Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 397 Entering the Secret Realm

"The entrance has been opened, you can go in now."

The sonorous voice of Prince Anyang rang out, "I wish you all the best."

Everyone looked at the more than thirty geniuses who were ready to go with hopeful eyes. This time they entered the realm of the devil, and compared with the usual training activities, the meaning was completely different.

The lives of millions of people in Anyang City are carried on their backs. If Bixing Water cannot be found, even if the plague can eventually fade away, the lives lost will never be recovered.


The geniuses, with expressions of joy and apprehension, lined up and walked towards the huge whirlpool one by one.

call out!

After the first person entered the whirlpool, his figure immediately disappeared, as if he had been swallowed by the whirlpool.


Everyone entered the whirlpool one by one. As soon as everyone entered the whirlpool, their figures disappeared immediately and would not come out from the other side at all. It was very magical.

Su Chen lined up with Gu Qianyin, Li Shitong and Xue Yong and walked into the whirlpool.

The first moment he entered the whirlpool, Su Chen felt light-headed and his soul seemed to be torn apart. Many scenes flashed before his eyes, but he could not see them clearly.

The next moment, Su Chen's eyes lit up and he had appeared in a valley.

The sun is shining here, the aroma of green grass is blowing towards your face, and you are surrounded by patches of green grass. When the breeze blows, green waves seem to be swaying, which is refreshing.

It's beautiful, but the point is...where are the others?

Su Chen looked around. Not to mention Gu Qianyin and the others, even the other geniuses were nowhere to be seen.

Could it be that after everyone entered the entrance, they were randomly teleported to a certain location in the secret realm?

Su Chen sighed secretly in his heart. It seemed that even Anyang County Prince didn't know this, otherwise he would have reminded them long ago.

Originally, I wanted to act together with Gu Qianyin and the others, but this time it was better, everyone was randomly teleported to different locations.

However, Su Chen is not very worried about Gu Qianyin and the others. Gu Qianyin and Xue Yong have been specially trained by him and there is no problem in being able to stand alone. Li Shitong also has protective equipment given by her master Guo Tong. At least in terms of safety, the three of them won't have any problems in the short term.

Therefore, Su Chen basically set the priority of his goals immediately, with finding Yixing Water as the top priority, followed by rendezvous with Gu Qianyin and the others, and then looking for his own opportunity.

Yixing Water is the most urgent target at the moment. After all, the plague in Anyang County is still waiting to be lifted. Shenquan Dan can only control the situation for a short time. If you want to completely eradicate the plague, you must need Yixing Water.

"But this Demonic Realm is really big. This valley alone is endless. If there is no map here, I'm afraid you will get lost very quickly, or you will be stuck in one place and unable to get out."

"It is indeed a secret realm that is larger than half the Yunyuan Empire. It seems that we must get a map as soon as possible."

Su Chen opened the "Eye of the Third Eye" and looked far into the distance. All he could see were endless valleys all around. He could only vaguely see a huge black shadow in a certain direction, which seemed to be some huge mountain range, so high that it was almost as tall as The sky borders.

"Just go in that direction first."

Su Chen made a decision and walked in the direction of the huge black shadow.

Su Chen soon discovered that there seemed to be no night in this secret realm, only day.

Moreover, although the sun seems to be shining brightly in the secret realm, if you look closely, you will find that there is actually no sun in the sky.

This is not a complete world, but has been forcibly separated from the real world using great supernatural powers, so naturally it cannot be exactly the same as the real world.

call out!

As Su Chen was walking, a small snow-white shadow suddenly flashed in front of him. When he looked closely, he saw that it was a rabbit.

Su Chen didn't care about the rabbit at first, but then he thought about it. He would be hungry sooner or later in this secret realm. It would be good to add some rabbit meat when he was hungry. It was better than eating dry and hard dry food.

With this thought in mind, he walked towards the rabbit.

Phew, the rabbit was extremely alert and ran very fast. As soon as it saw Su Chen passing by, it quickly got into the grass and disappeared.

"Looks like I went down a rabbit hole."

Su Chen walked in the direction where the rabbit disappeared.

However, at this moment, swish swish, a lot of rabbits suddenly jumped out of the rabbit hole.

However, these rabbits are not as cute as the one just now. Each one is bigger than a dog, their eyes are all red, and they exude a bloodthirsty aura.

Damn it!

Su Chen said something in his heart, and at the same time couldn't help but put on a defensive posture, because he found that all the big rabbits were in the realm of transformation, and there were even two of them at the fifth level of the realm of transformation.

Thirty, forty, fifty...

There were more and more rabbits, and finally a giant rabbit that was taller than a human jumped out, and its whole body exuded the aura of the seventh level of the realm of transformation.


Are these guys really still rabbits?

Su Chen didn't hesitate and immediately turned around and ran away. He definitely couldn't defeat this large group of rabbits, so running away was the best way.


Su Chen used the "Six Transformations of Wolf Shadow" movement technique to the extreme. His figure almost turned into a stream of light, and his speed increased to the extreme.

However, the group of rabbits behind him were chasing after him. Rabbits are creatures known for their speed. What's more, there was an old rabbit at the seventh level of the Transformation Realm. In a few moments, they were getting closer and closer to Su Chen.

Su Chen looked back and saw that the old rabbit's two front teeth were like two hoes, shining with a frightening cold light. They looked extremely sharp and obviously had powerful attack power.

If he was bitten by this rabbit, it would definitely hurt his muscles and bones. The most important thing is that he was bitten by a rabbit. It would be too embarrassing if word spread about it, and it would also damage his reputation.

"No, isn't it possible that just after entering the Demonic Nether Realm, I have to spend a blast of wind talisman?"

Su Chen didn't want to waste such a precious wind talisman on a rabbit. He gritted his teeth and poured his true energy into the soft armor of the Celestial Silkworm Giant Whale, preparing to resist the rabbit's attack.

The rabbit arrived behind him in a matter of seconds, opened its mouth and bit it, and with a click, its two front teeth shattered on the soft armor of the Celestial Silkworm Whale. It immediately bared its teeth and made blood bleed from the front teeth.

The Celestial Silkworm Giant Whale Soft Armor is a first-grade divine weapon. When worn on Su Chen, it can withstand attacks below the eighth level of the Transformation Realm.

However, Su Chen himself was also affected by the force of the backlash. He was extremely uncomfortable. He resisted the urge to vomit blood, took out the Zhanyue Sword and stabbed the upper jaw of the rabbit. The blade of the sword penetrated deeply, causing the rabbit to suffer severe injuries and blood flowed out.

Su Chen succeeded in the attack, but he didn't dare to fight, so he pulled out the Moon-Zhancing Sword and ran away.

The rabbit was severely injured and squeaked angrily from behind. However, the rabbit's speed became slower and slower due to a large amount of blood loss. In the end, it was unable to catch up with Su Chen.

Su Chen ran wildly for about a quarter of an hour and finally stopped.

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