Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 340 It’s not time to joke

With this look, anyone would guess that the little snake was poisonous, and Shangguan Yuan must have been poisoned.

The head of the Situ family took out several bottles of golden sore medicine from his body and sprinkled it on the wound, which temporarily stopped the bleeding. But even so, his face was as pale as paper, his chest was surging with real energy, and in a short period of time, his combat effectiveness was not even as good as 10% of what he was at his peak.

The head of the Situ family simply sat cross-legged on the spot, looking at Shangguan Yuan coldly while healing his wounds. Anyway, in his current state, he won't be able to leave for a while. It's better to stay here and see how Shangguan Yuan died of poisoning, which can relieve the hatred in his heart.

Shangguan Yuan frowned, took out a few pills from his body, swallowed them, and applied some powder to his calves.

But his efforts were in vain. The calf showed no signs of recovery, and the black color even showed signs of spreading rapidly.

Big beads of sweat appeared on Shangguan Yuan's forehead. In just a short time, the black color had spread to half of his thighs. At this rate, it won't take more than a stick of incense to spread to the heart.

He must quickly find an alchemist who can detoxify him, otherwise his life will not be saved.

Of course, Shangguan Yuan could also choose to stop the loss in time and cut off the poisoned leg, which would save his life at the cost of losing one leg.

However, he didn't want to choose to do this until the last moment. After all, he was a warrior. Losing a leg was not much different from destroying half of his cultivation.

There is no holy medicine for regenerating broken bones in the world. Even if there is, it is not something that their level can obtain.

Seeing Shangguan Yuan's embarrassment, the head of the Situ family felt even more happy, and said sarcastically: "You and I were asked to fight for the treasures of the world, and you still refused to join forces to kill the snake. Now you have been poisoned by the snake's venom, you deserve it!"

Anyway, the treasures of heaven and earth have been eaten by snakes, and it is too late to say anything now. He can only vent his resentment on Shangguan Yuan.

Shangguan Yuan snorted coldly: "Old dog Situ, don't be complacent. You haven't gotten the treasures of heaven and earth anyway. If you want the treasures of heaven and earth, just dream! Go ahead and eat your shit!"

It's okay if he didn't say it. As soon as he said it, the head of the Situ family suddenly showed a ferocious look on his face. He just wished he could draw his sword and kill this guy right now.

However, the head of the Situ family still held back, firstly because he didn't have the fighting power now, and secondly because seeing Shangguan Yuan slowly being tortured by snake venom and dying of despair would definitely feel worse than killing him directly. It's a lot of relief.

"Master, I heard that Su Chen is an expert in alchemy. How about we ask him to detoxify?" asked a Shangguan family warrior.

Shangguan Yuan glanced at Su Chen, wrinkled his fat face, snorted from his nose, and said disapprovingly: "How can a little brat be so good at alchemy? I am also the head of the family, so let a child do this." Detoxification is too shameful.”

"Master, Su Chen is not an ordinary young man. Do you still remember Xueying? He was the one who saved Xueying from our family and prevented us from touching her." The Shangguan family warrior said in a low voice.

"Xueying? Who?" Shangguan Yuan was confused. He didn't even remember who Xueying was.

After the warrior's explanation, he almost understood what was going on.

Shangguan Yuan didn't pay much attention to Xueying's affairs before. A family has many large and small affairs, especially for a family of the size of Shangguan's family. Even as the head of the family, it is impossible to handle all aspects of it with his own hands. .

Therefore, Shangguan Yuan left the matter of Xueying to Su Chen.

At that moment, Shangguan Yuan waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Those who have had conflicts with our Shangguan family, of course, cannot be asked to detoxify them."

"We don't want to detoxify you yet."

Li Shitong curled her lips and said sarcastically, "Just wait there to die."

"Haha, Miss Shitong, who provoked you?"

A breathtaking voice came, and then a group of warriors from the Qingdan Pavilion came over. Among them was an old man with half-white hair, who was Master Jiang An from the Qingdan Pavilion.

In this exploration of the cave ruins, Qingdan Pavilion was also included in the invitation, because it is also considered one of the forces in Anyang City, and it is a local force in Anyang City.

As for those like Yanbo Pavilion and Mianyue Tower, which had mysterious backgrounds and were not sure whether they were local forces in Anyang City, they were not invited.

At this moment, Master Jiang An came over and was stunned when he saw the scene.

No wonder he was stunned. There were two heads of family at the scene. One had a big bloody hole in his chest, and the other had a leg as swollen as a black radish. Anyone who saw this scene would find it strange.

"It's Master Jiang An!"

Shangguan Yuan was so excited that he immediately stood up on one leg, hung the carrot leg in the air, and threw himself at Master Jiang An's feet with a thud, "Master Jiang An, help me!"

My relatives, these are really my relatives, they came just in time.

If Jiang An had come later, he might have had no choice but to cut off the poisoned leg.

"Master Shangguan, what happened?" Jiang An asked.

"I found a rare treasure here. I wanted to pick it, but I was bitten by an accompanying demon snake." Shangguan Yuan asked hopefully, "Master Jiang, in my situation, there should be some way to save it, right?"


Jiang An pondered, "I can't tell whether it can be cured, unless I know the specific type of snake. What does that snake look like?"

Shangguan Yuan immediately described it, and also described the shape, color, etc. of the Dragon Blood Grass.

After Jiang An listened, he stroked his beard and was about to speak, but his eyes fell to the side unconsciously. When he saw Su Chen not far away, he was immediately stunned.

"Master Chen? Are you here too?"

Jiang An suddenly no longer cared about dealing with Shangguan Yuan, and hurriedly jogged to Su Chen's side, bowed and said, "I didn't know that Young Master Chen was here too. I didn't see him before. I didn't say hello to Young Master Chen. I really deserve death."


The mouths of Shangguan Yuan and others slowly opened into a circle. How could Master Jiang An be so respectful to a young man like Su Chen? I didn't say hello, why do I need such a solemn apology?

We can't blame Shangguan Yuan and the others for being surprised. Anyang City is so big, there are always many people like him who don't know how Su Chen is respected by the alchemy world. Even if they heard about it, they probably wouldn't believe it.

For people like them, they will only believe it if they see it with their own eyes.

"Master Jiang."

Su Chen smiled lightly and greeted the other party.

"Young Master Chen..."

Jiang An was about to say something more. After all, he had already regarded Su Chen as a half-master in his mind. Now that he saw Su Chen, he naturally wanted to say a few more words.

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