Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 35 Honorary Guest

After the elixir is refined, it will be divided into stars according to the quality of the elixir. If the quality of the finished elixir reaches a universal standard, it will be rated ten stars. On top of the ten stars, there are eleven stars, twelve stars...but generally no more than twenty stars.

And if it is a Cheng Dan below nine stars, it means that the quality has certain defects. If it's one star, it's a waste elixir.

The current Cheng Dan is a twelve-star pill, and Su Chen can guarantee that if Xu Yin eats this hundred-year Sun Pill, it will not only eradicate the cold poison in her body, but also be beneficial to her body.

Putting the twelve-star Hundred-Year Sun Pill into a small bottle and putting it away, Su Chen smiled at Master Mo and Master Qian and said, "Thank you both very much for today."

If these two alchemists hadn't allowed him to borrow the Elephant Pattern Fire Dragon Furnace, he wouldn't have been able to refine the twelve-star Hundred-Year Sun Pill.

"You're welcome, Mr. Su." Master Mo smiled, "By the way, I wonder if Mr. Su is interested in joining our Alchemy Guild?"

Join the Alchemy Guild?

Su Chen frowned slightly and joined the Alchemy Guild. He had never considered joining the Alchemy Guild.

He knew that joining the Alchemy Guild would mean reaching the sky in one step for ordinary warriors, and possessing wealth and status that ordinary people could not reach. Especially since Master Mo respects himself so much, he will definitely arrange a good position for himself in the Alchemy Guild.

Although there are many benefits to joining the Alchemy Guild, there are also many corresponding restrictions, and Su Chen does not want to be restricted by anyone when he lives his life again.

At that moment, Su Chen declined politely: "Thank you Master Mo for your kindness, but I still need to practice martial arts and cannot come to the Alchemy Guild every day. If Master Mo arranges any position for me, I will not be able to fulfill my duties."

Master Mo smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Su, I have already considered this, so I would like to invite you to be the honorary guest of our Alchemy Guild."

"This honorary guest is equivalent to a listed title. Its status is the same as that of the president, but it does not have any actual work content. You are not required to come to the Alchemy Guild every day. You only need to come around twice when you are free."

"Of course, if the Alchemy Guild has any important events, you will also be present as an honorary guest."

After listening to Master Mo's words, Su Chen understood. To put it bluntly, this honorary guest is just for supporting the occasion. He does not need to show up at ordinary times, but he must be there for important events, which is equivalent to the role of facade.

"In that case, let's follow what Master Mo said." Su Chen did not refuse anymore, thinking that joining the Alchemy Guild would be a good choice, at least he wouldn't have to worry about the alchemy furnace.

"However, I hope to use a pseudonym to serve as the honorary guest of the Alchemy Guild. I hope Master Mo can fulfill this." Su Chen's identity involves too many interpersonal relationships. If he can have another false identity, he will be able to behave more effectively in the future. More convenient.

Master Mo continued: "As long as Mr. Su is willing to join our Alchemy Guild, it doesn't matter if he uses his real name or a pseudonym. I wonder what kind of pseudonym Mr. Su wants to use?"

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "Just call it 'Chen'."

"No problem. From now on, you will be the honorary guest of our Qinghe City Alchemy Guild, Master Chen. If you come to the Alchemy Guild as Master Chen in the future, you can disguise yourself so that no one will recognize you."

Master Mo said happily, taking out the Alchemy Guild's honorary guest badge on the spot and handing it to Su Chen.

"Master Su, let me take you downstairs."

Master Mo was very satisfied today and immediately asked to accompany Su Chen downstairs.

The two of them went downstairs and arrived at the lobby on the first floor of the Alchemy Guild.

"It's easy to go, Mr. Su," Master Mo said.

Su Chen was about to leave when suddenly four or five people carrying stretchers rushed in from the gate. As soon as the leader came in, he shouted: "Is there an alchemist here? Please help my young master to see if there is one!"

"Hurry up and get some alchemists to help my young master cure his illness. Your benefits are indispensable!" Another person also shouted.

When Master Mo saw this scene, he couldn't help but frowned and was about to step forward.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a senior trainee alchemist badge on his chest walked quickly towards those people and said solemnly: "This is the Alchemy Guild. No noise is allowed. What do you want? The Alchemy Guild prohibits outsiders from intruding. Enter!”

One of the people carrying the stretcher pointed to the child in rich clothes lying on the stretcher and said rudely: "We are from the Wang family! Our young master accidentally ate something this morning. Now he is convulsing and having trouble breathing. You You are an alchemist, please help me find out what the cause is. The cure is indispensable to you!"

The senior trainee alchemist frowned when he heard this and said: "We are an alchemy guild here, not a roadside medical center. If you have any patients, please take them to the medical center. Don't come to the alchemy guild to disturb our peace!"

"Tch, how dare a young high-level trainee alchemist dare to put on airs in front of the Wang family?" came a disdainful female voice, and then a girl with an enchanting face and a black mole on the right corner of her eye walked into the alchemy guild hall, behind her Also following was a young man with slender eyes. The young man seemed to have an injury on his leg and was walking with a limp.

"Are they the young lady and young master of the Wang family?" Many people present were talking about it.

Su Chen, who was not far away, recognized at a glance that the girl and young boy who walked in were Wang Bingyan and Wang Teng who were at Zuixianju that day.

When the senior trainee alchemist saw Wang Bingyan and Wang Teng, his expression changed slightly and he said, "Miss Wang, Mr. Wang."

Wang Bingyan raised her arrogant chin, looked at the senior trainee alchemist, and said: "The person on the stretcher is my biological brother, the direct young master of the Wang family. If you are cured, I, the Wang family, will be richly rewarded. If not... They just don’t give us the Wang family face.”

The senior trainee alchemist couldn't help but frown. After all, Wang Bingyan and Wang Teng were direct descendants of the Wang family. He had not yet been promoted to a formal alchemist and could not afford to offend each other.

At that moment, the senior trainee alchemist had no choice but to walk towards the stretcher.

At this moment, another middle-aged man suddenly broke into the alchemy guild hall with a child on his back. As soon as he entered, he knelt down to the senior trainee alchemist: "You are an alchemist, right? Can you help me?" Look, what happened to my son? He didn’t know what he ate in the morning, and he has been convulsing and having trouble breathing until now. Even going to the hospital is of no use..."

The senior trainee alchemist couldn't help but was startled. He looked at the middle-aged man and saw that he was wearing coarse clothes. The child on his back was also in tatters. Compared with the young master of the Wang family on the other side, he was much shabby. Ji, obviously just a civilian child.

Then, the senior trainee alchemist observed the expressions of the young master of the Wang family and the commoner child, and said in surprise: "The symptoms of these two people seem to be the same disease."

Everyone present looked around and saw that the symptoms of the two men were exactly the same, and it seemed that they were indeed the same disease.

"What a coincidence, two people with the same illness suddenly came to the Alchemy Guild for help."

"Two patients, but only one alchemist, who should be treated first?"

Wang Bingyan was obviously aware of this, and immediately said to the senior trainee alchemist in a commanding tone: "You, treat my brother immediately first!"

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