Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 394 The Realm of Demonic Netherworld

However, Prince Anyang sneered and said: "Hey, if you can't get it out, then I can only think that you may not have the elixir to treat this plague at all. In that case, I might as well just... …”

Prince Anyang said, wiping his neck.

Yu Guang saw the evil look on Prince Anyang's face, and for a moment he couldn't figure out whether he was scaring people or telling the truth, and he couldn't help but feel a little timid.

After thinking about it, Yu Guang took out a small bottle from his arms and threw it to Prince Anyang, saying: "I can only give you these few first. If you don't believe me, just try them!"

Prince Anyang got the pills and immediately came back and ordered them to be given to the patients infected with the plague.

As a result, an unexpected scene appeared.

Those patients took Yu Guang's elixir, and instead of getting better, their condition worsened.

Prince Anyang said angrily: "Yu Guang, what's going on? Didn't you say this is the elixir to cure this plague? Are you planning to exchange these elixirs with me for Su Chen?"

Fortunately, he didn't listen to Yu Guang's lies and handed over Su Chen in exchange for these pills. Otherwise, he would have nowhere to cry now.

The look on Yu Guang's face was completely unbelievable. The proud look just now disappeared all of a sudden, and he murmured: "How is it possible? The Lord Demon Lord clearly told me that this elixir formula can cure this plague?"

"It seems that your Lord Demon Lord lied to you?"

The Prince of Anyang County was furious. This Yu Guang was really a fool. He didn't even confirm whether the pill was useful or not, and just spread the plague like this.

From this point of view, the Blood Demon Lord created this plague toxin with no intention of curing it. The Blood Demon Lord only wants to kill. As long as he kills all the people in Anyang City, he can have all the martial arts resources in Anyang City.

As for Yu Guang, he is just a chess piece in the hands of the Blood Demon Lord that can be thrown away at any time. The Blood Demon Lord can throw him away at any time. It doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive.

"In this case, there is no point keeping you, go to hell."

The prince of Anyang County was so angry that he slapped Yu Guang on the head, causing Yu Guang's brain to burst and die.

A dignified third-grade alchemy master, the president of the Anyang City Alchemy Guild, died suddenly and violently on the spot.

"In this case, we can only rely on ourselves to develop medicines to treat the plague."

Prince Anyang took a deep breath and turned his gaze to the alchemists present. He was good at fighting and killing people, but he was not good at refining alchemy. He had to count on Su Chen.

"Su Chen, do you have any clues?"

Li Shitong asked anxiously. The longer the time drags on, the wider the scope of the plague will spread and the more people will be affected.

"This plague was created by the Blood Demon Lord. His purpose is to kill a large number of people. It's probably not that easy to cure it. It's hard to find pills that can do this."

Su Chen looked solemn, this plague was more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"We can first use Shenquan Dan to temporarily suppress the spread of the plague. However, the effect of Shenquan Dan is very limited and can only last for a while at most. If we want to completely eliminate the plague, we must develop a targeted elixir that can eradicate the plague toxins. That’s it.”

Guo Tong, who is about to break through to the realm of the fourth-level Alchemy King, said.

"Then do the masters and masters have any clues as to what kind of elixir can completely cure the plague toxin?"

Prince Anyang asked.

"According to our preliminary analysis, we already have some clues. However, we are missing a very important material, Yi Xing Water."

Grandmaster Gongliang also came over and said.

"Yi Xing Shui? I have never heard of it." Prince Anyang frowned slightly.

Grandmaster Gongliang looked worried and said: "Yixing water is an extremely rare alchemy material. Don't say that the prince has never heard of it. Looking at the entire Yunyuan Empire, it is probably difficult to find Yixing water."

"But based on the plague toxin we just extracted from the patient, if we want to crack the plague toxin, it is absolutely impossible without B Star Water." Grandmaster Gongliang added.

"What a good Yu Guang, he is really harmful to people." Grandmaster Huang punched the wall next to him and said angrily, "He developed the plague toxin himself, but he didn't even have an antidote."

"Yu Guang was also deceived by that demon lord. The demon lord's purpose was to destroy Anyang City and he would never design an antidote." Grandmaster Gongliang shook his head and said.

Grandmaster Huang was still angry and looked at Yu Guang's body angrily. He snorted coldly: "This guy really deserved his death. Don't stop me. This Grandmaster will peel off the skin, cramp the muscles, crush the bones and scatter the ashes!"

"Wait!" Guo Tong said quickly, "Don't scratch your skin yet. Maybe there may be some clues about Yi Xing Shui on Yu Guang's body?"

Su Chen walked over, used the tip of his sword to open Yu Guang's clothes, and found some elixirs and alchemy materials.

The elixirs are all third-grade elixirs, which may be rare to ordinary people, but Su Chen and the masters present naturally look down upon them, and the same goes for the elixir-making materials.

Finally, Su Chen found a pamphlet in the inner layer of Yu Guang's clothes.

In the booklet, a lot of information was recorded in scrawled handwriting, most of which were some experiences in alchemy.

Su Chen's eyes stopped on one of them.

This record is very sloppily written and contains only one sentence.

"The map of the Eight Desolations' Demonic Sword Array is the key to unlocking the realm of Demonic Netherworld!"

"The Realm of Demonic Netherworld?" Guo Tong asked in confusion, "What is that?"

Su Chen murmured: "No wonder Yu Guang has been asking Prince Anyang to hand me over. It turns out he really wants to get the map of the Eight Desolations Demon Sword Formation. But, what is the Demonic Nether Realm?"

Prince Anyang listened on the sidelines, but his expression changed and he said: "The Realm of Demonic Netherworld?"

"Your Majesty, have you ever heard of the Realm of Demonic Netherworld?" Su Chen asked.

Prince Anyang nodded and said: "The Realm of Demonic Netherworld is a place. To be precise, it is a secret realm."

"The Realm of Demonic Netherworld is hidden in the Yunyuan Empire. The size of the entire secret realm may even be about the same size as half of the Yunyuan Empire. However, the Realm of Demonic Netherworld is superimposed on the territory of Yunyuan Empire in a wonderful way. , Normally people cannot discover the existence of the Demonic Realm. They can only enter the Demonic Realm through some randomly appearing entrances. "

"The reason why we people in Anyang County have never heard of the Realm of Demonic Netherworld is because there is no entrance to the Realm of Demonic Netherworld in Anyang County. To be precise, there once was one, but it has been closed long ago. In the past hundred years, no one has ever entered it. Pass." Prince Anyang added.

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