Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 44 Killing a half-step Condensation Realm expert

Su Chen waved the Canghai Sword without hesitation to resist the powerful palms of the strong man in black.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The strong man in black kept slapping Su Chen's long sword with both palms. Each palm hit the sword hard, making a harsh sound, like two metal blocks colliding.

However, what frightened the strong man in black was that it was not that he deliberately hit Su Chen's sword, but that every time he hit Su Chen with his palm, the opponent would immediately swing his sword to meet him, which made it feel like... Every palm of his hand was intended to hit Su Chen's sword.

If you are not a person who has studied palm techniques very well, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this. Could it be that this fifteen-year-old boy is not only extremely cultivated, but also proficient in palm techniques?

In fact, although Su Chen could not practice martial arts in his previous life, he was the Alchemy Emperor and collected a large number of martial arts secrets. His attainments in martial arts were far beyond what ordinary people could compare with.

At this moment, the strong man in black struck dozens of palms in succession, all of which hit the sword, but did not do anything to Su Chen.

His eyes gradually became cold, and he suddenly sneered: "You can be considered capable if you can take dozens of palms from me!"

"But next, I have to use all my strength!"

As the strong man in black spoke, he slapped his palms into the air fiercely, and countless palm shadows emerged from his palms. For a time, the sky was filled with heavy palm shadows, as if forming an overwhelming sky. Like a net, it covered Su Chen with his head covered and his face covered.

"Boy, wake up! You will die today!"

The black-clothed strongman shouted fiercely. Not even the other half-step Condensing Yuan Realm strongmen could catch his move, not to mention that Su Chen was only at the tenth level of the Qi Entrainment Realm. Even if the martial arts used by Su Chen were indeed superb, the gap in cultivation was real and Su Chen couldn't make up for it!

However, what the strong man in black didn't expect was that Su Chen stood there calmly, looking at him with even a trace of mockery in his eyes, and uttered a sentence: "Your fighting power and attack methods are beyond me. We’ve figured it all out, and it’s you who should die next.”

"What did you say?"

The strong man in black became even more furious, and shot more palms forward with his palms, "Are you talking nonsense? You can figure out my attack method just by yourself? Are you going to let me die?"

"Boy, today I'm going to show you what it means to be a true half-step Condensation Realm powerhouse!"

The palm shadows became even denser, overwhelmingly covering Su Chen with the momentum of thousands of troops and horses.

And Su Chen, surrounded by the palm shadows all over the sky, was like a small boat in the stormy waves. No matter how he looked, he couldn't avoid being swallowed by the palm shadows all over the sky.

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly moved!

But instead of retreating, he took a step forward to face the palm shadows all over the sky, and let the palm shadows all over the sky hit him hard!

Bang bang bang! In an instant, Su Chen was hit by more than a dozen palms, his skin and flesh were torn, and blood flowed from his mouth.

However, despite being so seriously injured, Su Chen didn't even blink his eyelids, but instead showed a confident smile.

The long sword in his hand also activated at the same time, and he thrust the sword forward quickly!

"One sword and eight waves!"

Su Chen's sword was like a sword from a flying immortal from outside the sky. It pierced the black-clothed strongman's palm shadow all over the sky, and poked a big hole in the dense palm shadows all over the sky!

Then, the tip of the sword moved forward, stabbing at the vital spot on the chest of the strong man in black!

"How is it possible that he actually saw through the flaw in my moves?" The strong man in black was unbelievable. Su Chen's sword just now turned complexity into simplicity. The seemingly ordinary and unpretentious sword turned out to be direct and direct. It hit the most vulnerable part of his palm technique!

Although the palm skills of the strong man in black are powerful, every move has flaws, and the flaws are the most vulnerable parts. But Su Chen actually found his flaw in a very short period of time and broke his palm technique!

Su Chen said before that he had seen through his attack methods, but he still didn't take it seriously. It was only now that he felt a chill in his heart!

Could this young man be a monster? How could he have such profound martial arts attainments?

But at this moment, the strong man in black was no longer allowed to think too much, because the tip of Su Chen's sword had already pierced his chest!


The tip of the sword easily penetrated the body's defense and penetrated deeply into the chest, causing a large blood flower to bloom.

The black-clothed strong man's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief still remaining in his eyes, and he murmured: "I was actually defeated by a person at the tenth level of the Qi-inducing realm!"

Then, the strong man in black fell down on his back.

Su Chen looked at the body of the strong man in black. There was no fluctuation in his eyes. Anyone who wants his own life must die. This is Su Chen's principle of action in this life!

As for the few remaining Iron Clothes Sect warriors present, they were so frightened that they saw that the strongest among them was actually killed by Su Chen.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't pay attention to them, he quietly prepared to escape.

However, as soon as they turned around and ran a few steps, they were each stabbed to death by Su Chen with one sword.

The grass must be removed, so Su Chen would not let them go back to Tieyimen to report the news.

Now that everyone who witnessed it was dead, it would not be so easy for the Iron Clothes Sect to trace Su Chen.

Su Chen used his sword to open the clothes of these corpses one by one. None of these people had anything valuable on them. Only the young master had a small package on him. After untying it, there were pills, weapons, and techniques inside.

The elixirs were several precious elixirs for healing and restoring vitality, but they were of higher quality than the elixirs Su Chen carried. Su Chen was not polite and threw a few pills into his mouth and chewed them like jelly beans.

Next, the weapon turned out to be a Purple Gold Finger Tiger, which made Su Chen's eyes light up slightly. He has always liked this kind of finger-tiger weapon. It looks inconspicuous, but when worn on the finger, a punch can cause considerable damage to the enemy at critical moments.

Su Chen conveniently put the purple gold finger tiger on his finger.

As for the Kung Fu Code, it was a yellow-level mid-level Kung Fu book. Su Chen naturally looked down upon this level of Kung Fu and threw it into the grass aside.

Without looking at the corpses again, Su Chen walked to the bushes on the side and began to meditate to heal his injuries.

Just now, he stabbed the strong man in black to death with a sword, but he was also hit by the opponent more than ten times, and his injuries were serious.

If he hadn't had no choice, Su Chen wouldn't have adopted this strategy of injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred. It's just because he has been reborn for too short a time and his foundation is still too shallow. If he wants to win, he can only use this lose-lose style of play.

"You have to find an opportunity to train your body well. If your body is strong, you won't be so seriously injured if you encounter this kind of situation again."

Su Chen licked his lips. Since his rebirth, he has longed for strong strength all the time, because no one understands better than him the principle of the jungle in the martial arts world. If you want to survive better in this world, strength is the only means.

It is precisely because of this reason that he would rather risk his life to find that place on the map. If the opportunity there is true, it will bring him a huge improvement in strength.

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