Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4341 Return to Oneness

Su Chen rushed forward and started a fierce battle with the purple humanoid.

There are two ways to kill the Heart-Destroying Demon, one using soul power and the other using true energy. Su Chen adopted the former.

The inner demons are very powerful. These are not the regular inner demons brought down by building the Taoist foundation, but because the Taoist foundation Su Chen wants to build is extraordinary, powerful inner demons appear to stop Su Chen's "rebelliousness".

But Su Chen has mastered the Mingwang Curse, which can kill evil. Even if he only masters one word, it is still very effective.

There were two more cracks in the inner demon, and his combat power naturally dropped sharply, and he was completely suppressed and beaten by Su Chen.




Su Chen shouted loudly, and with each loud shout, there was an additional crack in the inner demon. The cracks became more and more numerous, and finally shattered.

Su Chen was also satisfied. The Buddhist method was really good at defeating inner demons. Just one word Om was already so effective. How powerful would it be if the Six-Word Ming King Mantra was complete?

Su Chen continued to build the foundation, and soon, there was another clang, and another purple lightning struck down, transformed into a human form, and launched a bombardment.

Su Chen shook his head and kept drinking the Om formula. The inner demons could not pose a threat to him at all.

Su Chen was doing two things. This time he only suppressed his inner demons without destroying them. On the other hand, he speeded up the process of building the Dao foundation. He knew that as long as he didn't interrupt or complete it, there would be no end to this inner demon.

Fighting after fighting, Su Chen was calm and confident.

One day later, the foundation was cast!

The foundation of the first level of the Returning Realm is only the size of a fist, but it gives people a sense of grandeur and grandeur out of thin air. It also exudes a sense of ancient times, as if it was the foundation stone when the world first opened and could hold up the world. .

In the sky, the dark clouds dispersed, and the heaven and earth could no longer stop Su Chen.

But the dark clouds had not dispersed completely, and in the next moment, another dark cloud gathered.

The disaster has come again.

This time, the inner demon's strength was much weaker in comparison. Su Chen only drank the Om formula a dozen times, and the inner demon was completely resolved.

The meridians and apertures all over Su Chen's body opened, and the power of heaven and earth rolled in, causing Su Chen's True Yuan Sea to be greatly improved.

Su Chen activated the Chaos Immortal Record and absorbed it with all his strength, absorbing all the incoming energy.

Unfortunately, it only lasted for half a day, and the world returned to peace again.

"What level of strength have I reached now?"

Su Chen was also looking forward to it.

Nearly a month passed, and Su Chen finally mastered all the methods he currently had.

His combat prowess has undergone earth-shaking changes. The first is soul power. His soul power has finally reached the level of a ninth-grade alchemist, and he can refine the elixirs of the Guiyi Realm.

Secondly, Su Chen's true essence is already strong enough and can withstand the consumption of Guiyi Realm martial arts.

Of course, except for the third Zhenyuan style, Su Chen can still only operate one of the three Zhenyuan styles. Of course, the power of the third Zhenyuan style is also terrifying.

There are many other martial arts and methods. Overall, Su Chen's improvement is too great.

"I really want to have a fight with Duan Yao."

Su Chen murmured to himself,

After getting up and returning to the imperial capital, Su Chen returned to the Privy Council.

In the Privy Council, Huo Xiu was handling affairs, so Su Chen asked him what was new in the Privy Council recently.

"Not really. It's just that there are some rumors saying that you are not qualified to participate in the Liuhuaguo Club. You are not worthy of your name and cannot live up to the title of the two prides of the imperial capital."

Huo Xiu said.

Su Chen smiled lightly, he didn't care about this false reputation at all.

Soon, Su Chen summoned everyone from the Privy Council to arrange for him to go to Liuhua Dao Sect to follow the path.

This trip to Liuhua Dao Sect will take at least a few months, and it’s hard to say how long it will take. Therefore, things must be arranged properly, because Princess Yunxue is also leaving this time and will not take over the affairs for him like before.

Thinking of this, Su Chen felt that Princess Yunxue was quite useful.

"Are you leaving again?"

Huo Xiu was surprised that Su Chen, the head of the Privy Council, was so incompetent. Su Chen had been away for more than 80 to 90% of the time the Privy Council had only been established.

Su Chen nodded: "From now on, you will be responsible for the affairs of the Privy Council."

"Me? Can I cover it?"

Huo Xiu obviously had little confidence in himself.

"It doesn't matter. Now that the ownership of the major forces has been decided, the Privy Council has nothing to do. Moreover, before I leave, I will do one more thing. After I finish it, I will ensure that no one dares to mess with the Privy Council."

Su Chen smiled.

"What do you want to do?"

Huo Xiu had a bad feeling.

"Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. I'll beat up the second and third princes later."

Su Chen laughed and said.

"Don't mess around!"

Huo Xiu panicked, this guy was going to cause big trouble.

"Tch, he's just a high-level descendant of the Guiyi Realm. It won't hurt him if he's beaten."

The little girl was eating candy on the side with a nonchalant expression.

Huo Xiu was also speechless. If being at the high level of Guiyi Realm doesn't mean anything, then what does it mean?

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Su Chen said.

But how could Huo Xiu be relieved? He just knew that he couldn't persuade Su Chen, so he was too lazy to waste his words.

Early the next morning, Su Chen left the Privy Council and went straight to the second prince's residence.

Along the way, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

After a while, Su Chen arrived at the gate of the second prince's residence.

As a prince, he naturally lives in a mansion, which covers a large area and is magnificent. There are eight fierce men guarding the door.


Before Su Chen approached, a man showed his magic weapon and shouted at Su Chen.

Su Chen flicked his fingers, and with a swoosh, a force of finger was sent out, and the man was immediately blown away and hit the door, knocking it open.

"How dare you!"

The remaining seven men drew their swords and surrounded Su Chen and his party.

"How dare you go wild in the second prince's territory? I think you are tired of living."

"Boy, who are you? Tell me your name! "

The seven people shouted, and some of them activated the signal flare to summon helpers.

After all, the opponent could send one of them flying with just one finger, which meant that the opponent's strength had reached the point where even the seven of them joined forces would not be defeated.

Su Chen smiled and shook his head. The opponent didn't even know him, so he could only be described as ignorant.

While Su Chen's thoughts were turning, the seven big men seemed to be seized by an invisible big hand, and they didn't know how Su Chen reached out and grabbed one of them and lifted him up.

Su Chen strode towards the island, his true energy surged, and all the big men, including the one in his hand, were thrown out by him at once, and all of them fainted.

Su Chen didn't bother to care. He came here to beat the second prince this time, and he didn't care about the others at all.

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