Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4330 Palace Banquet

Su Chen did not feel any substantial improvement in his own strength, but he also knew that the so-called opening of shackles and rebirth was to reduce the resistance when he breaks through the realm in the future, rather than to make himself stronger immediately.

Su Chen doesn't have a strong need to become stronger immediately, mainly because the previous chase battle with Pei Bing greatly stimulated his potential and allowed him to enter the high level of Nirvana. He directly skipped the seventh level of the Nirvana Realm and came to the eighth level of the Nirvana Realm.

Su Chen is now invincible across the Nirvana Realm.

After taking the elixir, Su Chen went to meet Princess Yunxue to understand the current situation.

After listening to Princess Yunxue's narration, Su Chen finally understood why Princess Yunxue said that many big things happened.

It turns out that after the little girl and Yang Xian, many visitors from outside the domain came to Shuangyue Territory. Could these people be the descendants of powerful people? Their elders deduced that the Shuangyue Territory was about to revive and there would be a great opportunity, so they sent their descendants to Shuangyue Territory. Come and see if you can get some light.

When it comes to registration, the level of Shuangyue Realm is definitely not high, but as the world has just recovered, there will definitely be many heavenly materials and earthly treasures born, some of which will attract the attention of high-level Guiyi Realm people, so there is a natural need to go there.

It's just that all the treasure lands have been divided up now, and I haven't heard of any shocking treasures of heaven and earth being revealed. Therefore, many visitors from outside the region settled in the Imperial Capital. After all, the Imperial Capital was still very prosperous compared to other places.

"Now, from the eldest prince to the twelfth prince, they have all entered the realm of unity."

Princess Yunxue said, "You must be careful. Although His Majesty has the golden mouth to protect you, they are His Majesty after all."

Even if I really kill you, Your Majesty will not necessarily punish them seriously. "

For Princess Yunxue, she is not afraid of even the innate body of the eldest prince in one-on-one situations. But even if she could match a pair of twelve, she would inevitably be negligent, and there was no guarantee that she would be able to protect Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded. The most important thing for him now was to hit the Guiyi Realm.

After all, no matter how talented he is, it will be difficult for him to cross the big realm and crush the strong ones in the Guiyi Realm.

Next, Su Chen began a low-key life. In addition to practicing, he would also study the use of the Om formula.

The more he studied, the more Su Chen discovered that this Buddhist secret method was indeed profound and profound. Even though he just drank a single word, it could produce all kinds of changes.

Su Chen found that he was far from grasping the true meaning of this word.

On the other side, the little girl was sneaking around all day long and she didn't know what she was planning. Su Chen didn't bother to care about it, he just told her that it was okay to cause damage, but it must be against bad people, such as the Sixth Prince.

A few days later, Princess Yunxue came to see Su Chen again.

"The queen and concubines jointly held a palace banquet and also sent two invitations to the Privy Council."

Princess Yunxue turned over her hands and placed the two invitations on Su Chen's table.

"Are you still in the mood for a banquet at this time?"

Su Chen took the invitation and opened it. There were very few words in it, which was to invite people to a banquet at the Huaqing Hall in the palace tomorrow night.

"The eldest prince and others have broken through to the realm of unity, which is naturally a happy event for the royal family, but His Majesty has never shown up, and others have not had the chance to mention it. Now the twelfth prince also broke through a month ago, and the queen and concubines in the palace We finally couldn't bear it anymore

. "

Princess Yunxue said, "The mother held a celebration banquet for her son. I think even if His Majesty knew about it, he would not be blamed."

"So...are you going or not?"

Princess Yunxue asked finally.

"Go, of course."

Su Chen laughed.

According to Princess Yunxue's opinion, Su Chen had better not show up. After all, he was only from the Nirvana Realm. Even if he was invincible within the Nirvana Realm, how could he fight against those Guiyi Realm people?

But she also knew that she couldn't stop Su Chen from going.

"Then you'd better keep a low profile and don't give the First Prince and others a chance to make trouble."

Princess Yunxue finally said.

"Didn't you protect me?"

Su Chen smiled.

"I'm not your bodyguard!"

After the little girl found out, she also clamored to go to the palace to attend the palace banquet, but Su Chen naturally suppressed her.

This girl is a demon king who only knows how to cause destruction. If you take her there, you don't know what kind of disaster it will cause.

The little girl was naturally unhappy, pouting and sulking.

"Stay at home and be quiet."

Su Chen warned.

On the evening of the next day, Su Chen and Princess Yunxue took a chariot to the palace.

Originally, they could walk there, but they couldn't be too shabby when attending a royal banquet, otherwise they would lose face.

The beast chariot came all the way to the entrance of the palace, and the two got off the car, walked into the palace, and came to Huaqing Hall.

It wasn't time for the banquet yet, but the place was already packed with people.

Obviously, the queen and concubines invited a lot of people this time. As for the Privy Council, there were only two invitations. That was because it was recognized that the relationship between the princes and the Privy Council was not good, so they only gave two invitations.

And all the large and small families in the imperial capital

, all seemed invited. It's just that many people are not qualified to enter the hall, so they can only join in the fun outside the hall.

But for these people, being able to enter the palace is already a blessing. They don't care whether they can enter the Huaqing Palace.

Not only the families from the imperial capital, but also those sects that had joined the Black Moon Dynasty also sent representatives.

After all, it was an invitation from the Queen, and they didn't dare to neglect it. It's not that the queen is so noble, but because her husband, Jiang Xiaonai, is a high-level Guiyi realm, so naturally he has to give face to her no matter what.

Therefore, today can be said to be a day of celebration for all the stars.

Su Chen and Princess Yunxue were very low-key and did not say hello to anyone after arriving at the scene.

But Princess Yunxue was too beautiful. As soon as she appeared on the scene, she immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. All eyes were fixed on her without blinking, with a little fanaticism.

Even now, the newly promoted Guiyi Realm experts are extremely limited, and among them the only young woman is Princess Yunxue. Even if she is ugly, she will get a lot of attention, not to mention she is as beautiful as a fairy.

The two couldn't keep a low profile even if they wanted to. The crowd started talking a lot, and it didn't take long for everyone to know that the two heads of the Privy Council were here.

Su Chen didn't care, he just knew that if he was afraid of trouble, he wouldn't come.

Entering the hall, the two quickly found their positions.

However, the two of them were not in the same position, and Su Chen, the main dean, was much further back than Princess Yunxue, the deputy dean.

Facing this obviously unruly scene, Su Chen was very calm: "You are His Majesty's kisser."

The title of princess, so it is reasonable to put you in the front. "

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