Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 36 The Poison of Night Flower

When the middle-aged civilian man heard this, his face turned gloomy, and he begged: "Master Alchemist, you...can you two work together to heal the young master and at the same time heal my son. I...I only have this one son. Ah, I don’t want him to die…”


Wang Bingyan immediately interrupted, "How can we concentrate on treating two patients together? It's better to treat them one by one!"

As she said that, Wang Bingyan glanced at the civilian child in tattered clothes with contempt and said: "A civilian's life is a cheap life after all, so what if he dies? My brother's life is precious. Stop talking nonsense and come and treat me first." My brother!"

The senior trainee alchemist looked at the civilian child with a troubled expression. He was not an official alchemist after all, and he did not dare to offend the Wang family. He could only walk towards the young master of the Wang family on the stretcher, squat down and start diagnosis and treatment.

When the civilian man saw this, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of despair.

"Isn't Miss Wang using her power to bully others?"

"Yes, it is clear that both parties have the same condition and can be treated together. If the alchemist insists on treating her brother alone first, isn't this just leaving the civilian child to die?"

Everyone in the lobby also started talking, looking at the civilian father and son with sympathy.

"The symptoms seem to be Mingyehua poisoning." Over there, the senior trainee alchemist frowned and said after diagnosing the young master of the Wang family.

Wang Bingyan raised her eyebrows: "Poisoned by Night Flower? Then give me the antidote!"

The senior trainee alchemist shook his head and said: "The Night Flower is highly poisonous and difficult to cure. I don't know how to cure it."

"You don't know how. Doesn't anyone in your alchemy guild know how?" Wang Bingyan looked around the entire alchemy guild hall.

The senior trainee alchemist thought for a moment and said, "Master Mo is the only one who can cure the poisonous nature of Night Flower."

When Wang Bingyan heard Master Mo's name, the arrogance on her face calmed down and she said, "Then go and invite Master Mo."

The senior trainee alchemist shook his head and said: "Master Mo lives in seclusion, how can he be invited out so easily?"

When Master Mo heard this, he couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "I happen to be free today, so I will give you a diagnosis and treatment."

"Master Mo!" The senior trainee alchemist obviously didn't expect Master Mo to be at the scene and quickly stepped back and saluted.

No matter how domineering Wang Bingyan is, she still has some respect in front of Master Mo. She smiled and said: "Then I'll trouble Master Mo."

Master Mo glanced at Wang Bingyan coldly. He actually didn't like this young lady from the Wang family. Wang Bingyan just forced the alchemist to diagnose and treat her brother first, which made Master Mo have a very bad impression of Wang Bingyan.

However, after all, alchemy is a profession that saves lives and heals the wounded. Master Mo cannot just watch the patient in front of him without diagnosis and treatment.

At that moment, Master Mo glanced at the young master of the Wang family and the civilian child. After observing for a moment, he said: "The symptoms of these two people should be caused by accidentally taking the poisonous Night Flower, and they took a lot of it."

Wang Bingyan said quickly: "Master Mo, do you think my brother can be saved?"

Master Mo sighed, shook his head and said: "Both of them took too much Night Flower, and it was delivered too late. The poison has spread to the heart and lungs. Even if the poison is detoxified now, the poison cannot be completely removed, and there will be traces of it. The sequelae are not small, and the limbs may remain paralyzed for the rest of life and can only be spent in bed.”

"How is it possible?" Wang Bingyan was in disbelief, her voice suddenly peaked, "My brother cannot be disabled for life, Master Mo, is there no way to completely eliminate the poison?"

Master Mo shook his head and said: "Being disabled for life is the best result. With my ability, the most I can do is this. I'm sorry."

"How could this happen?" Wang Bingyan was also stunned, with a look of reluctance on her face. Her eyes wandered around the hall of the Alchemy Guild, and she said unwillingly, "Isn't there anyone who can completely remove the poison?"

There was silence in the lobby. Everyone knew that what Wang Bingyan said was just wishful thinking. Even Master Mo couldn't completely remove the poison. Who in the Qinghe City Alchemy Guild could do it?

However, at this moment, Master Mo suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked: "Mr. Su, do you have anything to do about the poison of the Night Flower?"

Su Chen originally stood far behind the crowd. After hearing this, he slowly walked forward, glanced at the young master of the Wang family and the commoner child, and said, "The poison of the Night Flower is not difficult to remove."

"You know how?" Master Mo was refreshed. Su Chen really gave him too many surprises.

Su Chen smiled and said nothing. The night flower is a kind of weed that can be seen everywhere, but it contains highly toxic substances. Many people cannot tell the difference between the night flower and other weeds, so they often collect it for food, which can cause Poisoned.

The two people in front of them had taken an overdose of Mingyehua, and the toxicity had spread to their hearts and lungs. With the current level of alchemy in Qinghe City, they were hopeless.

But for Chen Dan Emperor, not to mention that these two people only took a slight overdose of Mingye Flowers, even if they ate a full ten kilograms of Mingye Flowers, as long as Su Chen was willing, he could still recover as before.

"Is it you?" Wang Bingyan didn't notice that Su Chen was there at first, but she didn't notice Su Chen until now. She couldn't help raising her two thin eyebrows and said in disgust, "Who do you think you are, talking nonsense here? You have nothing to do here. , go aside.”

Master Mo advised: "Miss Wang, why don't you ask Mr. Su to take a look? Mr. Su is quite accomplished in alchemy. If he says this, he should be very confident."

In front of many people, Master Mo couldn't directly say that Su Chen's alchemy skills surpassed his own. Firstly, it was because Su Chen wanted to keep a low profile. Secondly, even if he said so, many people would not believe it at all.

Therefore, Master Mo could only say implicitly that Su Chen was quite accomplished in alchemy.

If ordinary people heard this, they might consider Master Mo's suggestion and let Su Chen come for diagnosis and treatment.

However, when Wang Bingyan heard this, she rolled her eyes on the spot and sneered: "Why is your alchemy guild cheating ghosts? Just say it when you look down on our Wang family. As the president, you don't take action to detoxify, but you are cheating on an alchemy apprentice." You guys came out to detoxify my brother, do you want to kill my brother? "

Master Mo frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy: "Have I ever lied to anyone in my life? Your brother's condition is getting worse and worse. I would like to give you a kind suggestion. Please ask Mr. Su for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. You will regret it if it is too late."

Wang Bingyan said coldly: "Master Mo, your alchemy guild has gone too far to bully others. I will leave my words here today. Otherwise, you can personally detoxify and ensure that my brother is not disabled for life. Otherwise, I will go outside and tell you immediately. All the people of Qinghe City and the Alchemy Guild are so disrespectful of human life and do nothing to save them."

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