Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 396: Opening the Realm of Demonic Netherworld

Gu Qianxue also wanted to sign up, but was kicked away by Su Chen. The little girl is still too young now, and she is also a genius in alchemy. She will not be of much use in the Demon Realm, but will become a burden.

"After we enter the Demon Realm, how do we get out?" Mu Qingyun asked.

"The Demonic Realm will repel people who enter it. When the rejection accumulates to a certain level, people will be automatically excluded from the secret realm. In other words, anyone who enters the Demonic Realm cannot stay there for too long. , after a certain period of time, they will naturally be excluded from the Demonic Nether Realm," Prince Anyang said.

Without too much nonsense, the young genius who signed up immediately began to prepare for entering the Demon Realm.

Pills, equipment... are naturally indispensable. This is not as simple as participating in a martial arts competition, but a real life-threatening experience.

Su Chen is also preparing his own equipment. This time he will enter the Demon Realm. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be the main force.

"Little friend Su Chen, we old guys don't have anything good to prepare for you in a hurry. These are just a few thoughts, don't dislike them."

Several alchemy masters brought out their best elixirs for Su Chen, including various types of elixirs, including healing, restoration, detoxification... and even several bottles of poison.

In addition, several masters also gave Su Chen a pair of black gauntlets and a pair of bows and arrows.

Both the gauntlet and the bow and arrow were at the level of a first-grade divine weapon. The masters obviously knew the martial arts field that Su Chen was good at, so they specially prepared these two weapons for him. Gauntlets can increase the power of boxing and martial arts, and it goes without saying that bows and arrows can increase the power of archery.

With these equipment, Su Chen's combat power in the Demon Realm can be greatly increased.

In addition, Su Chen himself owns the Moon Sword, the Celestial Silkworm Giant Whale Soft Armor, and the unknown Blood Demon Sword. In terms of equipment, it can be said to be quite complete.

It was the turn of Prince Anyang. Prince Anyang smiled lightly and said: "The masters have given you all the good things. I don't have any better treasures here, so I will give you this for self-defense."

As he said that, Prince Anyang took out a small box with three yellow pieces of paper inside. The pieces of paper exuded a simple atmosphere. If you look closely, there were many mysterious characters written on them.

"These three wind talismans, if crushed, can increase one's speed up to ten times in a short period of time, and the duration is about one stick of incense." Prince Anyang said.

"Hiss!~ It's actually a magical talisman."

"My lord, you are too humble. This is not even a treasure. The value of your three talismans has far exceeded the combined value of all the things we have given you."

The three alchemy masters were all stunned. They didn't expect Anyang County Prince to be so generous and even took out the magic talisman.

Divine Talisman can be seen as a variant of Divine Weapon. Its production process is similar. It also uses soul power to seal martial arts will in it.

The only difference is that the rune is a one-time consumable. As long as it is attached to the body, time will start to count, and it cannot be reversed or stopped. It will not stop until the time runs out and the rune is scrapped.

The value of the magic rune can also be referred to the magic weapon. Its value is dozens of times that of the magic weapon because its production difficulty is dozens of times that of the magic weapon.

Because unlike divine weapons, which require one's own true energy to be activated, divine runes can be used by just crushing them. There are no restrictions on cultivation at all. Even an ordinary person with no cultivation at all can use them.

Precisely because the talisman has such incomparable advantages, its price remains high. The price of a blast talisman can be compared to that of a city.

The three alchemy masters were surprised by the generosity of the Prince of Anyang County, but after thinking about it carefully, it was normal. After all, whether Su Chen could get Yi Xing Water during his trip could be said to be related to the lives of millions of people in Anyang City. Anyang County Wang will naturally try his best to bring out the best treasures to help him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Su Chen was not polite and took away the wind talisman. These three wind talismans are naturally good things for him. Firstly, he can figure out the martial arts will on them. Secondly, they can explode ten times faster at critical moments, which is of great significance to him and can even save his life.

For Su Chen, as long as he lives, he can always make a comeback no matter how bad the situation is.

With everything ready, the young geniuses, accompanied by Anyang County Prince and other veteran experts, set out for the entrance to the Demon Realm.

There was originally an entrance to the Demon Realm in Anyang County, but it had been abandoned for nearly a hundred years. Now, according to Yu Guang's notes, the entrance to the Realm of Demonic Netherworld can be opened using the map of "Eight Wastelands Breaking Demonic Sword Formation", so everyone naturally thought of this abandoned entrance.

Using the fastest carriage, after a long drive, everyone arrived at the entrance to the abandoned Demon Realm.

This place is a deserted plain. There is a huge five-pointed star pattern on a piece of the plain. The pattern covers an area of ​​several acres. It is covered with weeds and has obviously been abandoned for many years.

Su Chen opened the atlas of the "Eight Desolations Demon-Breaking Sword Formation" and studied it against the five-pointed star pattern.

Soon, he discovered that there was a page in the "Eight Desolations Demon-Breaking Sword Formation" map that was significantly different from the other pages. This page seemed to have been added forcibly and was out of place with the other pages.

The content of this page is very simple, it is a drawing of a five-pointed star, which is exactly the same as the huge five-pointed star pattern in front of me.

In addition, this page also indicates how to activate the five-pointed star pattern. You need to place non-attributed spiritual stones in various places on the five-pointed star pattern in the manner indicated on the map.

"I didn't expect that there is such a page hidden in the map of the Eight Desolations Demon Sword Formation." Su Chen was also a little surprised.

It seems that this page was obviously forced into the map of the Eight Desolations Demon-Breaking Sword Formation.

Prince Anyang immediately took out a batch of spiritual stones and ordered his men to place them according to the pattern.

After everything was placed, Prince Anyang ordered all the powerful men present to stand in various places around the five-pointed star pattern, release their true energy together, and smash the spirit stones into powder at the same time.

Suddenly, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth burst out from the shattered spirit stone and flowed into the five-pointed star pattern.

Hua Hua Hua——

The five-pointed star pattern lights up from the five corners, and the light converges from the five corners to the center. After gathering in the center, it converges into a multicolored light group.

Bang! The light group exploded, forming an upright vortex more than ten feet high at the center of the five-pointed star pattern.

In the middle of this vortex, there is a colorful halo spinning, which looks very mysterious.

"Is this the entrance to the Demon Realm?"

Everyone looked at this huge whirlpool with fascination, feeling that there was endless attraction emanating from it.

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