Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 399: Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight

The strength of this group of people was certainly good, but what surprised Su Chen even more was the strength of the red-horned rhinoceros.

Now that the red-horned rhinoceros was closer, Su Chen could also see the strength of this red-horned rhinoceros. Logically speaking, the red-horned rhinoceros is a monster beast in the realm of transformation, but the specific level of the realm of transformation varies depending on the concentration of the red-horned rhino's bloodline and its own age.

But generally speaking, they will not exceed the fifth level of the material transformation realm.

But this red-horned rhinoceros is completely beyond the scope of common sense, and its cultivation has reached the seventh level of the realm of transformation!

Su Chen's mouth couldn't help but twitch. With such strength, these people had no hope of winning.

There is a physical gap between monster beasts and humans. The combat power of monster beasts of the same realm is far greater than that of human warriors. What's more, this red-horned rhinoceros is at the seventh level of the realm of transformation. The most powerful warriors in this group are at the sixth level of the realm of transformation. , it is impossible to beat the red-horned rhinoceros.

Unless there is only one possibility, that is, this group of warriors has some trump card that can fight across realms.

The warrior on the tree had jumped down from the tree and joined the siege. Su Chen was not polite and jumped directly onto the tree, took his original position, and began to sit on the tree and watch the tiger fight.

All the warriors have already used their weapons and begun to besiege the red-horned rhinoceros.

But the red-horned rhinoceros was not to be outdone, and showed its strength at the seventh level of the Transformation Realm. It ran rampantly against a group of people and was extremely tough. With each collision, a warrior was knocked out.

One of the warriors was careless and did not parry, and was even hit in the chest. It was deeply dented and out of shape, and he died on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the other warriors shuddered. They had a clear understanding of the red-horned rhinoceros's collision ability, and became more careful with every move.

However, caution alone cannot make up for the gap in strength. The strength of the red-horned rhinoceros is much greater than that of this group of warriors. Although the warriors are numerous and powerful, none of them can be the enemy of the red-horned rhinoceros with one move. As soon as you get close, you'll be knocked away by it. In this case, there is no siege at all, but just the red-horned rhinoceros unilaterally ravaging these human warriors.

Although everyone was extremely careful, several warriors were still injured and had dozens of bones broken in their bodies. They were dying and could no longer fight.

The other warriors also see no hope of victory. If this continues, everyone will be consumed by the red-horned rhinoceros.

"Senior Brother Ding Ping, we can't continue like this. We have to use a special move, otherwise we will all die here." One of the fifth-level warriors of the Transformation Realm said.

The sixth-level warrior with the highest cultivation level of the Transformation Realm was obviously the senior brother Ding Ping in his mouth. At this moment, he spat unwillingly and said bitterly: "The red-horned rhinoceros that we finally lured out, if we use that , which is equivalent to a huge cost all at once, and you won’t make much money at all, and you may even lose money.”

The fifth-level warrior of the Transformation Realm opened his mouth, but he held back what he wanted to say. They had already killed and injured several people, but this Ding Ping only cared about how much money he could make, which was really chilling.

However, Ding Ping complained, and did not want to hand over his life here. He took out a talisman that exuded a faint light and crushed it with force.

Suddenly, a ball of light the size of a fist burst out from the talisman and merged into Ding Ping's body. Ding Ping's body suddenly expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if a balloon was blown up, and his clothes burst. The exposed muscles were knotted.

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ding Ping screamed excitedly, his whole body was filled with a sense of power, even his eyes turned red, and the madness in his whole body was completely aroused.

"It is indeed a priceless 'Wild Fighting Talisman'. The effect is indeed exaggerated. Ding Ping's physical strength suddenly doubled several times."

Everyone else gasped and looked at Ding Ping's changes in disbelief. At this moment, Ding Ping's physical strength doubled, and his combat power also increased by more than one level. Facing a person at the seventh level of the Transformation Realm. The red-horned rhinoceros suddenly felt confident.

There was also a trace of hesitation in the eyes of the red-horned rhinoceros. It was obvious that this human being made it feel threatened. It stopped moving, staring at Ding Ping with its two eyes, and kept making low roars from its throat.

"Beast, die!"

Ding Ping shouted loudly, brandished a mace, and smashed it towards the red-horned rhinoceros.

The red-horned rhinoceros's eyes glowed red. It was obvious that Ding Ping's move had completely aroused its ferocity. He roared without hesitation, glared at his hooves, and charged forward.


The mace hit the red-horned rhino's horn hard, causing fire to fly everywhere. The red-horned rhinoceros screamed in pain, and its two front hooves were smashed deeply into the ground.

And Ding Ping was not much better. The tiger's mouth was shattered, blood flowed everywhere, and he could hardly hold the mace in his hand.

Su Chen shook his head secretly. Once he had power, he couldn't use it casually. It could only be said that Ding Ping had too little fighting experience. Fortunately, the red-horned rhinoceros on the opposite side is also a guy who only knows how to use brute force, so he is only half a catty to eight ounces.

And with this direct brute force hedging method, the winner should be determined quickly.

"Everyone listen to my instructions and take action together to kill this beast in one fell swoop!" Ding Ping shouted. Now he needs others to help him attract the firepower of the red-horned rhinoceros so that he can get a chance to take action.

In other words, he needs cannon fodder.

Other warriors naturally don't want to be cannon fodder for him. You must know that the Mad War Talisman used by Ding Ping is extremely valuable. Even if he successfully kills the red-horned rhinoceros, the money from selling the rhinoceros horn may not be able to make up for the cost of the Mad War Talisman. , even if it can be replenished, there won’t be much surplus.

It is very likely that only a few hundred or several thousand taels of silver will be distributed to each person in the end. It is really not worth risking your life. If you die, the money will be cheaper for others.

But Ding Ping looked at them with cold eyes as he spoke. They had no doubt that if they refused, they wouldn't have to wait for the red-horned rhinoceros to kill them, Ding Ping would kill them first.

There are no laws in this demonic realm, and no one restricts the behavior of killing people. Even if Ding Ping killed them here and went back out to say that they were killed by monsters, no one could find out the truth.

Therefore, everyone had no choice but to obey Ding Ping's order reluctantly, and stepped forward to attract the firepower of the red-horned rhinoceros.

Bang, bang, bang, everyone started bombarding the red-horned rhinoceros. The attention of the red-horned rhinoceros was immediately distracted. Ding Ping took the opportunity to take action, swinging the mace at the neck and back of the red-horned rhinoceros, and beat him violently. .

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