Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 400 A fight to the death

The red-horned rhinoceros was caught off guard and hit several times with sticks on its body, screaming in pain.

Although it has rough skin and thick flesh, just a few sticks won't hurt it.

But a hint of fear flashed in its eyes, and it didn't seem like a wise choice to continue consuming it.

It scratched the ground with its hind hooves, as if it was ready to retreat and run away at any moment.

But how could Ding Ping let it run away? He had already paid so much, and this time he was bound to get the horns of the red-horned rhinoceros.

Bang bang bang bang, more sticks fell like raindrops on the shoulders, waist, and back of the red horned rhinoceros. It didn't take long for the red horned rhinoceros to suffer serious internal injuries. The outer skin was as hard as steel. They were all beaten to pieces, and blood kept pouring out.

At this point, the red-horned rhinoceros obviously understood that it was impossible to escape, and his eyes suddenly showed a determined look, ready to fight these humans desperately.

"The red-horned rhinoceros, as a beast in the realm of transformation, has a natural martial skill in its bloodline, which is to burst out all the fire attribute power in its bloodline at once. The power is extremely terrifying, similar to the true power of human warriors. Yuan self-destructed.”

"However, doing so will also cause irreversible damage to the red-horned rhino itself, and the original power of fire attribute lost in the blood can never be restored."

Su Chen sat comfortably on the big tree and murmured comments.

But Ding Ping and others obviously couldn't hear Su Chen's words, and they didn't know that the red-horned rhinoceros had such a killing move. At this moment, they saw that the red horned rhinoceros was injured, and suddenly they became more energetic and attacked even more fiercely.

"Come on everyone, this beast can't hold on much longer."

"A few more times and it'll be dead, so work harder."

Ding Ping kept shouting.

When other people saw that the red horned rhinoceros was covered in scars, they couldn't help but become more energetic and continued to chase and beat the red horned rhinoceros.

The red-horned rhinoceros was at the end of its rope, its eyes gradually turned bright red, with a fierce and decisive madness, and it was obviously ready to launch its ultimate move.

However, Ding Ping and others were still unaware and were still trying their best to attack the red-horned rhino.


A crimson halo of flames suddenly erupted from the body of the red-horned rhinoceros and spread in all directions. Everyone around him was caught off guard and was hit in the chest by the halo of flames.

Suddenly, most people didn't even have time to hum before they were burned to ashes on the spot by the halo of flames.

Only Ding Ping and the two fifth-level warriors of the Transformation Realm were not burned to ashes on the spot because of their higher strength. They immediately used their true energy to protect themselves, rolled and crawled in embarrassment, and finally ran out of the range of the blazing halo. .

However, even so, their bodies were scarred by burns, and their clothes were turned into blackened pieces of rags, hanging on their bodies in a mess.

After the red-horned rhinoceros delivered the final blow, it was completely unable to stand and fell to the ground with a thud, losing all its combat power.

Its eyes were still staring at Ding Ping and the other two unwillingly, as if it was regretting that it still could not completely kill these people in its last attempt before death.

"Damn it," Ding Ping cursed, "I originally thought I could get some of my money back, but as a result, I have to spend a lot of money on healing pills, and I can't get my money back at all."

"You can't say that. At least the strength of this red-horned rhinoceros has reached the seventh level of the Transformation Realm, which is better than the average red-horned rhinoceros. From this point of view, its horns should be worth more money." Another person at the fifth level of the Transformation Realm The warrior wiped the blood from his face and said.

All their thoughts seemed to be on whether they could get back their money by killing this red-horned rhinoceros, and they didn't even mention the lives of those who died, as if the lives of those who died were not worth mentioning at all.

The fifth-level warrior of the Transformation Realm walked up to the red-horned rhinoceros with his sword, gave the red-horned rhinoceros a sword blow, and completely killed the red-horned rhinoceros.

Then, the warrior said with a smile: "Senior brother Ding Ping, come here and get the rhinoceros horn together. Let's see if there is anything special about the horn of this red-horned rhinoceros."

Ding Ping shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, I want to kill someone first."

"Who to kill?" the warrior asked in confusion.

Ding Ping sneered, carried the mace and walked directly to the big tree where Su Chen was staying, and said, "Boy, you are hiding in the tree, do you think I can't find you?"

"So what if we find out?"

Su Chen shrugged. He didn't deliberately hide his traces at all. He even talked to the other party's people when he first came here. What was there to be proud of after discovering him?

"What do you think? You are hiding there secretly and peeping, thinking I will let you go?" Ding Ping sneered, picked up the mace and hit the big tree.


The thick tree trunk was shaken by the impact of the mace, and it broke from the root with a "click" and then tilted down.

The moment before the tree trunk crashed to the ground, Su Chen's figure jumped out from the tree trunk and landed on a huge boulder in the distance.

There was a hint of coldness in Su Chen's eyes, and he said: "You and I are in the same boat, and you want to kill me?"

"Hmph, who knows if you might take advantage of our recovery time to make some sneak attacks. In that case, wouldn't all the red-horned rhinoceros we worked so hard to kill take advantage of you?"

Ding Ping said coldly, "In order to prevent this situation from happening, I have to kill you first."

Su Chen shook his head and said, "Listening to your tone, it seems that you think you can definitely kill me?"

"Hahahaha, what else? Are you going to kill me?" Ding Ping laughed sarcastically. In his opinion, he was at the sixth level of the Transformation Realm. Killing a warrior at the first level of the Transformation Realm was just like playing. He would crush him to death as many as he wanted. How many.

Su Chen smiled slightly, and had to say that his cultivation at the first level of the Transformation Realm really attracted too much hatred. This was just the beginning. It was foreseeable that in the future in the Demonic Nether Realm, his cultivation would still attract hatred for him. A lot of hate.

After all, the Realm of Demonic Netherworld is filled with top-notch geniuses from all counties, and none of them are above the third or fourth level of the Transformation Realm. The first-level cultivation of the Transformation Realm is too eye-catching, and everyone will want to step on them.

But this was just right. Just when he was worried that he had no excuse to attack these people, the other party sent them to them by themselves. Now there was no need to make excuses, he could just attack them.

At the moment, Su Chen slowly took off the Moon-Zhancing Sword, held a sword flower in his arms, and said: "You three can decide for yourself, whether you want to use them separately or together, I don't care."


One of the warriors was furious that a mere first-level creature-transformation realm dared to talk to them like this.

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