Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 37 Ruthless Rejection

"Okay, okay!" Master Mo has always been in a transcendental position. He has never been contradicted in person like this. His face was trembling with anger and he shouted angrily, "You simply don't understand good people's hearts! I'm here to tell you, I can't do what you said. Yes, only Mr. Su can do it. If you don’t want to ask Mr. Su to detoxify, then you should go to someone else.”

After saying that, Master Mo also took a few steps back and sat down on a chair, his chest rising and falling. He was obviously very angry with Wang Bingyan.

At this moment, a timid and small voice suddenly sounded in the lobby: "My lords, if anyone can help save my son, no matter who, as long as he can save my son, I will be very grateful. Yes. Please, I am just such a son..."

But the civilian man hadn't left yet. He began to kneel on the ground and kowtow to everyone around him. While kowtowing, he begged, hoping that someone could save his son.

"Don't worry, your son, I will save him."

But it was Su Chen's voice that sounded faintly.

"Really?" The civilian man's eyes lit up, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and he said gratefully: "Thank you, sir!"

"However, I won't save anyone from the Wang family." Su Chen added.

When Wang Bingyan heard this, she suddenly felt ridiculous and sneered, with a mocking look on her face: "Do I, the Wang family, need you to save me?"

"I hope you won't regret what you said." Su Chen said lightly, then ignored Wang Bingyan and walked towards the civilian child.

Master Mo, who was not far away, secretly shook his head. At this moment, he had a hunch that Wang Bingyan would definitely regret it.

"Get this kid over there on the bed."

Su Chen didn't waste any time and immediately began to give instructions to the alchemy apprentices present.

Several alchemy apprentices did not want to listen to Su Chen's orders at first, but after receiving Master Mo's eyes, they honestly followed Su Chen's orders.

When Wang Bingyan saw this scene, she couldn't help but sneered: "Su Chen, stop pretending, don't we still know your true identity?"

Isn't he Jiang Tingyi's cousin? At his age, it would be great to be an alchemy apprentice. How could he possibly undo the poison of the Night Flower?

She didn't know why, but Wang Bingyan felt that she was particularly hostile to Su Chen. Perhaps it was because Su Chen was Jiang Tingyi's cousin, and she hated anyone who had anything to do with Jiang Tingyi.

Asking Su Chen to treat her brother's poison, Wang Bingyan's first subconscious reaction was to resist and refuse, not to mention that Su Chen couldn't really cure it.

However, Wang Bingyan's thoughts were quickly slapped in the face by reality.

I saw Su Chen instructing his apprentice to bring a few ingredients, and then started on the spot to mix the ingredients into powdered medicine for civilian children to take.

The civilian child took Su Chen's medicinal powder, and the purple color on his face quickly faded, and he regained his energy, and he even sat up after a while.

"Okay, the poison has been eliminated. Let's take him home." Su Chen said.

When the civilian man saw his son who had recovered as before, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He kowtowed to Su Chen more than a dozen times: "Thank you, my benefactor! Thank you, my benefactor!"

Afterwards, the civilian man took his son and left the Alchemy Guild happily.

Only a few members of the Wang family were left at the scene.

Wang Bingyan was dumbfounded at this moment. No matter how much she thought about it, she never expected that Su Chen could really undo the poison of the Night Flower.

It's ridiculous that she just threatened that the Wang family didn't need Su Chen to save them.

She didn't expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

"Master Mo, I'm leaving." Su Chen smiled faintly and left the Alchemy Guild without even looking at the Wang family.

"It's easy to go, Mr. Su." Master Mo said from behind Su Chen.

Seeing that Su Chen was about to walk out of the Alchemy Guild, Wang Bingyan became anxious. Did Su Chen really not intend to save her brother?

"Su Chen, stop!" Wang Bingyan screamed, "Are you really going to die and leave my brother alone?"

After hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but laugh, shrugged and said, "Wang Bingyan, what is my relationship with you? Do I have an obligation to take care of your brother?"

After saying that, Su Chen continued to walk out the door.

"Su Chen, don't be too cruel. After all, we have had friendship before!" Wang Bingyan shouted from behind.

Su Chen paused and said calmly: "I just said that I won't save anyone from the Wang family!"

After saying that, Su Chen walked out of the Alchemy Guild without looking back.

Wang Bingyan froze on the spot, never expecting that Su Chen would not show any mercy and would not save her even if she said he didn't want to.

After being stunned for a long time, Wang Bingyan had no choice but to turn around and beg Master Mo: "Master Mo, they say that you are the most kind-hearted person. My brother's life and death are on the line. You shouldn't be so cruel and ignore it, right?"

It has to be said that Wang Bingyan is a flexible and flexible character. When she saw that Su Chen had no hope, she immediately changed her attitude and went to Master Mo.

However, Master Mo, who has always been kind, also had a cold face at this moment: "I'm really sorry, Miss Wang, I can't do what you asked for, and there will be no sequelae after detoxification. So I'd better not show my shame. You can find someone else elsewhere." Bar."

With that said, Master Mo unexpectedly stood up from his chair and walked away.

Wang Bingyan was left alone, stunned in disbelief.

Looking at the other members of the Alchemy Guild, whoever dared to stay here to get involved in right and wrong has already left all at once.

The young master, a direct descendant of the Wang family, was poisoned and had no one to treat him. He could only lie on a stretcher and wait to die.

"Su Chen, it's all because of Su Chen!" Wang Bingyan's eyes gradually erupted with angry flames, "All this happened today was caused by him, all because he refused to save me!"

At this moment, Wang Bingyan completely forgot about her attitude towards Master Mo and Su Chen just now, and vented all her resentment on Su Chen.

"Let's go!" Wang Bingyan said coldly, "If anything happens to my brother today, I will make Su Chen pay with his life!"

With that said, Wang Bingyan waved her hand and directed several members of the Wang family to carry the stretcher and leave the Alchemy Guild.

On the second floor, in Master Mo's room, a subordinate said worriedly: "Mr. Mo, Mr. Su has offended the Wang family to death."

Master Mo sighed softly: "Real geniuses are always a little arrogant. In my opinion, Mr. Su's behavior is understandable!"

"But Mr. Mo, Mr. Su is now an honorary guest of our Alchemy Guild. If something happens to him..."

"Don't worry!" Mr. Mo interrupted his men, a pair of deep blue eyes flashing coldly at this moment, "The Alchemy Guild has always remained neutral. Maybe they have kept a low profile for too long, making them forget how powerful the Alchemy Guild is!"

"However, if anyone dares to take action against the honorary guest of the Alchemy Guild, the Alchemy Guild would not mind letting them know what it means not to offend..."

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