Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 45 Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus

Fortunately, the elixir found from the young master of the Iron Clothes Sect was of good quality, and Su Chen's injuries had begun to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The true energy in the Dantian is gradually restored to full under the action of Qi-restoring elixirs.

Su Chen meditated all night and recovered from his injuries. Early in the morning, he found a creek to wash his face, changed into clean clothes, and continued on the road.

He followed the direction in his memory and headed deeper into the mountains, getting closer and closer to the location on the map.

Another day and a half later, Su Chen finally arrived at the location marked on the map in his memory.

This place is at the foot of a mountain wall, and you can see the opposite mountain wall when you look up. The mountain wall is covered with moss and vines. Looking at it from the backlight, the entire mountain wall is green and black, and it doesn't seem to be anything special.

But Su Chen was very sure that there must be something in this place, because the channel he obtained the map from in his previous life was very reliable, and the map would not be fake.

He looked carefully at the mountain wall and suddenly discovered an extremely inconspicuous hole on the mountain wall.

The entrance to the cave is at the corner of the mountain wall, covered by many vines. In addition, the mountain wall is covered with moss, and due to the backlight, it looks just dark. If Su Chen hadn't carefully investigated, it would have been Ignore it.

"It should be there." Su Chen's eyes showed a hint of joy.

The cave is not short, it is more than ten feet high from the ground, but it is naturally not a problem for Su Chen now.

He climbed up the vines and moved up the mountain wall quickly like a monkey. When he was only about ten feet away from the cave entrance, Su Chen jumped into the cave entrance easily.

Inside the cave entrance is a cave that winds downward.

The cave was very dark and damp, and the ground was covered with moss and very slippery. If you are not careful, you may slide to the bottom of the cave.

Su Chen looked around and moved forward carefully. After a while, he finally came to the bottom of the cave.

At the bottom of this cave is a huge and empty cave.

Looking through the faint light, the cave was empty and there was nothing.

Su Chen walked around the entire cave, groping every inch of the cave wall with his hands. Finally, he finally found a small mechanism on a cave wall.

Su Chen did not hesitate to pull the mechanism with his hand, and then heard the sound of the stone door opening with a rumble.

Su Chen was also a little surprised. It turned out that there was a stone door hidden on the cave wall.

After the stone door was opened, a stone room inside was revealed.

The stone chamber is very small, only as big as an ordinary room. There is a stone platform in the middle. On the stone platform, there is something faintly glowing.

As soon as Su Chen's eyes came into contact with that kind of thing, he suddenly took a breath of cold air, as if he was struck by lightning, and couldn't recover for a long time!

He stepped forward in one stride, picked up the things on the stone platform, looked at them carefully, with an incredible light in his eyes, and murmured: "Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus! It turns out to be Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus!"

Looking carefully, this thing looks like a lotus but not like a lotus. The shape is the same as a lotus, but the petals are as crystal clear as jade, as if they are made of the finest jade. The whole "lotus" emits light, and the light has five colors, namely gold, green, blue, red, and yellow.

This thing may not be known to anyone in Qinghe City or even in the entire Yunyuan Empire, but Su Chen, who was the Dan Emperor in his previous life, naturally knows this thing very well.

It has a name in the Dan Realm, called Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus!

This Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus can't be summarized in just four words: rare treasures of heaven and earth. Ordinary treasures of heaven and earth only contain a large amount of spiritual energy. After a warrior eats them, he can quickly improve a large amount of cultivation.

This Chaos Five Elements Lotus should be called the Divine Artifact of Heaven and Earth. If a warrior takes it, it can have the effect of reborn, and its effect is equivalent to changing one's fate against the heavens!

This is not an exaggeration at all. At least in Su Chen's previous life, he had witnessed the strong men of Emperor Wu breaking their heads in order to compete for a Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus for his juniors.

What surprised Su Chen most was that the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus actually appeared in this place!

Based on his understanding of the Yunyuan Empire, the aura of heaven and earth here should not be enough to breed a divine object like the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus.

Could it be that the Yunyuan Empire hides some unknown secrets?

Shaking his head, Su Chen no longer thought about this, and instead looked at the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus in his hand, and murmured: "It seems that the warrior in the previous life accidentally fell into this cave and accidentally pulled the button. Only then did I discover this Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus.”

In this way, it can also explain why the warrior in the previous life suddenly increased in strength and became a powerful person.

Because the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus does have such a magical effect on warriors, it can turn mediocre people into geniuses and make geniuses reach a higher level.

At this moment, Su Chen's heart was full of excitement. He never expected that his rebirth would give him such a great opportunity to get the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus!

At that moment, Su Chen did not hesitate and immediately sat cross-legged, preparing to take the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus.

The Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus is a sacred object of heaven and earth. Naturally, it will not be like ordinary treasures of heaven and earth, and its spiritual energy will not continue to lose over time. But even so, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is natural to take it as early as possible.

Su Chen is now at the tenth level of the Qi Entraining Realm. After taking the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus, the powerful spiritual energy contained in it can even allow him to reach the Condensing Yuan Realm.

At that moment, Su Chen took the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus and started to use the "Chaos Immortal Record" to absorb the spiritual energy within it.

The spiritual energy contained in the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus was so violent that in almost the shortest time, it was all transformed into the true energy in Su Chen's dantian, stretching Su Chen's dantian to an unprecedented level.

At this moment, Su Chen's Dantian was filled with zhenqi, and his whole body felt like it was inflated like a balloon. This was naturally an illusion. It was because of the large amount of zhenqi accumulated in his body that he felt like he was about to burst. a feeling of.

Just like a full balloon, if you don't make a hole to deflate it, it may explode.

"It's almost time to reach the Condensing Yuan Realm."

Su Chen knew that once he felt like he was about to burst, it meant he could start to attack the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Just like a full balloon, if the air inside is compressed into a smaller and denser substance, the balloon will not burst.

The Yuan Condensing Realm means compressing the true energy in the Dantian to the extreme, turning it into a smaller and more powerful true energy.

The reason why warriors in the Qi-inducing realm cannot defeat the warriors in the Condensing Yuan realm, no matter how strong they are, is because the power of true essence is much stronger than true energy. To use an analogy, a warrior in the Qi-inducing realm is like fighting with a wooden sword, while in the Condensing Yuan realm The warrior holds a sword as sharp as iron.

The sign of advancing to the Yuan Condensing Realm is that the true energy condenses into true essence, and the true essence gathers into true essence core!

The True Essence Core is a high-speed rotating core formed by the True Essence, which is equivalent to the True Qi Cyclone in the Qi Entrainment Realm. Once the true essence core is condensed, it is equivalent to a high-speed rotating motor, constantly transporting true essence outwards.

When he first entered the Condensing Yuan Realm and formed the first True Yuan Core, he was at the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. And so on, until the tenth true essence core is formed, which is the tenth level of the Condensation Realm.

At that moment, Su Chen controlled the true energy in his Dantian and began to condense it into true essence!

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