Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4369: The little flame is not simple

It's not that this man's strength is so explosive, but that he sacrificed a magic weapon, an oil lamp. Under the light, countless shadow figures emerged, and the incoming attacks were resolved one by one. This allowed this person to rush forward and take away the Ice Spirit Stone.

"Hahaha, what a bunch of trash!"

The young man in green shirt who had obtained the Ice Spirit Stone immediately began to laugh at the crowd.

Su Chen shook his head, there are many masters here, is it really good to laugh at them like this?

Sure enough, someone immediately hummed: "Gao Qun, don't get too carried away. It's just an ice spirit stone. We may not take it seriously, let alone fight for it with all our strength."

"If you can't fight, you just can't fight. Where can you get so many excuses?"

The young man in green shirt named Gao Qun laughed and said, "Why don't you take this opportunity and knock you all down? It's enough for me to participate in the Liuhua Fruit Party by myself."

"What an idiot."

The person who retorted said coldly, "There should be a treasure tree ahead. When the time comes, I will let you have your wish and have a good fight with you."

"Tan Shiyun, if you are afraid, you are afraid. There is no need to make excuses."

Gao Qun continued to taunt.

Tan Shiyun didn't pay attention, he just spread out his body skills and walked forward.

As soon as he left, everyone followed him. Indeed, for these descendants of the high-level Guiyi Realm or even the Destruction Realm, the Ice Spirit Stone is not considered a treasure.

The reason for competition is just to prove that you are better than others, but it would be meaningless if you use treasures. What's more, who doesn't know that Gao Qun's treasure needs to consume energy, and this energy can only be used by high-level Guiyi Realm masters. It can be supplemented, but it won't work for the intermediate level of Guiyi Realm.

Gao Qun didn't show off his success, so naturally he felt a little unhappy. He glanced around and saw Su Chen looking at him with a half-smile, and couldn't help but asked angrily: "What are you looking at? Are you looking for death?"

It turns out to be a mad dog that bites everyone it sees.

Su Chen shook his head: "Didn't anyone tell you that your mouth is too mean?"

Gao Qun had an angry look on his face. He naturally did not think that he was a mean-mouthed person, but that he was so powerful that he was naturally qualified to guide the world.

"Don't you know that trouble comes from your mouth?"

Gao Qun said solemnly.

"So you still know this idiom."

Su Chen laughed dumbly and said.

"court death!"

Gao Qun rushed over, punched out, and powerful real energy came in, filling the sky with green light, which was also mixed with the same green Xiantu energy.

Su Chen was not careless. These people were able to maintain their speed in the first echelon, and their strength should not be underestimated.

At that moment, Su Chen also used all his strength to fight Gao Qun.


The energy boiled, causing a big explosion.

Su Chen took a few steps back and felt the energy and blood in his body boiling. His skin was cracked and blood was oozing out.

What a powerful force.

Su Chen immediately had an intuitive understanding of Gao Qun's strength. The opponent was at the third level of the Guiyi Realm, and he was also a genius who had the ability to challenge slightly beyond the level. He could be called a one-star genius at the Guiyi Realm.

Although he is mean-mouthed, he is really strong.


Gao Qun took advantage of the victory and pursued him, waving his fists and blasting towards Su Chen with endless energy, "A scum like you is worthy of accusing me? Die, die!"

Su Chen snorted, and the real dragon rushed out with great pressure. Gao Qun suddenly said "oh" and showed a pained expression, and his attack also stalled.

But Gao Qunbi

He actually has the advantage of two small realms, and as a one-star genius, the real dragon's pressure has no obvious effect on him. The next moment, he continued to attack.

"Damn you, you dare to sting me with your soul attack. I will chop you into pieces!"

This only stimulated Gao Qun, making him even crazier.

Su Chen naturally didn't care, and fired another True Dragon pressure, then launched the Four Gods Fist to fight with Gao Qun.


Under the impact of the real dragon's pressure, Gao Qun's strength was naturally affected. Coupled with the attacks of the Four Divine Fists and the Nine Levels of True Yuan, Su Chen's combat power was no weaker than Gao Qun's. .??.


Gao Qun roared, but there was nothing he could do. No matter how he resisted, he could not be immune to the impact of the real dragon's pressure.

It is obvious that his own strength has an absolute advantage.

"Bear-cutting knife!"

Gao Qun used a special move, and a long knife appeared in his hand, slashing towards Su Chen with a terrifying brilliance.

The speed was so fast that even Su Chen couldn't escape!

"Fortunately, I haven't taken off the extra armor I wore before."

Su Chen looked down and saw that the dozens of layers of armor on his left arm had been cut open by the light of the sword. Even the skin had been cut open, and blood was seeping out.

Fortunately, it was only a very thin wound, otherwise the blood would not seep out, but gush out.

Gao Qun Jianzhuang was also stunned. In his expectation, this chop should be enough to cut off Su Chen's arm, but now it only broke some skin and caused some blood.

Is there such a pervert? Wearing so many armors on your body?

You must know that the main purpose of the armor is not to defend, but to use the energy of the armor to increase combat power. Because the defense of the armor has obvious weaknesses, it can only

It cannot prevent cutting-type attacks and other attacks, and wearing it too much will affect your flexibility.

Some armors come with built-in shields, but the shields cannot be stacked, so wearing several armors will have the same effect.

However, the armor was still very effective in preventing cutting attacks. Just now, more than a dozen layers of armor had worked, almost completely blocking his sword.

This is really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

"You can block my attack once, but can you block ten or a hundred attacks?"

Gao Qun sneered. As long as he slashed a few more times, even if the opponent wore more than a dozen pieces of armor, he would still be destroyed.

Su Chen said calmly: "How many times can you use this move?"

Gao Qun was stunned. His move was powerful, but the load was also heavy. He really couldn't use it many times.

"It's no problem to deal with you."

Gao Qun snorted.

"Then you try."

Su Chen was naturally not afraid. He stretched out his right hand in front of him, and a flame rose from the palm of his hand.

This is the source of pure fire, but it is not the source of pure fire taken from the Flame Valley. It is the source of pure fire that Su Chen comprehended through the flame symbol and then cultivated by himself.

Gao Qun couldn't help laughing when he saw it. This little flame wanted to fight against him?

But Gao Qun soon stopped laughing.

This little flame is not simple.

Gao Qun is crazy, but as a one-star genius in the Return to One Realm, how could he be a fool? Not only is he not stupid, he is also extremely smart.

The energy of the Immortal Map has different grades, and this flame gave him the feeling that it was the strongest flame in the world, which could even burn to death those in the Extinction Realm.

Of course, he didn't know whether he could burn to death those in the Extinction Realm, but the flame was too strong, which made him feel that way.

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