Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 395 Summoning Geniuses

"Who opened up the Realm of Demonic Netherworld?" Su Chen asked with some interest. Being able to superimpose a huge space on top of another huge space is simply a superb method. It is a supreme magical power.

"It was opened by a powerful demonic man from a long time ago. That demonic man was much more powerful than the Blood Demon Lord. It is said that his body is still in the realm of demonic ghosts, and it has turned into a blood zombie. It also contains a lot of good things from life. However, the blood zombie is very dangerous, and if anyone approaches it rashly, it will suck their blood and die." Prince Anyang said.

"So, the reason why the Blood Demon Lord wants to enter the Demon Realm is because he wants the inheritance from the blood zombie. Perhaps that inheritance can help it regain its strength as soon as possible."

Su Chen suddenly realized, and then asked, "So in addition to blood zombies, what kind of dangers exist in the Demon Realm? What kind of opportunities exist?"

"Other dangers are the monsters in the Demonic Realm. They are trapped in the Demonic Realm and cannot get out. In addition, they have absorbed too much demonic energy in the secret realm, so they are more ferocious than the monsters in the outside world. Some."

"And if there is any opportunity, it is that there are powerful exercises, martial arts, and magic pills scattered in the Demonic Nether Realm. If you are lucky, you can pick them up and reach the sky in one step."

"In addition, there are many precious medicinal herbs that are not found in the outside world that grow in the Realm of Demonic Netherworld, and you can pick them at will." Anyang County Prince said, "So, in addition to martial arts experts, there are also many alchemists who enter the Realm of Demonic Netherworld. , just to collect the precious materials needed for alchemy.”

"I see."

Su Chen nodded silently and said, "Since there are many precious alchemy materials in the Realm of Demonic Netherworld, why don't we go to the Realm of Demonic Netherworld to have a look? Maybe there will be Yi Xing Water in the Realm of Demonic Netherworld. ?”

"I agree with what Mr. Su Chen said, maybe there is Yi Xing Shui in the Demon Realm." Grandmaster Gongliang also said with bright eyes.

"Yes, according to the rules of nature, in many cases, the antidote to a poison coexists with that poison in the same environment. If the plague toxin created by the Blood Demon Lord comes from the demon If it is the Realm of Netherworld, then the antidote is likely to come from the Realm of Demonic Netherworld." Guo Tong also nodded, "In short, judging from the information we have now, it is very likely that there is Yi Xing Water in the Realm of Demonic Netherworld. big."

"So, the Demon Realm is worth visiting."

Su Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Without further delay, you use the Shenquan Dan to temporarily control the plague situation. I will leave for the Demon Nether Realm right now."

Grandmaster Gongliang quickly stopped him: "Master Su Chen, there are many veteran strong men in Anyang City. It is more appropriate for them to take the lead in going to the Demon Nether Realm. After all, you are a young genius. If you suffer any loss, what will happen to Anyang City?" Loss?"


The silent Prince Anyang suddenly said, "Maybe we really need Su Chen to go."

"Huh?" Grandmaster Gongliang was puzzled.

"There is an age limit in the Demonic Realm. People who enter must not be over thirty years old." Prince Anyang said, "People over thirty years old will be ejected even if they enter the entrance. So in essence, the Demonic Realm It’s a paradise for young talents.”

"It's actually like this?" Grandmaster Gongliang couldn't hide his surprise. From his perspective as a third-grade alchemy master, he had never heard of such a place, a super-large secret realm superimposed on the existing space, and it also automatically restricted those who entered. Age, what a terrifying magical power it would take to create such a place.

"In fact, I think this is an opportunity for the young geniuses in Anyang City." Anyang County Prince said slowly, "Anyang County did not have an entrance to the Demon Realm before. Even if Anyang County geniuses want to enter There is no way out of the Demon Realm.”

"Now the entrance to the Demon Realm can be opened using the map of "Eight Wastelands Breaking Demonic Sword Formation". According to my wishes, it is better to select a few more young geniuses to enter. While searching for Yi Xing Shui, you can also search for Your own opportunity. Of course, it will also be accompanied by danger, it depends on your own personal wishes.”

After saying that, Prince Anyang waved his hand and ordered: "Call all the top geniuses in the city."

Not long after, more than a hundred of the top geniuses in Anyang City were all summoned before the Prince of Anyang.

Prince Anyang briefly talked about the situation he was facing now, and at the same time gave a brief introduction to the Realm of Demonic Netherworld, and then said: "The general situation is like this. Your first task when entering the Realm of Demonic Netherworld is to find Yi Xing Water, and you can also do it by the way. Experience and find your own opportunities. This is a rare opportunity, and you sign up voluntarily.”

"I am willing to enter the realm of demons." Mu Qingyun immediately stood up and said.

"I do too."

"I would also like to..."

In the blink of an eye, several top 16 geniuses from the Anyang Martial Arts Association came forward.

The Prince of Anyang County pondered for a moment and said: "Well, it is not limited to the top sixteen of the Anyang Martial Arts Association. As long as they have reached the realm of transformation, geniuses under the age of thirty can sign up according to their own wishes. The realm of demons.”

"However, the opportunities in the Demonic Realm are definitely accompanied by dangers, so I would like to remind you that you must think carefully. Once you enter the Demonic Realm, there will no longer be strong elders from the family following you. Everything must be done. On your own, even if you die inside, no one will go out of your way to save you."

"Moreover, the people in the Demonic Realm are young geniuses from various counties in the Yunyuan Empire, and the most indispensable among them are the stunning ones. Moreover, in the Demonic Realm, it is not forbidden to kill each other, even if you get Even if you have a great opportunity, you have to worry about it being snatched away.”

Prince Anyang deliberately emphasized the danger very seriously, and did not want anyone to casually enter the Demon Realm out of luck, as the result would most likely be sudden death.

I have to say that the words of Prince Anyang did scare away many people who were originally eager to give it a try.

Originally, they heard that the Realm of Demonic Netherworld was scattered with powerful exercises, martial arts, magical elixirs, and many rare alchemy ingredients. Each of them had glowing eyes, imagining that they would get the same opportunity in the Realm of Demonic Netherworld, and then Soar. If it doesn't help, you can also collect some medicinal materials and bring them back to make a fortune.

But the words of Prince Anyang undoubtedly dispelled the thoughts of many of them. Although the opportunity is good, one must have a life to enjoy it.

As a result, the number of people who enthusiastically signed up suddenly decreased a lot.

In the end, there were more than thirty geniuses above the material transformation realm who signed up. Mu Qingyun, Luo Yang and others were among them.

Needless to say, Gu Qianyin, Li Shitong, and Xue Yong must have followed Su Chen unconditionally, and they all signed up immediately.

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