Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4339: The Dao Gate in the Starry Sky

Su Chen let go of his mind, leaving only a blank, and then began to promote the improvement of his cultivation realm.

Although he had not felt the loosening of the bottleneck of his cultivation, Su Chen was not in a hurry, but just accumulated insights and prepared for the upcoming explosion.

However, to his surprise, that moment did not come.

Two days, three days, four days, Su Chen kept his mind and maintained calm. The state of mind is very important. Once it is destroyed, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Five days, six days, seven days, with a bang, Su Chen's body suddenly underwent drastic changes.

The life force was rioting, and every cell was trembling, as if it was about to explode.

Here it comes, here it comes!

Su Chen only felt his body shake, and his soul seemed to have left his body and flew into the starry sky, instantly crossing an infinite distance.

Where is this?

Su Chen stopped, and saw that it was pitch black all around, and there was a huge bronze door in front of him.

Is this... the Taoist gate?

Su Chen felt magical. He should be in a state of soul leaving his body now. Could there really be such a place in the starry sky with a Taoist gate?

Su Chen did not rush to jump over the Taoist gate, but walked closer, wanting to observe the gate carefully to see what it was called.

However, a repulsive force immediately pushed him out. This force was too strong and Su Chen could not resist it at all, making it impossible for him to approach.

Su Chen concentrated on watching, but no matter how he observed, he could not see the pattern on the door clearly, as if there was an invisible force blurring his vision.

Su Chen tried to activate the Eye of Heaven, but he was just a ball of spiritual energy now and could not activate it at all.

After watching for a long time, Su Chen had no choice but to give up and decided to jump over the Taoist gate directly.

Su Chen was just a ball of spiritual energy now, but he thought about jumping hard in his heart, and he really jumped out, and it was higher than usual. The Taoist gate of a hundred feet high was passed over by him effortlessly.

Is this enough? Is the jump over the Taoist gate completed?

Su Chen was still thinking, and he felt that the force came again, this time it continued to drag him to fly in the dark starry sky. After an unknown amount of time, another door appeared in front of him.

Could it be that after so long, he actually returned to the starting point?

Su Chen looked carefully and found that it was not the case. The door in front was higher and silver.

"First it was bronze, then silver, could there be gold behind?"

Su Chen thought of what Princess Yun Xue said, she crossed two gates, but she didn't say it in detail at the time.

Su Chen also wanted to observe the silver door carefully, but there was also a force that stopped him and couldn't do it.

Su Chen gave up and jumped, and the silver door was also crossed by him.

However, after jumping over the second door, Su Chen's soul still did not return, and once again traveled in the starry sky under the influence of a powerful force.

Soon, the third door appeared in front of him, which was a golden door.

When he saw the golden door, Su Chen was no longer so surprised.

Su Chen had a reasonable guess. The higher the talent, the more gates he had to cross. If he could successfully cross them, the stronger his strength would be in the Return to One Realm.

However, Su Chen still tried to see if he could get close to the golden gate. Only when he found that he couldn't, he would cross it. Anyway, it wouldn't waste much time.

The height of the golden gate was unknown, but Su Chen jumped over it.

He thought it was almost there, but this time, his soul still didn't return.

What Su Chen didn't know was that every time he jumped over a gate, the world would add a force to his body, making his soul much stronger.

After jumping over three gates, his soul power had become more than ten times stronger.

The trees in the entire forest were shaking their leaves, rustling, and the leaves collided, making a wonderful sound.

Su Chen was completely unaware that his soul was once again grabbed by that force and flew in the endless starry sky.

Su Chen couldn't help but complain. First it was the bronze gate, then the silver gate, and then the golden gate. What gate was next? The gem gate? The diamond gate?

While he was complaining, his soul had already stopped.

There was indeed another door in front of him, but it didn't feel high-end at all. It was just a stone door. The upper half had been corroded and weathered. It was only about two feet high and looked like a wall of ruins standing there.

Su Chen was curious and walked over. He thought he would be immediately rejected like the previous times, but he didn't feel any force pushing him until he got close.

Since there was no obstacle, Su Chen put his hand on the stone door. Suddenly, a breath of ancient and wild air came to his face, making Su Chen know that this stone door should be extremely ancient.

However, why is it broken?

Since it can become the fourth Taoist gate, shouldn't it be an immortal existence?

Su Chen fumbled on the stone door for a while, but there was no pattern on the stone door at all, only simplicity and vicissitudes, and he couldn't see anything.

He gave up, jumped lightly, and jumped over the stone door without any difficulty.

However, there was no change either.

There was no power to catch him, but there was no power to send him back. Everything was quiet, and Su Chen couldn't help but feel awkward.

What was this like now? Neither advancing nor retreating.

"No, this fourth gate is too easy to jump over. When I jumped over the third gate before, I had to use all my strength to barely jump over it."

"Wait, the upper part of the stone door has been damaged, so I just think it is two feet high. In fact, I don't know how high the stone door was before it was damaged?"

"Because I didn't jump over the original height of the stone door, it doesn't count as me jumping over the stone door?"

Su Chen felt very wronged, because it was none of his business, and it was not his responsibility that the stone door was damaged, so why should he bear the consequences?

But there was no place to complain about this injustice, so Su Chen could only think of another way.

Su Chen paced and walked, and after a few steps, he walked towards the stone door and pushed it through.

Originally, this was just a subconscious action, but when he made the move to push the door, a force really blocked it. He only felt that the stone door was extremely heavy, and he only pushed it open a little bit.

"There's a chance!"

Su Chen pushed hard, one inch, two inches, three inches...

But he didn't even push half a foot, and the force increased again. With a "bang", Su Chen's hands were shaken back, and the stone door pressed again.

Although he failed to push the door, Su Chen was not discouraged. Instead, he was excited because he found a direction to work hard.

He regained his spirit and pushed the door again.

Just like before, he pushed it less than half a foot before the force surged and pushed Su Chen back.

Su Chen used all his strength to push his true energy and managed to hold on.

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