Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 385 Rewards

"It is true that I don't take Lao Qi very seriously at ordinary times, but that's because he is not very strong and is frail and sick, so it is basically impossible for him to inherit the throne in the future. But even so, I think that he has extremely high talent in alchemy. For my own sake, I still promoted him to the title of Crown Prince and never treated him harshly. Is this how he repays me?"

Prince Anyang murmured to himself, obviously the seventh prince's misguided approach was a big blow to him.

Su Chen shook his head. In his opinion, the Seventh Prince was the kind of person who was good at pretending and had great ambitions. Such people were unscrupulous and greedy. As long as he was given a chance, he would go astray sooner or later. So Prince Anyang actually has nothing to feel sad about.

After all, the temptation of demonic skills is too great. Compared with the righteous skills, practicing demonic skills not only requires fewer resources, but also makes it easier to obtain powerful strength.

The disadvantage of the magic method is that it requires constant killing and plundering the martial arts essence of other warriors. Once there are too many killings, the soul may gradually be swallowed up by the demonic energy, and eventually become an unconscious walking corpse.

But for many people who are extremely eager for strength, but are unwilling to gain strength step by step through righteous methods, these disadvantages may not matter at all.

The Dan Realm where Su Chen lived in his previous life had a hundred times more cultivation resources than Anyang County, and all kinds of geniuses and wizards emerged in endlessly. But even so, the Dan Realm never lacked people who fell into the devil's ways, let alone Anyang County?

Even those strong Martial Emperors, who can open mountains with one punch and fill seas with one kick, still cannot escape the shadow of the strong demons. Some people even devote their lives to fighting against the strong demons.

Because a powerful demon who has become a Demon Emperor is far more terrifying than the Blood Demon Lord. With just a raise of his hand, a whole region can become a river of blood, let alone a mere Anyang County.

Therefore, even though the Blood Demon Lord is already an extremely huge threat to the people of Anyang County, in the entire demon system, the Blood Demon Lord is actually nothing. At most, it can only be regarded as a threat.

Prince Anyang didn't speak for a while. Su Chen probably felt sorry for the loss of the palace's treasury. But there's no point in feeling distressed. Things have happened and you have to accept them.

"So, where is the Blood Demon Sword with you?" Prince Anyang finally spoke and asked.

"That's right." Su Chen smiled, untied the Blood Demon Sword wrapped in black cloth, and showed it to Prince Anyang.

Prince Anyang was in a better mood now. When he saw Su Chen unbuttoning the black cloth to reveal the Blood Demon Sword, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and said, "Is this the fifth-grade demon soldier? Even I have never seen this before. This level of weapon is really amazing.”

At this moment, the Blood Demon Sword has not been activated, but just lying there quietly, it emits an aura that is hard to ignore.

Prince Anyang slowly closed his eyes involuntarily and murmured: "I seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and saw endless killing, killing, killing, killing..."

His eyes gradually became wild.

"Hey!" Su Chen shouted.

Prince Anyang's eyes immediately returned to clarity, and he said in surprise: "These fifth-grade demon soldiers are so miraculous. I just glanced at them, and many killing illusions appeared in front of my eyes. My soul seemed to be attracted by the illusions and was out of control."

Su Chen said: "This is the power of the Demon Soldier. It can release the killing energy and tempt you to use it to kill. Your soul power is much weaker than the Demon Soldier, so it is easy to be controlled by it."

When he was in the treasure house, the reason why Su Chen was not controlled by the Blood Demon Sword was because Su Chen's own soul power exceeded that of a third-level alchemy master and could withstand the mental attack of the Blood Demon Sword.

The seventh prince was not controlled because he was possessed by the Blood Demon Lord, and the Blood Demon Lord's soul power was equivalent to his.

As for Su Chen coming out with the Blood Evil Sword on his back, the people outside were not controlled because Su Chen wrapped the Blood Evil Demon Sword with black cloth, thus blocking the connection between the Blood Evil Demon Sword and the outside world.

But now, the Blood Demonic Sword is placed in front of Anyang County Prince without any cover. Even as powerful as Anyang County Prince, he cannot resist its murderous aura.

This is also the reason why although the magic soldiers are good, they are difficult for ordinary people to control.

"You should put this magic weapon away." Prince Anyang shook his head, "I don't know how this magic weapon appeared in the palace treasury, but if it stays here, it will be a disaster one day. Perhaps keeping it in your care is the best place for it to end up.”

Su Chen was not polite, put away the Blood Fiend Demon Sword, and took out the secret book "Eight Desolations Demon Sword Formation": "There is also this one. I think the Seventh Prince went to the core area to take this away. Maybe this Whatever was important to them, I brought it out.”

"'Eight Wastelands Demon-Breaking Sword Formation'? This secret book?" Prince Anyang showed surprise.

"Is there anything special about this secret book?" Su Chen asked.

"It's nothing special. It's just that the training conditions for this secret book of "Eight Wastelands Demon-Breaking Sword Formation" are too harsh. No one has successfully practiced it since the first generation of Anyang County Prince."

The Prince of Anyang County said, "It's just that the first generation of Prince Anyang ordered it to be placed in the most important position in the treasure house, so it has always been placed in the core area of ​​the treasure house."

Su Chen thought for a while and said: "Since no one has succeeded in cultivation, it means that this secret book has no value in the palace. In this case, can you leave the secret book to me for safekeeping?"

Anyang County Prince agreed without hesitation: "Of course. Moreover, I have one more thing to tell you. You have helped a lot with the Blood Demon Lord this time. I plan to inform the entire county and seal the seal." You are Zhongyonghou."

"My lord, that's not necessary."

Su Chen shook his head, he didn't care about these false reputations.

Prince Anyang's expression changed and he said: "You have made great achievements. If I don't reward you heavily, how can I show that rewards and punishments are clear?"

"Your Majesty, it's better to keep the matter of the Blood Demon Lord secret, otherwise if the people know about it, they will inevitably panic."

Su Chen said in an understatement, "What's more, the power of a prince is not what I pursue."

When the eldest prince promised him half of the country and asked him for help, he was not moved, let alone a mere loyal and brave marquis?

The Prince of Anyang County gradually showed a look of surprise as he listened to Su Chen's words. It must be said that Su Chen's words really shocked him.

Looking at the entire Anyang County, I am afraid that apart from the few alchemy masters, Su Chen is the only person who dares to directly say in front of the Anyang County Prince that he pursues no princely authority.

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