Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 383: Body search

"My lord, this thing he is carrying is very suspicious."

Protector Pei said unconvinced that he was almost 100% sure that this thing was definitely not Su Chen's own thing, but something Su Chen had just taken out from the treasure house.

And Su Chen was so secretive, it can be imagined that he definitely did not take it out openly, maybe he stole it.

However, just when Protector Pei was about to continue to attack Su Chen, Prince Anyang said, "I gave that thing to Su Chen. Well, there is no need to pursue this matter."

Did the prince give it to Su Chen?

Protector Pei still had doubts, but the Anyang County Prince had spoken, so he had no choice but to give up.

Su Chen blinked and looked at Prince Anyang. He didn't mind revealing a little about what happened in the treasury to Prince Anyang, but the key was that there were many people and it was not the time to talk.

Moreover, with so many powerful people present, it was inconvenient to use the martial arts of focusing sound into a line. You must know that the real strong people are extremely sharp and sharp. In front of so many strong people in the late stage of the Transformation Realm, if you are a first-level person in the Transformation Realm and use the martial arts of gathering sound into a line, you will probably be heard immediately.

Therefore, Su Chen planned to wait until everyone had dispersed before talking to Prince Anyang alone.

Protector Pei was on the side, but he said unwillingly: "Your Majesty, my subordinates believe that every contestant who comes out of the treasure house should be searched to prevent them from taking the wrong or extra rewards."

Protector Pei's words are not entirely unreasonable.

Originally, if everything was normal, the contestants should have been searched when they left the treasure house. Otherwise, who knows whether you took more or took a reward that should not be yours?

Moreover, the palace guards will also count the treasures in the treasure house afterwards to ensure that no one will take advantage of them.

However, with most of the treasury destroyed, it became apparent that it was impossible to inventory the contents.

So from this perspective, it’s not wrong to search. What if someone really takes more? A little bit of loss can be recovered.

However, at this time, the head of the Jin family suddenly said in a loud voice: "That's it, that's all, the treasure house has been destroyed, and we are still worrying about whether these things are there or not! If you have this spare time, you might as well investigate more about what was in the treasure house just now. In the end what happened!"

"Master Jin, what do you mean by this? I just want to save some losses for the palace." Protector Pei said with wide eyes.

The head of the Jin family snorted coldly: "What you call reversing losses is just staring at a child and constantly questioning him? Or is it a body search of these top geniuses in Anyang County? Protector Pei, with all due respect, when has this happened? Even if you search them all, can you recover even a little bit of the damage, will it be worth one ten thousandth of the damage to the treasure house? "


Protector Pei was speechless by the head of the Jin family, and could only say angrily, "Forget it, I won't be stubborn with you, anyway, the treasure house does not belong to your Jin family, don't you feel bad!"

The head of the Jin family snorted: "Your stingy behavior really brings discredit to the palace!"

Protector Pei was very angry, but in front of so many people, it was obviously not easy to quarrel with the head of the Jin family with a red face, so he could only snort and said: "It's useless for you and me to argue here. Search No search, let the prince have the final say!”


The Prince of Anyang County waved his hand impatiently and said in a waning tone: "There is no need to search them. I will not treat these top geniuses in Anyang County as thieves."

"I just want to know what happened in the treasure house? Is there no one who can tell me?"

Prince Anyang asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, if that doesn't work, we can only wait until Jin Linkai wakes up and then ask him if he knows anything."

The head of the Jin family said.

At this moment, after counting the number of people present, a subordinate reported: "Your Majesty, among the sixteen contestants who entered the treasure house, except for the unconscious Jin Liankai, there is one less person, and the seventh prince has not come out. "

"Seventh Prince?"

Prince Anyang frowned subconsciously. He wouldn't be surprised if no one else came out. Only the seventh prince, with his sudden surge in cultivation and his strange and unpredictable methods, always made Prince Anyang feel deeply in his heart. There's a bit of an oddity to it.

So now that the seventh prince was missing, Prince Anyang almost immediately had an intuition that the destruction of the treasure house must have something to do with the seventh prince.

"What? The seventh prince is missing?"

"No way, the prince is missing, this is a big deal."

Everyone started talking in surprise.

"Tell the prince that the seventh prince has been found!"

Several royal guards came out of the treasure house, carrying a burnt corpse.

Prince Anyang's pupils shrank slightly, he stepped forward to inspect the corpse, opened his mouth and looked at the teeth, closed his eyes, nodded after a moment and said: "It's Lao Qi, that's right."

Suddenly, the people at the scene became commotion.

All eyes were cast on the body of the Seventh Prince in disbelief.

"Oh my god, the seventh prince is dead. What happened in the treasure house?"

Everyone was sighing. They originally thought they were just entering the treasure house to receive a reward, but in the end, it turned out to be like this, and people died.

Fortunately, the person who died was not the eldest son who was the crown prince, and the crown prince was already determined, which meant that the seventh prince no longer had the possibility of becoming the crown prince.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a big storm just like when the Third Prince died at the Qiuye Hunting Ground.

The eldest prince also looked at the body of the seventh prince in surprise, with regret and sadness in his eyes, even though he and the seventh prince were not very familiar and could not even speak a few words throughout the year. But seeing the seventh prince die suddenly still made him feel uncomfortable.

After all, he was a living person. He was fine before entering the treasure house. Why did he die?

Prince Anyang also looked at the body of the Seventh Prince with a stern look. To be honest, he had thought that the things in the treasure house must be related to the Seventh Prince, and it might even be caused by the Seventh Prince.

But now the seventh prince is dead, which makes everything confusing.

"Have you found the cause of death?" Prince Anyang asked.

The military guards shook their heads: "No, we just found the seventh prince's body in a corner. It was already like this when we found it."

The Prince of Anyang County pondered. One of the Seventh Prince's arms had been cut off by Su Chen before, but looking at the body now, it turned out that both arms were cut off. How was the other arm cut off?

Apart from this, there were no other external injuries on the seventh prince's body, but obviously just cutting off the arm could not kill a warrior, but the seventh prince died inexplicably.

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