Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4340: The Inner Demon Attacks

But this force was endless and did not dissipate. Instead, it fought against Su Chen and slowly increased its strength to push him back.

Gradually, Su Chen began to retreat half an inch.

Su Chen couldn't help but frown. His soul was only so strong and could not burst out again.

If he could use the power of the true essence... Wait, why did he think that the power of the true essence could not be used?

Why not try it?

Su Chen roared and madly operated his power.


A magical scene appeared, and Su Chen burst out with a stronger force.

Obviously, the power of the true essence can be used!

Su Chen immediately moved forward strongly and broke through the half-foot distance, which can be said to be a good breakthrough.

However, the more he pushed away, the stronger the repulsive force became, and soon pushed Su Chen back again.

"In this case..."

Su Chen unfolded the Four God Fists, urging the annihilation energy, and at the same time superimposed the nine layers of true essence.

After entering the high level of the Nirvana Realm, the power of Su Chen's Four God Fists naturally reached a new level.

With a loud bang, the stone door finally opened.

Su Chen strode through, but he immediately found that although the stone door was open, there was still an invisible membrane blocking him. Although this membrane was not as strong as the stone door, it was elastic and squeezed him in all directions, and he still couldn't pass through.

"Come again!"

Bang bang bang, Su Chen swung his fists continuously, and with the annihilation energy and the Four God Fists, he was extremely domineering and forcibly opened up a way.

He rushed into the stone door for half a foot, but the invisible membrane was still there, still blocking him.

Su Chen could now see clearly that there was a layer of light curtain on the stone door, which had strong elasticity and elasticity. Now he was pushed out half a foot, and the compression force reached the extreme, and he was going to bounce him back.

If you want to pass through the stone door, you must break this light curtain.

Su Chen swung his fists more urgently, and the annihilation energy blasted out crazily and hit the light curtain.

This light curtain is really terrifying. The annihilation energy is so powerful, but it has repeatedly failed to succeed.

Su Chen didn't care at all. There was only one thought left in his mind, which was to punch.

If one punch didn't work, then two punches. If two punches didn't work, then ten punches, a hundred punches, a thousand punches...

"Crack, crack, crack!"

White lines appeared on the light curtain, as dense as a spider web.

It was about to break!

But, the more it was like this, the greater the resistance of the light curtain, and there was even a tendency to push Su Chen back.

Although it was only pushed back a little, several white lines disappeared immediately. Obviously, the light curtain was repaired.

Su Chen punched faster, far beyond his limit.

After all, this was just a soul, not restricted by the flesh.

"Crack, crack..."

More and more white lines appeared, and finally broke with a bang.

Su Chen stumbled and rushed through the stone gate.

It worked?

Before Su Chen came back to his senses, a huge force began to drag him down.

At this time, Su Chen suddenly saw another figure appearing at the place where he was before.

The other party also found Su Chen and looked at him, but the dragging force was too strong and Su Chen's speed was too fast, so neither of them saw each other.

Su Chen's heart trembled. In addition to himself, there were other people who could come to the fourth Taoist gate.

Before he finished thinking, Su Chen's soul seemed to be weightless and fell rapidly.

In the forest, Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

Two rays of light shot out of his eyes, and the surrounding trees immediately collapsed.

This was not because Su Chen had cultivated any new means. It was purely because after entering the Return to One Realm, both his soul power and true essence had greatly improved, and he could not adapt to the current power. He broke the trees with a glance.

He jumped over the Taoist gate, but had not yet forged the Taoist foundation. The current Su Chen could be said to be in the Quasi-Return to One Realm. The next step was to forge the Taoist foundation.

Su Chen was puzzled in his heart. Why was there a broken Taoist gate? Was it because he had cultivated to perfection in the Nirvana Realm?

But there was another person who appeared there. Could it be that someone else had also cultivated to perfection in the Nirvana Realm?

Su Chen shook his head and was too lazy to care about these things. If he had the chance to meet this person again in the future, he would definitely recognize him.

Su Chen began to build the foundation of the Tao. He did not use the Tongtian Stone. Since he already knew that the Tongtian Stone was made by a strong man with his own life essence, if Su Chen wanted to walk his own path, he would not use other people's things to build the foundation of the Tao. This was equivalent to following other people's old ways.

Moreover, Su Chen had soaked in the sea of ​​true blood before, and the benefits he got were far greater than any Tongtian Stone. Naturally, he no longer needed the Tongtian Stone.

Su Chen's mind was filled with invincible beliefs and a fighting spirit that never gave up. He used this as the cornerstone, and then used soul power and true essence to nourish and grow continuously.

Su Chen thought of the stone door, and his heart moved. He intended to build his foundation of the Tao into that shape, and even the material was the same, with the rough texture of the stone, and even the breath of the ancient wilderness.


At this moment, thunder suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, dark clouds rolled and gathered above the mountains and forests, with flashes of light interweaving, as if they could fall at any time.

Su Chen was also surprised. He imitated the stone Taoist gate to build the foundation of Taoism, but it actually made the heaven and earth angry?

What is the origin of this stone Taoist gate that makes the heaven and earth regard it as a taboo?

But the more this is the case, the more Su Chen is determined to do it.

If I could build such a foundation, I would be extremely powerful.

So what if the heavens are angry? If you have the ability, strike down the lightning.


The lightning really struck down, just a few feet away from Su Chen.

A big tree was suddenly split and smashed in the direction of Su Chen.

Su Chen waved his hand casually, and the broken tree was slapped away by him.

Then, Su Chen continued to build the foundation, and the thunder became more frequent, and more lightning fell, but none of them struck him.

The heaven and the earth have rules. The thunder tribulation from the sky will only kill the most evil, the most evil, and Su Chen has nothing to do with any of them.

But a moment later, a purple lightning suddenly struck down and sank directly into Su Chen's soul sea.

The purple lightning turned into a human form, full of majesty, and shouted: "How dare you go against the heaven and the earth, and have no fear, let me represent the heaven and the earth to kill you!"

As he said, the purple human figure came, extremely fast.

Su Chen knew in his heart that this was the inner demon, coming with great force, trying to break his soul sea and cut off his soul.


Su Chen opened his mouth, and the Buddhist sound was mighty.


The purple figure suddenly cracked, but only one.


Su Chen shouted again, like the sound of a bell, which was thought-provoking.


The purple figure had another crack.

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