Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 47 Ten days later, the competition platform in the south of the city

Su Chen said: "Who said I have an obligation to treat members of your Wang family? Even if your brother is dead, what does it have to do with me?"

"Su Chen!"

Wang Bingyan screamed, "You are still here shirking responsibility. If you hadn't refused to save him, how could my brother be disabled? It was you who caused him to become disabled. You must take full responsibility!"

Su Chen's eyes turned cold and he said calmly: "I'm sorry, my time is not wasted by a mad dog, so I'll take my leave."

As he said that, Su Chen jumped over the heads of a group of people lightly and walked forward.

"Block him!" Wang Bingyan screamed.

Immediately, two Wang family disciples chased him from the left and right, trying to stop Su Chen.

However, Su Chen didn't even look at it. He stretched out his arms and punched out left and right with both fists at the same time.

The two people felt as if their chests were hit by a boulder at the same time, their vision went dark, and then they flew out like kites with broken strings.

"How is it possible?" Wang Bingyan was very surprised when she saw this scene from behind. You must know that those two people are not weak characters among the Wang family's children. Their cultivation level is even stronger than that of Wang Teng. They were knocked away easily. No ability to resist at all?

Wang Bingyan couldn't help but frown, and she didn't know if it was her imagination. Su Chen's strength seemed to have made great progress compared to that day in Zuixianju.

"Damn it, isn't there anyone who can stop him?" Wang Bingyan was so angry that her eyes burst into flames, but she had no choice but to bring some young disciples of the Wang family today, and none of them were particularly outstanding. Facing Su Chen's leaving figure, she actually There is nothing you can do.

However, as soon as Su Chen walked out, he heard another gentle voice: "Brother Su, it seems disrespectful to leave like this, right?"

Su Chen stopped and looked in the direction where the words came from.

I saw a handsome young man wearing a moon-white brocade robe slowly walking out of a nearby restaurant, staring at Su Chen calmly with his eyes. It was Ye Xuan.

"Brother Ye Xuan!" Wang Bingyan rushed forward as if she had been rescued. She said with tears in her eyes, "Brother Ye Xuan, you must make the decision for me!"

Ye Xuan nodded and said, "I have heard about the whole thing."

As he said that, Ye Xuan looked at Su Chen and said: "Brother Su, not to mention that you have dined with a group of me at the same table, so you are considered a friend. Even if you are a complete stranger, you shouldn't see him die." Help. You did this wrong."

Su Chen looked at Ye Xuan indifferently. This person still had the same condescending tone as last time, like a moral judge.

"I wonder what Young Master Ye is going to do with me today. Are you going to cut off my feet or my hands?" Su Chen sneered. He was not the same person he was when he first came to Qinghe City. Now he would face someone like Ye Xuan. Geniuses in the Condensing Yuan Realm are not afraid at all.

Ye Xuandao: "Although you did not directly hurt Miss Wang's brother, your refusal to save him was an important reason for his disability. I personally think that it is not excessive for you to cut off one of your own arms to apologize to Miss Wang. point."

Su Chen looked at Ye Xuan as if he was crazy: "What if I don't?"

Ye Xuan frowned: "Then let me do it for you."

Su Chen shook his head, feeling bored. Now that he has broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, his thinking and perspective are completely different from those in his previous life. Ye Xuan, the number one genius in Qinghe City who he once looked up to in his previous life, now seems like a mediocre person. The disputes between the younger generation in Qinghe City now seem so childish.

"If you think you can do it, then come and do it!" Su Chen said lightly, and then walked past Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was stunned. Anger gradually filled his handsome face. What did Su Chen mean? As a Qi-entraining warrior, he was not afraid of himself, a genius in the Condensing Yuan realm. He actually seemed to have two points. Contempt?

Originally, Ye Xuan was unhappy with what happened last time at Zuixianju. Now Su Chen's attitude made Ye Xuan feel an unknown fire rising in his heart.

"Brother Ye Xuan, this Su Chen is too arrogant. If you don't teach him a lesson personally, he won't even know how much he weighs!" Wang Bingyan said from the side.

Ye Xuan nodded calmly, and immediately shouted coldly at Su Chen's back: "Su Chen!"

"Since you are so confident in yourself, let's compete!"

Ye Xuan said coldly, "If you lose, I will remove one of your arms in front of the entire Qinghe City. Do you dare to take it?"

Ye Xuan was sure that Su Chen would refuse!

Among the young generation in Qinghe City, there is no one who dares to compete with him, Ye Xuan!

However, Su Chen just paused and said calmly: "When and where?"

Ye Xuan almost gritted his teeth and spat out a few words coldly: "Ten days later, the martial arts competition in the south of the city!"

"Okay!" Su Chen nodded, "I will go when the time comes."

With that said, Su Chen stopped wasting time and strode away without looking back.

Ye Xuan stared at Su Chen's leaving figure, his eyes so gloomy that he almost shed tears. He didn't expect that Su Chen would actually dare to take over his martial arts duel.

"Brother Ye, is there something wrong with Su Chen? He dares to accept your martial arts duel. You are the number one genius of the younger generation in Qinghe City. Does he think his life is too long?" Wang Bingyan said softly, "Ye Brother, you must help my brother seek justice when the time comes!"

"That's natural." Ye Xuan nodded indifferently. When the time comes, he will let Su Chen know what it means to overestimate one's capabilities!

Speaking of Su Chen.

After getting rid of Wang Bingyan's entanglement, he returned to the Jiang family.

I took a hot bath and had a good sleep, which replenished the energy consumed by half a month in the mountains.

Early the next morning, Xu Yin came to see him.

"Xiaochen, did you encounter any danger when entering the mountain this time?"

Xu Yin asked with concern, although she knew that asking this question was in vain. If Su Chen really encountered any danger, he would not be back intact now.

However, she still had instinctive concern in her heart. Especially when she saw some unhealed injuries on Su Chen's arms and legs, she knew that although Su Chen might not have encountered any major danger this time, the minor injuries would But he suffered a little.

"Don't worry, auntie, you're not in any danger." Su Chen smiled and did not tell Xu Yin about encountering the Iron Clothes Sect. That would only make her worry in vain.

Xu Yin finally felt relieved when she heard what Su Chen said.

"Auntie, your old injuries haven't recurred in the past half month, right?" Su Chen asked.

"No." Xu Yin shook her head, and then asked doubtfully, "Speaking of which, what kind of elixir did you give me last time? Since I took it, not only have the old injuries not recurred, but I am also very energetic, as if I have I exerted endless energy and felt like I was ten years younger all of a sudden.”

Su Chen smiled and said: "Of course it's because my aunt is still young. She is always young and has natural beauty. What does it have to do with my elixir?"

Xu Yin burst into laughter: "You kid, when did you become so glib?"

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