Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4328: You're so brave

I have to say that Pei Bing is indeed powerful. If he was still in the Nirvana Realm, he must be one of the best, a three-star genius.

And now that he has been suppressed from the Guiyi Realm, his combat power will only be stronger.

Now Pei Bing's combat power is almost comparable to that of a four-star genius in the Annihilation Realm.

But the problem is that Su Chen has surpassed the four-star genius, and his cultivation has also entered the high level of Nirvana. Moreover, breaking through the limit of the middle level of the Nirvana Realm before was equivalent to another level of his combat power. When these factors are added together, what level will his combat power reach?

Su Chen stepped forward and waved out his iron fist, enveloping the energy of the metal-shaped immortal diagram.


The fist hit the sword, and a huge ball of light suddenly burst out, like a meteor impact, forming a big explosion.

But a figure flew out of the huge energy group faster than the explosion wave.

That's Pei Bing.

This was not the first time that Pei Bing was knocked away by Su Chen. Previously, he had to forcefully resist the three Zhenyuan moves, but he was knocked away as a result.

But it had to be the three Zhenyuan moves. Su Chen could only perform the three moves no matter how hard he tried, and it was impossible to perform them continuously.

But now, Su Chen just gave him a simple punch.

With a bang, Pei Bing fell to the ground, but he got up immediately. He was not injured, but the expression on his face was as if he had seen a ghost.

How could he lose to Su Chen's punch?

That's not Zhenyuan's Three Styles.

"How can it be?"

Pei Bing murmured to himself.

He couldn't figure out why the other party became so powerful all of a sudden. This was completely unreasonable!

Even if the opponent enters the realm of unity, he will be suppressed by the power of heaven and earth and return to the realm of annihilation. The combat power has definitely improved, but it is also limited.

, not very exaggerated.

But Su Chen's current combat power has increased, is it more than five times stronger than before?

What Pei Bing didn't expect was that Su Chen had broken through from the middle level of the Nirvana Realm to the high level of the Nirvana Realm. He would not be suppressed by the power of heaven and earth, and his combat power would naturally increase exponentially.

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

Su Chen sneered and said with a little step, he had already caught up with Pei Bing and punched out again.

Pei Bing clapped his palm to meet the attack, but as soon as his fist made contact, he was knocked away. He was like a child fighting against a strong man, and he was no match at all.

Su Chen pursued again and punched continuously.

"Bang bang bang..."

Pei Bing could only defend passively, constantly retreating and being knocked away.


Pei Bing shouted loudly and slashed with his sword. The blue energy surged, forming a terrifying destructive force. Finally, Su Chen was forced to stop a step and get a chance to breathe.

Pei Bing stood on his sword for support, breathing heavily.

How can it be? How can it be?

Now that he has used his special move, he can only force Su Chen to stop for a moment?

Suddenly, Pei Bing had an idea and exclaimed: "You have indeed made a breakthrough, but it is not a breakthrough to the Guiyi Realm, but a breakthrough to the high level of the Nirvana Realm!"

Now, everything makes sense.

"Have you finally come to your senses?"

Su Chen couldn't help but sneer.

Pei Bing was speechless. Only then did he realize that the other party was not just arrogant, but actually so powerful.

With the cultivation level of the middle level of Nirvana Realm, he could barely fight against himself. Even if Su Chen told him his true cultivation level at that time, he would not believe it.

Is there anyone in the world who is more evil than me, and even more so? Isn't this a joke?

but now,

Su Chen didn't need to say anything, he already believed it.

This is really a peerless monster.

Are you still fighting?

Pei Bing didn't think he had any chance of winning. The opponent could almost compete with him in the middle level of Nirvana Realm. Now that he has entered a new realm, his strength has made a qualitative leap.

As long as he goes out and leaves this place, he is at the third level of the Guiyi Realm. No matter how evil the opponent is, he can suppress him even if he is a ten-star genius.

Thinking of this, Pei Bing immediately determined his intention to retreat.

"Let's go? Are you thinking too beautifully?"

Su Chen shook his head. It would have been fine if the other party had made up his mind to run away from the beginning. It was already too late to leave now.

"I admit that your talent is indeed very strong, but you want to keep me -"

Pei Bing just wanted to say a few words for the occasion, but he couldn't lose his authority.

But before he could finish his sentence, he heard a bang and was knocked out.

Su Chen moved his neck. He was the one who knocked Pei Bing away just now. With his current physical strength, such a collision was completely trivial.

But Pei Bing was miserable. At least two bones were broken and his face was extremely pale.

Pei Bing was furious. He had never been treated like this before. He was interrupted before he finished speaking, and in such a rude way.

At that moment, Pei Bing roared angrily and attacked with his sword.

Su Chen raised his fist and punched.

Under the crushing force of the powerful force, the sword in Pei Bing's hand also fell away. He kept retreating, his right hand was bleeding, and the blow caused his tiger's mouth to crack.

"How can it be so powerful? It's impossible! It's impossible!"

Pei Bing still couldn't figure it out, although he already knew that Su Chen broke through to the high level of Nirvana this time, so

His combat power would skyrocket, but he still couldn't understand how a high-level person in the Nirvana Realm could be so strong.

Is he a four-star genius?

No, now he is comparable to a high-level four-star genius in the Nirvana Realm. Even if he is slightly inferior, there will not be much difference. It is absolutely impossible for a four-star genius to torture himself like this.

"Five-star genius!"

Pei Bing was extremely jealous. Not to mention five-star geniuses, even four-star geniuses only existed in legends and were beyond the reach of his three-star genius. But now he discovered that he had actually met a five-star genius.


Su Chen punched out again. There was no need to use any fancy moves, one punch was enough.

Pei Bing tried his best to resolve it, and even used his special skills, but it was only a mediocre resolution.

His ultimate move can only neutralize other people's random punches?

"who are you?"

Pei Bing gritted his teeth and said, "You are not from Cangtian Territory. There is no one like you in Cangtian Territory!"

"When you wanted to kill me, you didn't care who I was. Now that I'm going to kill you, you don't need to know who I am."

Su Chen smiled slightly and said.

"Hmph, if you weren't here, I could crush you to death with one hand!"

Pei Bing gritted his teeth and said.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Su Chen laughed, "If I say that I am a descendant of Emperor Wu and have countless treasures on my body, and if there is a war outside, I can sacrifice my ancestral inheritance. Even if you are in the Guiyi Realm, I can kill you, do you believe it?"

Isn’t that just bragging? Who doesn’t know that?

Pei Bing was shocked. A descendant of Emperor Wu still carries the inheritance of Emperor Wu. How terrifying is that?

No wonder this guy is so evil!

Seeing Pei Bing's dull expression, Su Chen laughed

He laughed out loud and shook his head: "I'm kidding you. I've reached the pinnacle of martial arts. Wherever I need the blessings of my ancestors, I can do it on my own."

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