Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 341 Where is the moral integrity?

But at this moment, Shangguan Yuan interrupted without knowing the situation: "Master Jiang An, my snake venom..."

Shangguan Yuan didn't mean to interrupt Master Jiang An and others, but his snake venom couldn't stand the wait. In just a short while, it was almost spreading to the thigh. If it continued like this, it wouldn't even be a problem that could be solved by cutting off the leg.

Jiang An then remembered that there was Shangguan Yuan, and glared at him fiercely. This guy was really a bummer, interrupting him from asking Chen Shao about the way of alchemy.

However, in line with the principle of saving the dying and the wounded, Jiang An was still prepared to help Shangguan Yuan detoxify.

However, just when Jiang An was about to check Shangguan Yuan's wound, he suddenly remembered something and said in surprise: "Hey, isn't Master Chen here? Why are you going to such a long way to ask me to treat you? Isn't it better to ask Master Chen to detoxify you?"

"This... Master Jiang, this is not the time to joke!" Shangguan Yuan's face was slightly stiff. Why did Jiang An let a young boy detoxify him? Did he think he couldn't afford a satisfactory reward? How could this be possible? After all, he was the head of the Shangguan family. How could he not afford a high reward?

Jiang An's face darkened, and he said very unhappily: "Does this old man have to joke with you? Young Master Chen's attainments in alchemy are far superior to mine. If you don't believe me, you can regret it later. What's more, if you want Young Master Chen to treat you, he may not agree. It depends on his mood." Shangguan Yuan was stunned: "Is this true or false?" Jiang An said unhappily: "Just take what I said as a lie." Shangguan Yuan hesitated for a moment, and then his round body fell to Su Chen's feet without saying a word: "Please help me, Young Master Chen." Puff! The people around couldn't help but burst out. Shangguan Yuan changed his face too quickly. He despised Su Chen as a brat before, but now his attitude changed 180 degrees and he went to hug his thigh for help. Is this really the style of the head of a big family? Where is his integrity? The head of the Situ family was even more contemptuous. This Shangguan Yuan simply brought discredit to their big families. He snorted: "Shangguan Yuan, don't say you are the head of a big family in Anyang City when you go out." Shangguan Yuan didn't take it seriously, and didn't even pay attention to the head of the Situ family. He said to Su Chen: "Mr. Chen, as long as you promise to detoxify me, the Shangguan family can give you any reward, no matter what you want, as long as it is within my ability, I will definitely do it." "I can detoxify you." Su Chen said, "And the requirements are not high. I don't want your things, as long as you agree to one condition." "What condition?" Shangguan Yuan asked hurriedly. "Your Shangguan family will never trouble Xueying again." Su Chen smiled. "That's no problem." Shangguan Yuan said, and quickly swore to the inner demon. He didn't dare to be unhappy. If he delayed for a while, the poison would spread all over his body. After listening to the oath, Su Chen nodded: "Okay, sit down now and stretch your poisoned leg in front of me." Shangguan Yuan did as he said, and the swollen black calf soon appeared in front of Su Chen. Su Chen's palm emptied out a stream of Dan fire, which began to burn Shangguan Yuan's legs.

When Dan fire appeared, those who didn't know how to make alchemy didn't think much of it, but those who knew how to make alchemy, such as Jiang An and Li Shitong, all showed extremely shocked expressions. It turned out that Su Chen actually condensed Dan fire, which was something that no one in the entire Anyang City could do!

No wonder, no wonder the alchemy giants in Anyang City all admired Su Chen so much, there was a reason for that. At such a young age, he was able to condense the unique Dan fire in Anyang City, and he definitely had a bright future in alchemy.


The Dan fire burned, burning Shangguan Yuan's skin. Shangguan Yuan was sweating profusely. The temperature of this Dan fire was very high. Even though he was a strong man in the late stage of the transformation realm, he couldn't help but feel extremely painful under this temperature.

Soon, everyone saw that Shangguan Yuan's skin where it was burned slowly changed from black back to its original color.

At the same time, many blood vessels seeped out from under the skin, and it can be seen that the blood vessels have turned black. These black things are flowing through the blood vessels to the soles of the feet little by little.

It is obvious that Su Chen used the burning method to force the poison in Shangguan Yuan's calf into the blood vessels, and then forced it to the soles of the feet through the blood vessels.

As time went on, Shangguan Yuan's fat face was sweating. The process of forcing the poison was extremely painful. Even he, a late-stage chemical realm expert, could not bear it.

About two quarters of an hour later, all the poison was forced to the soles of the feet.

Su Chen put away the Danhuo and said, "Shangguan Yuan, now I have forced the poison to the soles of your feet. As long as this foot is cut off, you can be completely safe. If you have no objection, I will cut it off."

No objection?

Shangguan Yuan almost jumped up. This is his own foot. How could he have no objection?

But he also knew that if Su Chen did not take action, he would have to cut off the whole leg, which would be much more uncomfortable than cutting off a foot. In comparison, cutting off only one foot can be said to be the best result.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yuan had to grit his teeth, hold back the pain, and said, "No, no problem, go ahead and cut it."

Su Chen laughed, drew out his sword and swung it, a flash of sword light flashed.

Shangguan Yuan closed his eyes tightly, waiting for his foot to be cut off. But then, he felt a sharp pain, which came from the bottom of his foot.

Hey, haven't my feet been cut off?

Shangguan Yuan reluctantly opened his eyes and saw that his feet were still there, but a layer of skin had been shaved off the soles of the feet, and a stream of black blood was spurting out from them, which obviously contained severe poison.

Su Chen stretched out his hand to catch the black blood, grabbed a handful inside, as if he had caught nothing, and then let go, letting the black blood flow away.

The black blood continued to be discharged. Gradually, Shangguan Yuan's legs returned to normal and the black color faded away.

It's just that the whole person still looks a little pale, which is due to the massive blood loss just now.

The warriors of the Shangguan family bandaged the soles of Shangguan Yuan's feet. Shangguan Yuan immediately stood up and bowed deeply to Su Chen regardless of the pain in his soles: "Thank you very much. Little Chen."

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "You just need to remember the promise you just made."

"Young Master Chen is talking about Xueying. Remember, you will definitely remember her. From now on, Miss Xueying will be a noble lady of our Shangguan family."

Shangguan Yuan said quickly, he was not stupid, the third prince was already in the past, and he couldn't risk his own life just to kill a woman who was suspected of betraying the third prince.

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