Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4329: Refining the Holy Martial Heaven-Opening Pill

Pei Bing couldn't help but gasp, you really dare to say that.

Although it is said that a warrior who does not want to become a Martial Emperor is not a good warrior, but people need to be self-aware, and even he never thought that he could go that far.

After all, in the entire Cangtian Territory, the strongest pinnacle of power is the realm of annihilation, and Pei Bing is not so arrogant as to think that his talent is stronger than theirs.

However, Su Chen actually confidently said that he would become Emperor Wu. Isn't this a big joke?

No matter how evil you are, your chances of becoming an emperor are only one in ten million, or even lower.


Pei Bing sneered.

"Whether it's a joke or not, you will know in the future, but you won't see this day."

Su Chen charged out again, throwing out a punch that was ordinary, but seemed to be able to destroy the world.

Pei Bing responded, but every time he received a blow, he vomited blood and was no match for Su Chen.

Only when he used blue energy could he match Su Chen's normal blow, but the blue energy consumed too much for him, and he was out of breath within a few blows.

Su Chen also lost his patience. He originally thought that Pei Bing could be his whetstone, but now that he has entered the high level of the Nirvana Realm, his once powerful opponent is so vulnerable that it is not enough for him to go all out.

"Then let's end it."

Su Chen let out a long roar, activated the annihilation energy, wrapped it around his fists, and faced Pei Bing's blue energy.


This was a confrontation between two kinds of immortal energy. When the fist and the sword collided, Pei Bing was blown away. The blue energy instantly shattered and the annihilation energy raged.

The same Xiantu energy also has high and low levels.

Swept by the energy of annihilation, Pei Bing

The figure disappeared.

"Disappear so cleanly?"

Su Chen frowned. With Pei Bing's strength, the annihilation energy wouldn't swallow him whole so quickly with one blow.

Su Chen looked up at the sky and found two broken paper talismans falling down. Even the annihilation energy did not destroy them. Instead, it looked more like what they had become after burning themselves.

"Is this... a death talisman? An escape talisman?"

When Su Chen saw these two talismans, he understood that Pei Bing was not only not dead, but also ran away.

The death talisman saved Pei Bing from being killed, while the escape talisman allowed him to leave the area instantly.

The problem is that these two kinds of talismans are not easy to get, and just one of them is worth a lot of money.

It can only be said that there are indeed many benefits to having a strong backend behind it.

Su Chen felt a little regretful. As expected, this should be a fat sheep. If he could win it, he would definitely make a fortune.

"Brother, did you finally defeat that guy?"

The little girl was summoned from the mustard space and asked.


Su Chen smiled and nodded.

"Then we can finally leave this hellish place, right?"

The little girl asked excitedly.

"Yes, let's go."

Su Chen took the little girl to the agreed place. Two days later, the ninth brothers and Du Quan came.

Everyone gathered together and put the essence of the earth together, and found that not only did they fuse an earth-attribute holy martial stone, but there was also a surplus. The excess amount was enough to be worth half of another earth-attribute holy martial stone.

However, everyone is tired of this place and is naturally not interested in collecting anymore.

Du Quan was the only one. He said he had nothing to do anyway and wanted to take the leftovers with him.

The essence of earth under the weapon continues to fight until another piece of earth-attribute Holy Martial Stone is obtained.

Su Chen knew that Du Quan wanted to find something for himself to do, otherwise he would be at a loss if he lost his goal in life.

Su Chen patted Du Quan on the shoulder, said goodbye and left.

After leaving the land of earth-attribute holy martial arts, the little girl summoned the flying boat, and everyone got on it and left through the air, temporarily leaving the Cangtian Territory.

However, Su Chen knew that it wouldn't be long before he would come back here again. When the time comes, there will be a complete settlement with the Zhu family and the Wang family. If he meets Pei Bing, he won't mind stepping on him again.

The flying boat was extremely fast and quickly entered the void and began to shuttle.

After almost two months, they finally returned to the Shuangyue Domain.

A year has passed since we said goodbye.

"Be careful, don't hit anyone again."

Su Chen warned the little girl in advance that this girl was a complete saboteur.

"People know."

The little girl was smiling, but looking at the excitement on her face, she was clearly trying to deal with Su Chen.

Sure enough, soon the little girl aimed directly at a sect and controlled the flying boat to land.


The flying boat hit a mountain peak and disintegrated it. Countless rubble fell, and dust filled the sky, covering an area dozens of miles in radius.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Su Chen grabbed the little girl and ran away, not wanting others to know that they were the culprits.

Fortunately, this sect is not a sect that has surrendered to the Black Moon Dynasty. Let's just regard this incident as a lesson to them.

After another three days, Su Chen finally returned to the imperial capital.

"Hey, we haven't seen each other for a year, she looks even more beautiful."

Return to the Privy Council and meet Yun Xue

Princess, Su Chen couldn't help but smile.

If there is any change in the Privy Council, it is that it is much more deserted, not to mention empty, but it is not much better.

It is also because all the forces that can surrender have already surrendered, so the Privy Council is naturally very relaxed.

Princess Yunxue is indeed more radiant, elegant and agile than before, but it is not because of any change in her appearance, but because she has traveled farther and farther on the road to the realm of unity, and her temperament has naturally become more pure and agile.

Seeing her, everyone's first reaction was that a fairy would descend to earth.

Princess Yunxue was also speechless. The only person who dared to talk to her like this now was Su Chen. The key is that this guy has no evil thoughts at all, he is just teasing her, making her angry and unable to get angry.

"You are back, and now the situation in the imperial capital has changed greatly."

Princess Yunxue said.

"Let me take a breath first. No matter what happens, I have more important things to finish first."

Su Chen waved his hand and said.

The so-called more important thing is naturally refining the Holy Martial Opening Pill.

It is not difficult to refine the Holy Martial Opening Pill, the only difficulty is to collect the raw materials. Now that the raw materials are available, Su Chen will have no problem operating them.

Su Chen constructed an alchemy formation and began to make alchemy.

After half a day, the Holy Martial Opening Pill was completed.

There is only one, the five colors are mixed, but they form a perfect balance.

Su Chen took it immediately without hesitation.

The drug did not take effect at first and everything was normal. However, turbulent changes soon took place, and the shackles broke apart on their own, as if the world had taken action to release his potential.

This process lasted for almost an hour, and I didn’t know how to open it.

After many shackles, it finally ended slowly.

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