beard, looked at Su Chen, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile: "I am very familiar with Mr. Su. I wonder which Mr. Su you are?"

The steward quickly said: "Shopkeeper Min, he is Mr. Su who cured the bite of the Hanxin python that day!"

Hearing this, Shopkeeper Min's eyes showed some surprise. He quickly stood up and cupped his hands and said, "It turns out to be Mr. Su, disrespectful and disrespectful."

"I've met Shopkeeper Min." Su Chen also cupped his hand and said, "I want to buy a snake-blood ginseng plant. I wonder if Shopkeeper Min can part with it?"

"Since it's Mr. Su and you want to buy it, there's nothing wrong with it!"

With that said, shopkeeper Min ordered the steward, "Go and get the snake-blood ginseng that's locked in the warehouse!"

The steward responded and was about to turn around when a cold voice suddenly sounded: "Wait a minute!"

Shopkeeper Min was stunned, but looked at the purple-robed middle-aged man opposite him with confusion, and asked: "Envoy, do you have any questions?"

The middle-aged man in purple robes, who was called the envoy, had a gloomy temperament. He looked at Su Chen with disdain and said, "Snake blood ginseng is the treasure of Qinghe City's Wubao Hall. Such a precious thing, How can you just sell it to a kid?"

Shopkeeper Min quickly said: "What the envoy doesn't know is that Mr. Su is not an ordinary young man, but an accomplished alchemist. The last time someone was bitten by the Hanxin Python and came to Wubaotang to buy medicine, it was Mr. Su who gave him the medicine." Healed."

When the envoy heard this, he was not moved at all, and said disdainfully: "Alchemist? How can we judge whether he is a real alchemist based on just one deed? Maybe he was deceived!"

As he said that, the envoy looked at Su Chen with contempt and said, "You are an alchemist, do you have any evidence? Take out the alchemist badge certified by the Alchemy Guild. Otherwise, not only will the snake blood ginseng not be sold to you, but also I want to punish you for deceiving Wubao Hall, and beat Wubao Hall with random sticks."

After saying that, the coercion of a strong man in the Condensation Realm was slowly released from his body, covering the entire room.

If Su Chen were an ordinary Qi-inducing realm warrior, or even an ordinary first-level Yuan-Condensing realm warrior, he would definitely be frightened by this coercion.

However, Su Chen stood upright on the spot, calm and gentle, as if the pressure did not exist at all. He looked at the other party with a hint of contempt and said: "Who are you? Wu and I Are you qualified to manage Baotang’s transactions?”


The envoy was furious and slammed the table. The muscles on his face trembled a few times and he said angrily, "This envoy is an inspection envoy sent by Wubaotang headquarters. He just arrived in Qinghe City today. You said, this envoy Are you qualified?"

Shopkeeper Min also said quickly: "Master Su, this is the envoy. He comes from the Wubaotang headquarters in the imperial capital. You cannot be rude to him."

The Five Treasure Hall is not only found in Qinghe City, but every city in the Yunyuan Empire has a Five Treasure Hall, and its headquarters is located in the Imperial Capital. There are many powerful people among them, and it can be regarded as a major force in the Imperial Capital.

Su Chen naturally knew this, but he was not afraid at all and sneered: "I don't care if you are a crazy messenger or a lunatic messenger. Since you are opening a shop to do business, and I brought the silver, why don't you do business and instead use the gold?" The main reason is to beat him out with a stick? Looking at the whole world, there is no such reason? "

Shopkeeper Min was startled and was rendered speechless. In fact, if it were normal times, Su Chen would not encounter any obstacles if he wanted to buy snake blood ginseng. Shopkeeper Min would definitely sell snake blood ginseng to Su Chen because he was an alchemist.

Moreover, Su Chen's alchemy skills had already been proven in the Five Treasures Hall, so Shopkeeper Min would not ask him for the Alchemy Guild's certified alchemist badge.

But it was different today. The envoy suddenly intervened in the process. Shopkeeper Min was just the shopkeeper of the Qinghe City branch. Naturally, he could not disobey the envoy's wishes.

"Master Su, I'm sorry." Shopkeeper Min could only say this.

However, Shopkeeper Min also had some doubts in his heart. Why did this messenger have to be at odds with Su Chen? Logically speaking, since the two of them are strangers to each other, there shouldn't be anything going on.

The envoy spoke again and said disdainfully to Su Chen: "Okay, since you can't get the alchemist badge certified by the Alchemy Guild, you can get out!"

After saying that, the envoy gave another order to the steward: "Go to the warehouse and bring the snake blood ginseng and wrap it up. I want it!"

Shopkeeper Min suddenly realized that it turned out that Feng Shishi also needed snake blood ginseng, so he deliberately prevented Su Chen from buying snake blood ginseng so that he could buy it for himself.

Although it was somewhat inconsistent with the rules of the Five Treasures Hall, who knew that the other party was an envoy from the Imperial Capital Headquarters? When he speaks, who dares to say no?

At that moment, shopkeeper Min had no choice but to say to the manager: "Go get the snake blood ginseng."

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind: "How much did he pay for this snake blood ginseng, I will pay double the price!"

It was Su Chen who said coldly from behind!

"Bold!" The envoy was furious, "Who do you think you are, how dare you challenge me face to face!"

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