Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 398: Red-horned Rhinoceros

After making sure that the rabbits were not chasing after him, Su Chen took out the healing elixir from his body and swallowed it in large gulps to recover from the internal injuries he had suffered from resisting an attack by the old rabbit.

Running "Chaos Immortal Record" to absorb the power of the medicine, Su Chen's injuries immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"In this devilish realm, even rabbits are so scary."

God knows, at first I just wanted to kill a rabbit for meat, but in the end I was chased by a group of rabbits in such a panic.

This time, Su Chen no longer dared to underestimate the monster in this secret realm.

It is said that the monsters in the Demonic Realm have become more powerful and ferocious than the monsters in the outside world because they have absorbed the demonic energy. This is not a lie.

After tidying up, Su Chen continued walking in the direction of the huge black shadow.

This valley and plain is unusually vast.

Su Chen had been walking for half a day. According to the outside world, it was already night, but because there was no night in this demonic realm, the difference between day and night could not be seen.

After walking for such a long time, Su Chen was feeling a little hungry, so he took out dry food from his body.

After filling his stomach, he set up a tent in an open grassland to rest, planning to continue on his way after getting enough sleep.

——This Demonic Nether Realm gathers the young generation of strong men from the entire Yunyuan Empire. The cultivation of those people is much stronger than the younger generation in Anyang County. If you can't concentrate and stay vigilant at all times, you will be attacked by someone. There is no place to complain.

For the next three days, Su Chen was on the road. When he encounters a monster, he will avoid it in advance and give priority to getting on the road.

On the fourth day, the outline of the huge black shadow could finally be seen. It was indeed a mountain range. From the direction of the mountain range, stronger fluctuations of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth could be faintly transmitted.

Su Chen thought to himself that he was indeed going in the wrong direction. Places with strong aura of heaven and earth often have more treasures of heaven and earth. If he wanted to find Yi Xing Shui, he had to go to a place with strong aura of heaven and earth.

It seemed that that mountain range was his first destination.

Su Chen continued walking toward the mountains. When he arrived, there were gradually more trees than pure green grass.

These trees are very special. They are all silver. They set off against the green grass and create a different atmosphere, which seems to be a bit magical.

"Hey, stop!"

Su Chen was walking when a voice suddenly came from a nearby tree.

Su Chen looked up and saw a man squatting on the tree. He was waving to him continuously. His movements seemed to tell him not to move forward.

Judging from the face of this man, he looked very unfamiliar. It was obvious that he was not a genius from Anyang County, but a young warrior from other counties.

"What?" Su Chen asked.

The man looked hesitant, as if he didn't want to tell Su Chen, but he was afraid that he would do something bad. After thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "We are chasing a red-horned rhinoceros. In front of us is a trap we set. The red-horned rhinoceros is very dangerous." We are about to be lured in. If you rush in now, you may ruin our affairs."

Red-horned rhinoceros?

The red-horned rhinoceros is a beast in the realm of transformation. It is not of the highest level, but the rhinoceros horns on its head are treasures. It is a very scarce alchemy material, and alchemists collect it at high prices no matter where they are.

It is precisely because of this that the number of red-horned rhinoceros is now extremely small, so in recent years, its horns have been speculated to sky-high prices.

These people discovered that there was a red-horned rhinoceros here, and they were obviously greedy and wanted to kill the red-horned rhinoceros to obtain its horns.

It's just that red-horned rhinoceros usually lives in groups and is very difficult to hunt, so they can only find a way to lure one out and kill it alone.

Su Chen quickly analyzed the information in his mind, but he remained calm on his face. He smiled slightly and said, "This is not your family's territory. I'm walking normally, why should I stop?"


The man suddenly stared and shouted angrily: "I've been talking to you but you don't listen. I'm going to tell you now, if you don't get out of here, I'll kill you right away!"

This guy's cultivation is at the fourth level of the Transformation Realm. He seems to be much higher than Su Chen, who is at the first level of the Transformation Realm. No wonder he is so unscrupulous.

Su Chen sighed. Because he wanted to lay a solid foundation, he usually waited until the true energy accumulated to the limit before he advanced. On the surface, his cultivation level seemed low, but the disadvantage was that he attracted too much hatred.

"Are you sure you want to attack me?"

Su Chen said.


At this moment, a loud noise came.

I saw an iron-gray figure in the distance coming quickly from far to near. If I looked closely, I saw it was a rhinoceros covered in hard skin, with a horn on its forehead, emitting a red light.

There was a warrior in front of the rhinoceros. Apparently, just as these people planned, he led a red-horned wild rhinoceros out of the rhino group alone.


Su Chen's heart suddenly moved. It was Xiao Tianhuo calling him in his consciousness.

"Master, the horn of the red-horned rhinoceros is a kind of natural treasure with pure fire attribute. If I absorb and devour it, my strength will definitely be restored to a large extent." Xiao Tianhuo said excitedly.

When Su Chen heard this, he knew that the horn of the red-horned rhinoceros should be another treasure that was extremely beneficial to Xiao Tianhuo.

Su Chen naturally hopes that Xiao Tianhuo can improve his strength. After all, in this secret realm, Xiao Tianhuo is definitely a capable helper, and he also counts on it to help when looking for Bixing Water.

"Okay, I'll get it for you when I get the chance."

Su Chen didn't speak too fully. After all, he still didn't know the strength of this group of people. So far, he had only seen two of them.

When the man in the tree saw that Su Chen didn't say anything more and didn't move forward, he ignored Su Chen and continued to stare nervously at the direction of the red-horned rhinoceros.

When the red-horned rhinoceros approached the area, the man immediately shouted: "Do it!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen figures swooped out from the trees and nearby piles of rocks, and immediately surrounded the red-horned rhinoceros.

Su Chen's eyes wandered around this group of people, and he roughly grasped the situation of this group of people.

Among them, there is one at the sixth level of the Material Transformation Realm and two at the fifth level of the Material Transformation Realm. The remaining ten or so are all below the fourth level of the Transformation Realm.

The age is naturally under thirty years old.

It has to be said that the overall strength of this group of people has exceeded the overall strength of the top geniuses in Anyang County. And this was just the first group of people Su Chen encountered when he entered the Demon Realm.

"This magical realm is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. It is indeed a collection of young geniuses from all counties in the Yunyuan Empire."

Su Chen couldn't help but touch his nose. He was originally the kind of person who would become stronger when faced with a strong opponent. Meeting such an opponent only ignited the will to fight in his heart.

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