Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 51: Keep your eyes peeled

Su Chen was unmoved, looked at Shopkeeper Min and said, "Shopkeeper Min, I paid double the price for snake blood ginseng, will Wubaotang still reject me?"

The envoy said coldly: "Shopkeeper Min, do you dare to try selling it to him?"

Shopkeeper Min looked at the two of them and was in a dilemma, and said: "But Mr. Feng, according to the regulations of Wubaotang, if someone bids double the price, he will enter the bidding process..."

The envoy shouted: "Bidding? Who wants to bid with him? Come and tell him that since he can't get the badge of the Alchemy Guild, you can't sell the snake blood ginseng to him!"

Shopkeeper Min licked his lips nervously and said, "Master Feng, it's not impossible, but if the superiors know..."

Shopkeeper Min didn't finish his words, but his meaning was already very clear. If the headquarters knew that someone wanted to pay double the price to buy snake blood ginseng, but the snake blood ginseng did not go through the bidding process, but was sold to the envoy, it would probably be a big mistake. Being granted the title of envoy would be of no benefit to the Five Treasures Hall of Qinghe City.

The envoy's face was gloomy, and he suddenly snorted coldly: "Okay! Let's go through the bidding process!"

As he said that, Feng Shizhi looked at Su Chen with a sneer and said, "Boy, you said you wanted to pay double the price. I want to see if you can get that much money!"

"According to the regulations of Wubaotang, financial resources must be verified before bidding!"

"If you can't come up with that much money, then you are deliberately teasing Wubaotang. Then don't even think about walking out of here today."

There was a sneer on the face of the envoy. He wanted to fight for financial resources. Who was he afraid of?

On the other hand, Su Chen was just a fifteen-year-old boy. How much money could he have?

However, unexpectedly, Su Chen was calm and composed, without any panic at all, and just said calmly: "You want money, right?"

The envoy stared away: "That's right, take out the money!"

"How much?" Su Chen asked again.

"Since you said you want to pay double the price to buy it, the original price of snake blood ginseng is five thousand taels of silver, and the double price is ten thousand taels. Plus the bidding premium, twenty thousand taels is not too much, right? Do you have twenty thousand taels? ?" The envoy sneered.

This is not because he looks down on Su Chen. Twenty thousand taels of silver, not to mention a young man, even the head of the richest family in Qinghe City may not be able to produce it all at once.

Su Chen's eyelids drooped slightly, but he expected the high price of snake blood ginseng. If you want to cultivate a top martial artist, you have to be prepared to spend money like water.

"What, do you still want to take pictures?" Feng Envoy asked coldly.

The envoy Feng expected that Su Chen would shrink back, but he didn't expect that Su Chen raised his eyes and said calmly: "Shoot, why don't you snap?"

"Still talking arrogantly!" Feng Envoy also got angry, "Okay, then you take the money! I'm waiting to see your financial resources!"

As he said that, Feng Envoy's eyes were fixed on Su Chen.

He wanted to see where this young man could conjure twenty thousand taels of silver!

"Then, just keep an eye on it."

Su Chen said calmly, and then walked to an unoccupied desk in the room, pulled out a piece of white paper, and under the gaze of several pairs of eyes, he picked up his pen and wrote quickly, and wrote something on the spot.

Then, Su Chen crumpled the white paper into a ball and threw it in the face of the envoy: "Look!"

The envoy was caught off guard and had a paper ball thrown at his face. He couldn't help but get angry: "Boy, are you looking for death?"

But, at this moment, Shopkeeper Min next to him had already picked up the paper ball, unfolded it, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is a martial arts secret book!"

"Martial arts secrets?"

The envoy couldn't help but be stunned and surprised. In a small town like Qinghe City, martial arts secret books are not common. Whether it is a secret book on martial arts or martial arts, only the martial arts family should have it in their collection and treat it as a family treasure.

As for ordinary civilian warriors, they can only practice the most common self-cultivation skills.

But this young man could write out a martial arts secret book at random.

This surprised the envoy. Could it be that Shopkeeper Min had seen it wrong?

"The fingering martial skill "Ming Wang Zhi"!" Over there, shopkeeper Min had already shouted, "Yellow-level intermediate martial arts, my God, it is still a very precious fingering technique among the yellow-level intermediate martial arts. If this is put up for auction , worth at least fifty thousand taels of silver!”

"What a pity, Mr. Su, why didn't you finish the article? You only wrote half of it. The complete version was originally worth at least 50,000 taels of silver, but with only half of it, it's only worth 20,000 taels of silver." Shopkeeper Min felt prepared. He looked at Su Chen with pity.

"Bring me this messenger and have a look!"

The envoy Feng glared at Shopkeeper Min fiercely and snatched the piece of paper.

After reading the martial arts from beginning to end, the envoy Feng frowned, but sneered, "What did I think it was? It turned out to be a fake martial arts book. Shopkeeper Min, you need to brighten your eyes from now on, don't be fooled by the fake martial arts. "

As he said that, a cold light burst out from the sealing envoy's eyes, and he stabbed at Su Chen, "Boy, you are so brave! You dare to use fake martial arts to deceive the Five Treasures Hall. Do you not know how to write the word "death"?

"Fake martial arts?"

Su Chen stood calmly on the spot, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes, "You can't understand, but you say it's a fake martial arts skill. It's so funny."

"Aren't you fake martial arts?" The envoy said with a sneer, "Don't be so harsh. When I was at the headquarters of Wubaotang in the imperial capital, I had seen many high-level martial arts skills. My knowledge was much wider than yours, but I had never seen it before. You know nothing about martial arts!"

Shopkeeper Min was also curious and couldn't help but ask: "May I ask Lord Feng, what's wrong with his martial arts skills?"

The envoy Feng snorted coldly, pointed at the martial arts skills written by Su Chen, and said: "Here, here, and here, the movement of zhen qi in these three places is obviously inconsistent, and even runs counter to the general way of qi movement. Also, The connection of the actions here is also very awkward and completely contrary to common sense.”

"If you really practice according to what is written above, it is possible for your true energy to go retrograde and become possessed. How can you possibly develop any powerful moves?"

"To sum up, this is a complete fake martial arts article, made up by this kid!"

After the sealing envoy finished speaking, his eyes were like lightning, and he stabbed at Su Chen: "Boy, what kind of place is the Five Treasures Hall that allows you to play tricks like this!"

With that said, the sealing envoy re-rolled the piece of paper into a ball and threw it back to Su Chen: "Take back your fake martial arts skills!"

Su Chen stood there, but did not pick up the paper ball and let it fall to the ground.

"Come here, capture this boy who dares to deceive the Five Treasures Hall with fake martial arts skills!" the envoy said coldly.

Immediately, two Wubaotang guards heard the sound and came, intending to capture Su Chen on the spot.

Su Chen stood proudly and said coldly: "Since you say that my martial arts skills are fake, then keep your eyes open and watch the power of my fake martial arts skills!"

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