Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4370 Fierce Battle

"Hand over the immortal map corresponding to this energy!"

Gao Qun shouted to Su Chen, "I can spare your life."

"You really think beautifully."

Su Chen smiled lightly and said.

"Don't do it? Then don't blame me for being rude."

Gao Qun came over to kill him. He wanted to capture Su Chen and force him to reveal the immortal map.

The grade of this Immortal Picture must be astonishingly high. If he gets it, his combat power will skyrocket. It is not hopeless to become a two-star genius in the future.

Su Chen raised his fist to meet him, boom boom boom, and the two started a fierce battle.

Without the bear-slaying knife, Gao Qun was not stronger than Su Chen, and now Su Chen also used the source of pure fire. Although there was only a little flame, Gao Qun didn't dare to touch it at all.

As a result, Gao Qun was naturally at a disadvantage.

"Hmph, don't think I can't deal with you."

Gao Qun activated another Wuji, slapping his palms quickly, and runes continued to emerge from his palms, making the world eclipse.

Gao Qun also used Xiantu energy. Although it was not as good as the source of pure fire, it could still improve his combat power.

The two fought fiercely, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

"Bear-cutting knife!"

Gao Qun suddenly launched this big move again.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Su Chen snorted coldly and activated his ultimate move, Zhenyuan Three Moves.

In an instant, Su Chen seemed to have become the center of the world. Endless energy rolled in and gathered in his body, turning him into a carrier.


The power of heaven and earth shot out and surged towards Gao Qun, and what was even more terrifying was that on top of this terrifying energy, there was also a source of pure fire.

This is because Su Chen's mastery of Zhenyuan's three movements is limited by his cultivation level, otherwise the power would be even more terrifying.

The energy from both sides collided, forming a giant mushroom cloud that rose into the sky.

Gao Qun was shocked, here

With the first blow, he didn't actually gain the upper hand. Instead, his hands were burned by the opponent's source of pure fire. Fortunately, he only injured a little flesh.

At this time, Su Chen came to kill again, and the second of Zhenyuan's three moves had already been blasted out.

Gao Qun gritted his teeth and slashed out with his bear-killing knife again.


The astonishing energy exploded again, causing the entire mountaintop to rumble with loud noises. An unlucky guy walked up to the top of the mountain just at this time, and was caught in the aftermath and was immediately knocked away.

Su Chen worked hard and launched the third of Zhenyuan's three moves.

Gao Qun was shocked. He couldn't activate the bear-cutting knife continuously. He used it twice in a row, which made his body boil. A mouthful of blood got stuck in his throat and was about to spurt out.

But facing Su Chen's attack, did he have a chance to dodge?

No, he seemed to be imprisoned by heaven and earth, with nowhere to escape.

Then we can only fight hard!

Gao Qun once again activated the bear-cutting knife and faced Su Chen.

With a bang, the two great moves collided again.

At this time, the man who had been knocked away just climbed up. He was full of anger and wanted to ask for an explanation. He had provoked whom, but he was knocked away as soon as he climbed up.

But as soon as he climbed up, before he could say anything, the unfortunate guy was knocked away again.


Gao Qun also spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the boiling energy in his body could no longer be suppressed.

He didn't want to be so passive anymore, so he quickly sacrificed his magic weapon.

That oil lamp was a very high-grade divine weapon, especially the lamp oil in it, which was refined by a high-level power in the Guiyi Realm. It spewed out flames with infinite power.

Using this to kill a first-level Guiyi Realm is really overkill, but other than that,

Is there anything that can match the terrifying tricks of my opponent?

Gao Qun naturally didn't know that Su Chen's three Zhenyuan moves could not be activated continuously.

"You can be proud of being able to force me to use the soul-inducing lamp."

Gao Qun said proudly, and with a movement of his hand, the oil lamp immediately lit up, and the surroundings were filled with ghostly shadows and a terrifying aura.

For a moment, it seemed as if countless cold hands were pressing on Su Chen's body, trying to drain the life out of his body and turn him into a mummy.


Su Chen shouted loudly, the Buddhist Mingwang Mantra is specially designed to defeat evil objects and suppress inner demons.

Suddenly, there were shrill ghost screams all around, as if the ghosts were hurt and wailing loudly.

"Are you a Buddhist?" ??

Gao Qun showed a look of fear. He practiced Yinxie techniques, and what he feared the most was Buddhism.

"Can't you see my hair?"

Su Chen touched the top of his head and laughed.

Buddhism is not divided by blood. Anyone can become a Buddhist as long as they are willing to take refuge. However, the first step to join Buddhism is to shave your hair, which means letting go of everything in the past.

Gao Qun stared at Su Chen's hair, as if to judge whether the other person's hair was fake.

"It's real hair."

Su Chen activated the real dragon's pressure and rushed towards Gao Qun.

Gao Qun felt a pain in his soul and almost screamed.

"I will make you die horribly!"

Gao Qun gritted his teeth and blew lightly on the oil lamp. Suddenly, the flame that was originally only as big as a soybean suddenly burst into flames, and a green flame burned towards Su Chen.


Su Chen could clearly see that among the green flames, skulls were popping up one after another, with their mouths wide open, as if they were going to devour him alive.


The sound of Buddhist Zen sounds deters evil spirits.

The skull was indeed affected, but this oil lamp was an imitation of a treasure. Although the grade was not very high, the lamp oil inside was hand-refined by a high-level Guiyi Realm person, so it was naturally extraordinary.

If Su Chen is at a high level in the Guiyi Realm, then if he drinks the six-character Mingwang Curse, even just the first word "Om" will be enough to suppress evil. But the problem is that now he is only at the first level of the Yi Realm.

If the first level of Guiyi Realm can destroy the high-level means of Guiyi Realm, it would be unreasonable.

"Hahaha, you ignorant people!"

Gao Qun Aoran, now the will-o'-the-wisps have surrounded Su Chen. The opponent has no way to go to heaven and no way to the earth. He can only wait for death.

“Don’t you know, this lamp oil is refined from the high-level Guiyi Realm, and the raw materials used are also the middle-level corpse oil from the Guiyi Realm!”

Gao Qun laughed loudly.

"Using corpses to refine weapons is an evil heretic."

Su Chen scoffed.

"Everyone is dead, so it's okay to reuse the waste, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste?"

Gao Qun chuckled, "Don't worry, even though you are only at the first level of the Guiyi Realm, I will not waste it. I will personally refine your corpse into corpse oil."

"Then just wait slowly."

Su Chen raised his hand and fired the soul power flying knife.

Gao Qun was so proud, thinking that Su Chen was already a turtle in the urn, but he didn't expect that Su Chen had this trick?

In a flash of lightning, the soul power flying knife had already reached Gao Qun.

Gao Qun was shocked, but he didn't pay much attention to it. It was just a hidden weapon anyway, so what could he do to him?

But the next moment, Gao Qun realized something was wrong. This soul power flying knife was crushing like a mountain, and it was not something that his soul sea could stop.

Is this kid's soul power so powerful?

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