Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 46 Entering the Ning Yuan Realm

Although Su Chen did not have any experience in attacking the Condensing Realm, the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus he had just taken helped him a lot.

Because the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus transformed too much true energy, and the Dantian could not hold so much true energy, so the true energy almost automatically and spontaneously began to compress into true essence.

Soon, the first strand of milky white True Essence Silk appeared.

Then, there was the second ray, the third ray, the fourth ray...

Su Chen became more and more skillful, skillfully controlling the entanglement of these true essence threads to form a true essence core like a silkworm cocoon.

If nothing unexpected happens, when the true essence core condenses to the size of a walnut, it will be considered as a breakthrough to the first level of the Condensation Realm.

But soon, Su Chen discovered that things were not that simple.

Because, after the first true essence core appeared, the second, third, fourth, and fifth true essence core appeared in his Dantian!

A total of five true essence cores were floating in Su Chen's dantian.

Su Chen had never seen such a scene before. His first reaction was that he had suddenly broken through to the fifth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm?

But he quickly realized that this was impossible.

Because these five true essence cores are too small, far less than the size of normal true essence cores. Rather than saying that it is five true essence cores, it is better to say that it is one large true essence core, divided into five parts.

Because although these five small true essence cores are at a certain distance, they can be clearly seen as a whole. The five small true essence cores seem to be wrestling with each other, forming a balance of mutual repulsion. The five small true essence cores each show different colors, namely gold, green, blue, red, and yellow.

These five colors are exactly the same as the colors of the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus, representing the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth respectively. Su Chen's heart skipped a beat, could this be the true function of Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus?

In his previous life, he only knew that Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus had a reborn effect on warriors, but he didn't know where this effect was specifically manifested.

Now it seems that the role of the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus on the warrior is to change the warrior's physique, so that the warrior has the talents of five attributes at the same time!

As we all know, the physique of most warriors is biased towards one of the five elements. Therefore, when breaking through the Condensing Realm, many warriors can only condense the true essence core of one property, such as the metal element. True essence core, another example is the wood type true essence core. Since then, warriors have basically focused on developing their own talent of that attribute.

Only extremely special geniuses can condense the true essence cores of two attributes, that is, dual true essence cores. But such geniuses are very rare.

As for the three true essence cores and even the four true essence cores, they are even rarer.

The Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus can condense the five true essence cores in the Dantian of the Condensing Yuan Realm warrior!

This also means that warriors who take Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus will have their martial arts talents fully blossomed. They will also have the talents of the Five Elements attributes and can practice martial arts of the five attributes.

And the benefits don’t stop there.

Five true essence cores form one large true essence core, which means that every time Su Chen makes a move in the future, five true essence cores will transport the true essence together, and its power will be five times stronger than that of an ordinary person!

However, it is not without its disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that every time you practice, you have to strengthen five true essence cores at the same time. Compared with others, you only need to strengthen one true essence core. Strengthening five true essence cores at the same time means that you need five times as many true essence cores as others. resource.

In addition, the further the martial arts practice progresses, the more resources are needed. When the five true essence cores reach the later stage, the training resources required can be described as massive!

But Su Chen was not worried.

"If you want to have five times the power of ordinary people, how can you not pay a price? What's more, I, the mighty Chen Dan Emperor, if the problem of a few cultivation resources can stump me, then the name of this Dan Emperor will be too much. No need to ask for it.”

Su Chen's eyes burst out with extremely confident light.

"In this life, I have the advantage of being prophetic, and I have the profound knowledge of the Alchemy Emperor. Now I also have the five true essence cores that thousands of warriors seek. In this life, I must realize the wish of my previous life and reach the highest level of martial arts."

Su Chen took a deep breath and continued to practice. Now that he had just broken through to the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, his realm was not yet stable and he needed to continue practicing to consolidate his realm.

Three more days later, Su Chen's level one of the Ning Yuan Realm was finally consolidated.

He stopped running the technique, sorted out the true essence flowing in the meridians of his body one by one, and took it back into the true essence core of his Dantian. The aura around him also became restrained.

In this way, the true energy in his body is condensed, and when others see him, they will only regard him as a Qi-entraining realm warrior.

Just by looking carefully, you can notice subtle differences. Today's Su Chen's eyes are brighter, his expression is more confident, and his whole temperament is more condensed. It's like a peerless sword that has not been unsheathed. Once it is unsheathed, , energy that will break through the world will burst out.

Su Chen counted the time and found that it had been half a month since he arrived at the Xingyang Mountains.

In the past half month, he had broken through from the peak of the eighth level of the Qi-entraining realm to the first level of the Condensing Yuan realm, and his strength had undergone earth-shaking changes.

From today on, he is also a strong man in the Condensation Realm.

"It's time to go back."

Su Chen headed back home, consuming the true energy in his Dantian to make the journey.

It took me an afternoon and an evening to go there, but it only took me an afternoon to get back.

Before evening, Su Chen entered the gate of Qinghe City.

Su Chen originally thought that he could rush back to the Jiang family directly, but unfortunately it backfired.

Soon after entering the gate of Qinghe City, Su Chen was blocked by a group of people on the street.

"Su Chen, I've been waiting for you for half a month, and you're finally back!"

The leader of this group of people was Wang Bingyan. Just listening to the content of her words, one would have thought that her relationship with Su Chen was so good.

But in fact, when Wang Bingyan said this, her eyes were burning with fire, and her tone of voice was full of anger, with a hint of resentment.

Su Chen stopped and said, "Wait for me?"

Wang Bingyan said bitterly: "You made my brother crippled for life. Let's settle this debt now!"

At this moment, Wang Bingyan was filled with anger. After Su Chen refused to diagnose and treat her brother that day, she had no choice but to take her brother back to the Wang family. Thanks to the wide connections of the Wang family, when no one from the Alchemy Guild came to diagnose and treat him, an alchemist was still invited from outside the country to save Wang Bingyan's younger brother's life.

However, even so, the toxicity in his body could not be completely forced out, and the optimal treatment time had passed, so he still ended up being disabled and bedridden for life.

Wang Bingyan was filled with hatred when she thought that all the civilian children in ragged clothes had been rescued that day, but her younger brother was disabled. She resented Su Chen because of this and sent people to Jiang's house to find Su Chen, but was told that Su Chen was out of town and didn't know when he would be back.

So Wang Bingyan sent people to stand guard at the gate of Qinghe City day and night. Finally, they waited for Su Chen to come back today. After receiving the news, Wang Bingyan immediately came with a group of Wang family children.

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