Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4368: Rely on your own ability

"Go quickly!"

Princess Yunxue sent a message to Su Chen, why is this guy still there?

"It doesn't matter, let me deal with such a scum."

Su Chen chuckled and said.

"Dare you say I'm a scum?"

Yang Xian roared angrily, "No matter who you are, I want you to be splashed with blood for five steps today!" .??.

Su Chen smiled, flicked his fingers at Yang Xian, and with a hiss, a finger force shot out.

The finger force was so fast that Yang Xian couldn't dodge it. With a pop, the finger force hit his chest, and a terrible force hit him, causing his whole body to fly backwards.

With a bang, Yang Xian fell heavily to the ground, his face full of confusion.

Why can't I block this kid's ordinary finger?

How can it be?

Yang Xian looked down and saw a dent on his armor, which was slowly recovering.

Yang Xian was shocked. Su Chen's finger actually made the armor dent. You must know that he could see clearly just now that Su Chen's finger was ordinary, nothing fancy at all, it was purely real energy. The intensity is terrifying.

How powerful is this? If he hadn't been protected by this armor, wouldn't he have been penetrated by a single blow?

What kind of terrifying monster is this?

When he broke through to the Guiyi Realm, this guy was still in the Nirvana Realm, and he hadn't even reached the high level of the Nirvana Realm. How come there is such a terrifying fighting power now?

Yang Xian got up, only to feel a strange pain in his chest. Even though the armor had neutralized most of the power of Su Chen's finger, some of it still acted on him, as if several bones were broken.

This difference in strength is really as big as heaven or earth.

Without any further hesitation, Yang Xian immediately turned around and ran away.


During this run, Yang Xian stumbled and almost fell down, and the bones in his chest hurt when he moved.

But in order to survive, Yang Xian endured it and continued to run.


Princess Yunxue was also in a daze. She knew that Su Chen was evil, but she definitely didn't think that Su Chen would have such terrifying fighting power after entering the Guiyi Realm. After all, after the Guiyi Realm, the gap between geniuses has narrowed a lot, and the realm of cultivation is the king.

However, Su Chen overturned her understanding.

That's right, so Yun Xue didn't react until Yang Xian ran far away.

This person must not be allowed to run away, otherwise if he invites a high-level powerful person from the Guiyi Realm to come, it will not be a joke.

"Zhang Chao, hurry up and chase!"

Princess Yunxue shouted while chasing Yang Xian herself.

"Not urgent."

Su Chen smiled and walked leisurely, neither hurry nor slow.

Princess Yunxue couldn't help but was speechless. It's now, how can you pretend to be graceful? It's only right to solve the trouble as soon as possible.

Yang Xian, who was escaping, also saw it and couldn't help but sneered. As long as he could escape this time, he would immediately find a way to return to his family, and then ask experts to kill Su Chen.

It's enough to kill someone who is at the elementary level of the Guiyi Realm, and the middle level of the Guiyi Realm is enough. There is no need to alarm the old man at all.


But before Yang Xian could finish his thought, he felt his body shake, and then he flew up and hit a big tree heavily.

Yang Xian fell down and his whole body seemed to fall apart, without any strength at all.

How is this going?

Yang Xian was shocked to find that Su Chen was standing next to him!

Impossible. When did the other party catch up?

At this time, Princess Yunxue had just arrived, with shock on her face, because she had seen clearly just now that Su Chen had caught up with Yang Xian at an indescribable speed.

Then he knocked the opponent away.

This terrifying speed, this terrifying power!

Su Chen smiled and looked at Princess Yunxue: "I told you not to worry, right?"

Yes, yes, you are awesome, of course everything you said is right.

Princess Yunxue was speechless anyway, only deeply shocked.

Su Chen ransacked Yang Xian up and down again, but this guy was really poor now. Apart from the armor on his body, he had nothing.

Yang Xian was so sad and angry that he was robbed a second time by the same person.

Su Chen comforted: "Don't worry, there won't be a third time."

Yang Xian gritted his teeth and said secretly in his heart, yes, of course there won't be a third time, because he will invite experts to kill the opponent at all costs for revenge.

"Because you're going to die soon."

Su Chen said seriously.


Who wants to die?

Yang Xian was stunned. The word death seemed to be thousands of miles away from him.

Because he is still young, there is still a long time before the end of his lifespan, and he is a descendant of a high-level Guiyi Realm, so naturally no one dares to touch him.

But now, seeing Su Chen's murderous look, he knew that Su Chen was definitely not trying to scare him.

"don't want--"

Yang Xian opened his mouth and shouted, but before he finished his sentence, Su Chen had already slapped out a palm, and the annihilation energy boiled, turning him into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Su Chen dealt with Yang Xian and greeted Princess Yunxue.


Now that there were no outsiders, Princess Yunxue became calm and said, "You can go first."

"You dislike me so much?"

Su Chen asked with a smile.

"My strength is too weak here, I just

It will hurt you. "

Princess Yunxue said.

"It doesn't matter."

Su Chen naturally wouldn't care about this.

"I want to stand where I should stand based on my own strength."

Princess Yunxue shook her head.

"Okay, I'll leave first."

Su Chen respected Princess Yunxue's thoughts, nodded, stood up and left quickly.

Princess Yunxue looked at the retreating figure and let out a breath. In fact... she was not as arrogant as she showed just now.

The reason why I didn't go with Su Chen was because I didn't want to be a burden to him.

Su Chen naturally didn't know the other party's psychological activities. He really thought that Princess Yunxue was arrogant, so she refused to go with him.

"Really, we are all colleagues, there is nothing wrong with helping each other."

Su Chen followed the mountain road and soon reached the top of the mountain.

But the formation here has dimmed, and it is obvious that the ice spirit stone here has been taken away.

Su Chen didn't stop and continued moving forward.

He remembered that the person in charge of the Liuhua Dao Sect had said before that there was a treasure tree here and the fruit was just ripe.


Su Chen quickened his pace because he had been studying formations and catching fish in the lake, so his first place position was no longer guaranteed.

Next, the mountains were climbed one by one, but the formations on the mountains had stopped, and the ice spirit stones were taken away.

After walking for another half day, Su Chen arrived at a new mountain peak.

Finally, the formation here is still functioning, and many people are trying to break in.

Su Chen glanced around and found a familiar figure here.

It's Duan Yao!

Before Su Chen made a move, the Ice Spirit Stone already belonged to him and was grabbed by a young man in blue shirt.

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