Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 49 VIP Pass

"In the past few days, I will tell Tingyi not to eat any food from the family. I will buy her food from outside myself." Xu Yin quickly calmed down. A woman is strong as a mother, and now someone wants to plot against her daughter. , she will not make it easy for the other party. "However, on the day of the birthday banquet, I will still let Tingyi pretend to be poisoned and catch them off guard!"

Su Chen looked at Xu Yin with admiration: "Yes, auntie, that's what we want, but it's not enough!"

"Not enough?" Xu Yin asked.

"There is not much difference in strength between my cousin and Jiang Yuewu. Even if my cousin is not poisoned, there is no guarantee that she can 100% crush Jiang Yuewu." Su Chen said.

"What should we do?"

"The solution is what I just said, it's up to her!" Su Chen said lightly.

"On her own?" Xu Yin was confused.

"You have to control your own destiny. I can help her, but all I can do is show her a way. She still has to walk the road by herself!"

Su Chen said and stood up, "Auntie, please tell my cousin that if you want to control your own destiny, come to me within the next few days."

With that said, Su Chen opened the door and left.

Xu Yin looked at Su Chen's back with a thoughtful look in her eyes. She had seen all the changes in Su Chen, and now she naturally trusted Su Chen 100%.

However, Tingyi's temper is notoriously stubborn. I wonder if she will listen to Su Chen's words?

Thinking of this, Xu Yin also had a trace of worry on her face.

Su Chen went directly to the Five Treasures Hall.

He planned to buy some body-tempering medicinal materials in Wubaotang to use to temper his body.

The previous fight with the strong man in black from the Iron Clothes Sect made Su Chen realize the importance of body training. If his body could surpass that of ordinary warriors of the same level, he would not suffer such serious injuries.

Although the Alchemy Guild is not without materials, after all, the Alchemy Guild is not a place for business, and the completeness of materials is definitely far inferior to that of Wubao Hall. Many times, the Alchemy Guild has to purchase materials in large quantities from Wubao Hall.

Arriving at the gate of Wubaotang, Su Chen was about to enter, but was suddenly stopped by two guards in front of the gate: "I'm sorry, guest, today is the VIP day of Wubaotang twice a month. Only VIPs can enter. Excuse me. Do you have a VIP pass for Wubaotang?”

VIP day?

Su Chen looked around and saw that there was no one at the entrance of Wubao Hall today, which was in sharp contrast to the bustle of people in the past.

However, now that Su Chen is here, there is absolutely no reason to go back home. He frowned and said, "Can't I go in without a VIP pass?"

"Yes, guest." Although the guard still said respectfully, there was a hint of contempt in his eyes, "Without a VIP pass, you are prohibited from entering the Five Treasures Hall today."

This is a bit difficult to handle. Although Su Chen has the honorary guest badge of the Alchemy Guild, once he takes it out, he will be able to travel anywhere without hindrance, but he does not want to reveal his identity so early.

Su Chen shook his head and thought to himself, if he had known this, he would have disguised himself before coming out today, such as wearing a black robe, so that no one could recognize him, and he could openly show off the badge of the Honorary Guest of the Alchemy Guild. .

At this moment, a familiar figure came out of the gate of Wubaotang, it was Jiang Minghao.

When he saw Su Chen, Jiang Minghao couldn't help but be happy: "Hey! Isn't this our great alchemy genius Su Chen? Why, you are blocked outside without a VIP pass? Do you want me to help take you in?"

Although he said that, one could tell from Jiang Minghao's tone that he didn't really want to help bring Su Chen in, but was just gloating about his misfortune and taking the opportunity to humiliate Su Chen.

Sure enough, Jiang Minghao's next words were: "As long as you call me grandpa twice and admit that you are my follower dog, I don't mind helping you get in... Haha!"

Because Jiang Minghao is a direct descendant of the Jiang family, it is not surprising that he has a VIP pass to Wubao Hall.

Moreover, Jiang Minghao was severely slapped in the face by Su Chen at the last apprenticeship banquet. Until now, his teacher Qian Danshi didn't pay much attention to him. He had long hated Su Chen in his heart. Now that he rarely finds an opportunity, he naturally wants to Hurt Su Chen severely.

However, Su Chen just looked at him indifferently and said, "Were you talking to me just now? I'm sorry, please say it again. There might have been a dog barking just now. The sound was too loud. I didn't hear what you said clearly. What."

Su Chen actually compared his words to a dog barking!

"Su Chen!" Jiang Minghao was instantly furious, "Don't be too proud! Don't forget, you are just a bitch who lives under someone else's roof. You live in our Jiang family and eat our Jiang family's food! As long as I want, I can kick you out at any time. Jiang family!”

"What did you say?" Su Chen's face turned cold. Even if he lived in Jiang's house, he was still living in Xu Yin's house and eating Xu Yin's food. It had nothing to do with Jiang Minghao.

Jiang Minghao's words undoubtedly touched Su Chen's inverse scales. In Su Chen's palms, the true energy was already gathering rapidly.

Jiang Minghao didn't know that he was about to be in bad luck, and he was about to say something. Suddenly a voice interrupted him: "Who is making noise and causing trouble at the gate of Wanbao Hall?"

Immediately afterwards, a man who looked like a steward came out.

When the steward's eyes came into contact with Su Chen, his pupils suddenly shrank and he recognized Su Chen!

It was the boy who was bitten by the Hanxin python that was cured in public at Wubao Hall that day!

The moment Su Chen saw the steward of Wubaotang coming forward, he put away the energy in his palms. In any case, if he beat Jiang Minghao to death at the gate of Wubaotang, he would still be in some trouble.

Jiang Minghao had no idea that he had escaped. When he saw the steward of Wubao Hall coming out, he smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just that someone without a VIP pass wanted to sneak into Wubao Hall, but I stopped him!"

"That's this guy!" Jiang Minghao pointed at Su Chen.

But, the next moment, an unbelievable scene happened to Jiang Minghao.

The steward of the Five Treasures Hall shrank his eyes, and immediately walked quickly towards Su Chen, bowed, and said respectfully: "I didn't know that the young master came to the Five Treasures Hall today, and I didn't expect to be greeted from afar. I hope you will forgive me!"

"Master, please come with me, I will take you in!" The steward of Wubaotang made an invitation gesture and led Su Chen in through the gate of Wubaotang.

Jiang Minghao almost dropped his eyes when he witnessed this scene. What is going on? The steward of Wubaotang is so respectful to Su Chen?

You must know that Wubaotang has always flattered the superiors and suppressed the inferiors. They will only pay attention to those who are truly famous and status. Su Chen had no reputation at all, and it was impossible for Wubaotang to know what happened at the Jiang family banquet that day. How could he pay so much attention to Su Chen?

Jiang Minghao didn't know that Su Chen's alchemy skills had already been demonstrated in the Five Treasures Hall. For the Five Treasures Hall, the most valuable person to win over was the alchemist. How could he be disrespectful to Su Chen?

The manager of the Five Treasures Hall was not a fool. He ignored Su Chen that day and was severely reprimanded by the person in charge of the Five Treasures Hall afterwards. When I saw Su Chen again today, I was naturally very respectful.

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