Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 393: The elixir fails

The people present became less and less calm as time went by.

"Are we going to just sit here and wait for death?"

"My wife and children are still at home. I have to go back to see if they are infected with the plague."

"Yu Guang said just now that as long as he hands Su Chen over, he can get special medicine. Then won't it be fine if the prince hands him over?"

"How can that be done? Su Chen helped us prevent a demonic chaos. Instead of being grateful to him, we want to hand him over. Isn't that repaying kindness with enmity?"

"That's just him saying that the Seventh Prince was possessed by a demon. In fact, there is no other evidence to show that the Seventh Prince was killed by Su Chen because he was possessed by a demon."

Everyone present held different opinions. Some believed that Su Chen should be handed over, while others held opposite opinions.

"Whoever said that Young Master Chen was going to be handed over, was he mentally retarded? He didn't see that Yu Guang had released his demonic energy just now. Yu Guang has become a demon. Does it need to be said that the Seventh Prince has also become a demon?"

Xue Yong yelled unbearably. He really couldn't stand these people who said they wanted to hand Su Chen over. They were just repaying kindness with hatred.

Gu Qianyin, Li Shitong and others were biting their red lips, very anxious. They did not want Su Chen to be handed over.

Although Prince Anyang's current attitude is very resolutely on Su Chen's side, as the spread of the plague becomes more and more serious, who can guarantee that Prince Anyang will remain as firm as ever.

"Su Chen, I feel strange, why is Yu Guang so persistent in asking me to hand you over?"

Prince Anyang frowned and asked. He had wanted to ask this question for a long time. Why did Yu Guang not hesitate to use the lives of people in the city as a bargaining chip to demand that he hand over Su Chen. Is it as simple as wanting to avenge the seventh prince?

"If I'm not mistaken, he probably wants the "Eight Desolations Demon-Breaking Sword Formation" map in my hand."

Su Chen smiled lightly, although he didn't know why Yu Guang was obsessed with that atlas, but the atlas was specially brought out of the treasure house by the seventh prince, and it was 90% related to the demon lord.

"Su Chen, do you have any good ideas?"

Prince Anyang asked, no matter what, we can't just sit back and wait for death.

"Please, Your Majesty, order someone to find some patients infected with the plague."

Su Chen said.

Prince Anyang nodded and immediately issued an order to the imperial guards beside him.

Within a moment, the team of Royal Forest Guards came back carrying several stretchers and reported: "Your Majesty, these people are all infected with the plague and are very seriously ill."

When the people around heard that it was someone infected with the plague, their expressions changed immediately and they hid far away.

Only Su Chen was not afraid and walked forward directly to check on the condition of the plague patients.

Li Shitong also boldly stepped forward to diagnose and treat Su Chen together. She was also a genius in alchemy, but at this moment, facing these patients infected with the plague, she felt helpless.

"Su Chen, do you have any idea?" Li Shitong asked. It was said that her talent in alchemy was already very high, but the plague toxin still left her confused for a while.

Su Chen pondered for a moment and then said to Prince Anyang: "Your Majesty, I have researched a special elixir for treating the plague. Please send someone to Qinghe City immediately to pick up Master Mo Shiqiu, and then go to the Alchemy Guild to find Sun Xuan. Master, I want to work with them to study and improve that elixir to achieve the effect of treating the plague."

The elixir Su Chen was referring to was naturally the Shenquan elixir that he had helped Sun Xuan perfect.

At that time, as soon as Su Chen saw the prescription of Shenquan Dan, he realized that it was a special medicine used to treat the plague. At that time, he helped Sun Xuan perfect the formula of Shenquan Dan. His inner thought was that if the plague broke out in the future, Shenquan Dan could play a certain role in alleviating it.

Because according to Su Chen's memories of his previous life, a plague would break out in Anyang County in a few years, so his actions at that time were considered to be prepared for a rainy day.

However, what Su Chen didn't expect was that in this life, due to his appearance and intervention, the plague would break out in advance. This can be regarded as a strange causal effect.

Moreover, after Su Chen's observation of the patient just now, he judged that the plague toxin this time was a new type of plague toxin that had evolved. The Shenquan Pill may not necessarily have a good effect and needs to be improved on its basis.

Yu Guang, who was not far away, just sneered. He didn't believe that Su Chen could do anything good. This plague toxin was the result of his many years of painstaking research. Even the Blood Demon Lord had some help in it. Such a plague How could a toxin be broken by a mere fifteen-year-old boy?

"Master Sun Xuan has arrived!"

The people under Prince Anyang acted very quickly, and Sun Xuan arrived at the scene not long after.

Since Master Mo is in Qinghe City, it will take some time to arrive.

"Grandmaster Huang is here!"

"Grandmaster Gongliang has arrived!"

"Grandmaster Guo is here!"

Three grandmasters, Guo Tong, Grandmaster Gongliang and Grandmaster Huang, also rushed to the scene one after another.

The three masters had just heard about the outbreak of the plague and rushed over as quickly as possible.

"Little friend Su Chen, if you need any help from us, just ask."

"Yes, it is our duty to save Anyang City."

The three Grandmasters expressed their opinions one after another.

Each of them had a good relationship with Su Chen, so it was naturally impossible for them to watch Su Chen being handed over to Yu Guang.

Therefore, they all spontaneously wanted to help Su Chen develop a cure for the plague.

Su Chen nodded: "I need help from the masters and masters to analyze the ingredients in the plague toxin and the effects of various medicinal materials on it..."

Su Chen briefly described what he needed help with.

At that moment, a group of alchemists began to study intensively.

Yu Guang looked at this scene with a sneer and said sarcastically: "You are all doing this in vain. Without my help, you would not be able to develop a medicine to treat this plague."

Prince Anyang was already very angry with Yu Guang. His face immediately darkened when he heard this. In a flash, he was already at Yu Guang's side. A strong pressure enveloped Yu Guang, cold and cold. He said coldly: "What did you say?"

Yu Guang never expected that Prince Anyang would suddenly appear next to him with murderous intent. He was so frightened that he almost flew away. He suppressed the fear in his heart and pretended to be calm: "Don't come here! If you kill me, I will Destroy all the elixirs to cure the plague before you die, so that you will never be able to cure the plague."

"Hmph, who knows if you really have the elixir to cure this plague. If you do, just take a few out and see." Prince Anyang snorted coldly.

Yu Guang opened his mouth and was about to refuse.

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