Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 384 Notification

"Seventh Prince!"

A voice trembled, it was Yu Guang. I saw him walking out of the crowd, looking at the charred body of the Seventh Prince in disbelief, and said heartbrokenly, "Seventh Prince, what's wrong with you? Who killed you?"

"It's President Yu of the Alchemy Guild!"

"The seventh prince is President Yu's student. He must be very sad at this moment."

Everyone looked at Yu Guang, who had half-white hair, with sympathy.

Yu Guang raised his head, looked at Anyang County Prince, and said in a pleading tone: "Your Majesty, the seventh prince died unjustly. Can you please investigate the cause of his death thoroughly and see who killed him. Otherwise, I will It’s really hard to accept how a good person could die like this.”

Everyone nodded secretly. Yu Guang's request was understandable. After all, this was not a trial or a competition. It was just a matter of entering the treasure house to choose a reward. As a result, he died like this. No one could accept it.

Anyang County Prince's eyes fell on Yu Guang. He knew very well what a third-level alchemy master meant to Anyang County. He also knew very well that a third-level alchemy master could not be easily offended even by himself, the county prince.

So he nodded and said: "I promise that within seven days, we will investigate the cause of the seventh prince's death and the reason why the treasure house was set on fire."

"Okay, then I will wait for the news from the prince."

Yu Guang said, picked up the charred body of the Seventh Prince and walked back.

"That's it for today."

Prince Anyang waved his hand. Now he was focused on investigating the truth and had no thoughts about anything else.

What was originally a good martial arts meeting in Anyang ended up not only destroying the treasure house, but also killing people. Everyone lost interest and left hastily.

"Master Su Chen."

Just as Su Chen was about to leave, a call suddenly came from behind him.

Su Chen turned around and saw that the head of the Jin family stopped him and said with a smile on his face: "Master Su Chen, thank you for saving Jin Linkai just now. If you don't dislike it, come to my house for a meal." How about the meal? Let us thank you properly."

"No need, I have something else to do, so I won't disturb Patriarch Jin." Su Chen smiled slightly.

"Okay, if anything happens to Mr. Su Chen in the future, I must say it. As long as I can do it, I will try my best." The head of the Jin family said, and he was completely grateful to Su Chen now, especially after After seeing the body of the seventh prince, he felt even more frightened.

If Su Chen hadn't saved Jin Linkai, I'm afraid Jin Linkai would be a corpse now.

Su Chen nodded indifferently: "Then thank you first."

Originally, he was just doing it casually when he saved people, and didn't expect the other person to be grateful to him for it.

After leaving Anyang County Prince's Mansion, Su Chen was stopped by a group of guards in a remote alley after walking a few steps.

"Mr. Su Chen, please stay here. He said he has a few words to say to you."

The leader said as he took out a token exclusive to Prince Anyang to confirm his identity.

"Lead the way."

Su Chen nodded, expecting that Prince Anyang would have something to ask him.

After all, he was the only one who brought out the injured, and he was obviously carrying the Blood Demon Sword. Although Prince Anyang spoke up in front of everyone to help him out, he would definitely have doubts in his heart.

It just so happened that Su Chen also wanted to remind Prince Anyang to pay attention to the Blood Demon Lord.

It’s still the familiar hall, still the same familiar seats.

Prince Anyang was sitting on his seat. When he saw Su Chen come in, he couldn't wait to stand up and asked: "Su Chen, tell me the truth, how much do you know about the whole thing?"

"Your Majesty, sit down first and listen to me slowly."

Su Chen took his time and told Prince Anyang what happened in the treasure house.

However, he still omitted many details, such as how he finally suppressed the Blood Demon Lord. Naturally, it was impossible for him to tell the details in detail. Instead, he went through them vaguely, just saying that he lucky.

Prince Anyang listened carefully, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn.

After Su Chen finished speaking, Prince Anyang took a deep breath and concluded: "You mean, there is a powerful demon who calls himself the Blood Demon Lord, and his soul was forcibly suppressed in the treasure house by ancient formations?"

"Yes, the prince doesn't know about this?" Su Chen asked.

Prince Anyang shook his head: "I don't know, Anyang Prince's Mansion was built by the first generation of Prince Anyang, and the treasure house was also built at that time. It has been hundreds of years ago."

"Perhaps, the first generation of Anyang County Prince knew that there was a formation to suppress the Blood Demon Lord, so he deliberately built the treasure house on top of the formation, and used the solid building of the treasure house to prevent the loss of the formation's aura, so that the formation could Keep it longer," Su Chen analyzed.

After all, so much time has passed, and the real reason why the treasure house was built on the formation cannot be determined and can only be speculated.

However, Su Chen estimated that his guess was quite accurate. The first generation Anyang Prince must have built the treasure house there out of consideration for maintaining the formation.

If nothing unexpected happens, the treasure house should be able to suppress the Blood Demon Lord for a long time.

It's just that the first generation of Anyang County Prince obviously didn't expect that the Blood Demon Lord used some method to separate a ray of soul and seduced the seventh prince, and then used strange magic means to directly take away the seventh prince's body, and also obtained He grabbed the Blood Demonic Sword and almost broke away from the formation and ran out.

If he hadn't happened to run into Su Chen, the Blood Demon Lord might have run out to cause trouble.

At this moment, Su Chen was also meditating. He suddenly thought of a question, that is, where did the Blood Demon Lord go in his previous life. Logically speaking, without his intervention in the previous life, the Blood Demon Lord should have successfully broken free of the seal and caused chaos in Anyang City.

But in his last life, Su Chen had never heard of the demon king making trouble in Anyang City until he left the Yunyuan Empire.

In other words, the Blood Demon Lord in the previous life did not break free of the seal, or at least he did not break free of the seal so quickly. The various changes brought about by the appearance of Su Chen in this life have accelerated the process of the Blood Demon Lord breaking free from the seal.

I have to say that this kind of causal chain is very wonderful.

"Unexpectedly, there is actually a demon king suppressed in the palace's treasure house?"

Prince Anyang murmured to himself, obviously finding it difficult to accept it for a moment.

However, the Prince of Anyang County did not doubt Su Chen's words, because as long as he recalled the seventh prince's performance at the Anyang Martial Arts Tournament, he could detect many things that were wrong. Even some of the martial arts used by the Seventh Prince, now that I think about it, are indeed demonic methods.

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