Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 339: Both sides suffer losses

Turning around, he saw a chubby strong man walking over with a few people. As soon as he saw the strong man, the head of the Situ family couldn't help but frowned immediately.

That was Shangguan Yuan, the head of the Shangguan family.

It seems that the Shangguan family also took this route, otherwise it would not have been possible for them to come here in such a short time.

"Our Situ family discovered this treasure first." The head of the Situ family snorted coldly.

Shangguan Yuanpang's face was full of smiles: "You can't say that. In this world of martial arts, treasures are naturally obtained by those who are capable. Those who are weak will not be able to keep the treasures even if they temporarily obtain them, and they will eventually fall into the hands of others. "

These words were obviously mocking the head of the Situ family for his lack of strength.

The face of the head of the Situ family changed: "In this case, it seems that there is nothing we can do, so let's take action."

After saying this, the two strong men immediately fought together. You came and I fought, and the fight was so fierce.

The rest of the warriors from the two families also took action against the other party's people, and swords flew for a while. Both sides tried their best to grab the dragon's blood grass, and at the same time, they prevented the other party from grabbing the dragon's blood grass. The scene was extremely chaotic.

Su Chen was so happy that he simply stood aside and watched the excitement. Anyway, the two families were about the same strength. Even if one of them won later, the damage would definitely be heavy. Then he could just reap the benefits.

However, things did not develop as Su Chen expected.

The head of the Situ family and Shangguan Yuan fought for a while, and seemed to think that the winner would be difficult to determine for a while. After the two sides looked at each other, they reached out to grab the dragon blood grass in tacit agreement at the same time, obviously deciding to get some benefits first no matter what. Say it again.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help but take a breath of air, and quickly stepped forward with his sword. Only a whole plant of this dragon's blood grass would be effective. If it was damaged by them, it would be no different from an ordinary herb.


Suddenly, a snake head poked out from the ground next to the dragon's blood grass.

Then, a small snake about a foot long was seen shooting out from a small hole in the ground like a sharp sword. It opened its mouth and bit the head of the Situ family and Shangguan Yuan.


The two of them turned aside and stepped aside at the same time. They looked at the snake again and saw that it was a small snake covered with blue spots. Its body was only one foot long and as thick as two chopsticks.

There are two small eyes on both sides of the triangular head, which looks very fierce.

The fat on Shangguan Yuan's cheeks wrinkled together, and he asked in a surprised tone: "Could this snake be the companion monster of this rare treasure?"

The head of the Situ family is also a little more cautious on his face. Many rare treasures in the world have accompanying monsters. The accompanying monsters will fight to the death to protect the rare treasures in the world and will not let human warriors get it easily.

Even though this little snake looks inconspicuous, it is a rare and accompanying monster beast in the world, so how can it be weak in strength.

"Brother Shangguan, I suggest that we put aside the fight between the two of us and work together to deal with this snake. Otherwise, in the end, neither you nor I may be able to get the treasures of heaven and earth." The head of the Situ family said.

Shangguan Yuan rolled his little eyes, slowly coming back to his senses, but he shook his head decisively and said: "No, you, the head of the Situ family, are cunning and cunning. You say you want to join forces with me, but in fact, who knows what you will do at the last critical moment?" You won’t trick me. Let’s just work on our own merits!”

With that said, Shangguan Yuan didn't wait for the Situ family leader to say anything else, and immediately stabbed the Situ family leader with another sword.

The head of the Situ family cursed and had to raise his sword to fight.

At the same time, the two of them had to guard against the attack of the little snake. At the same time, they could not leave the range of the dragon's blood grass, otherwise the dragon's blood grass might be taken away by others.

This is very uncomfortable. If you want to fight, you can only fight with restraint, but if you don’t want to fight, you can’t.

So, for a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic. One moment, Shangguan Yuan and Xiao She joined forces to beat the head of the Situ family, another moment, the head of the Situ family and the little snake joined forces to fight against Shangguan Yuan, and another time, Shangguan Yuan and the head of the Situ family joined forces to hunt down the little snake.

After fighting like this for about half an hour, the head of the Situ family and Shangguan Yuan were both panting and exhausted.

But the little snake was still able to maneuver between the two of them with ease.

Seeing that their movements slowed down, the little snake's eyes flashed. Suddenly, the snake's tail swung, and it sprang out from between them with ease. It quickly rushed towards the dragon's blood grass, opened its mouth and bit down.

"Beast, shut up!"

The head of the Situ family and Shangguan Yuan were both frightened and angry, and at the same time they raised their swords and chased after him.

But it was too late, the little snake had already bitten the dragon's blood grass and swallowed it in its belly.

This scene immediately made the two strong men feel like they were struck by lightning.

"You beast, if you dare to waste the treasures of heaven and earth, you will die!"

Shangguan Yuan was furious and raised his sword to stab the snake's head.

The little snake nimbly avoided the sword, then bowed its body and shot Shangguan Yuan's calf like a sharp arrow.


Shangguan Yuan screamed in agony before he could avoid it. His calf was bitten by a small snake, and blood immediately flowed out.

After the little snake bit Shangguan Yuan, it immediately swung its tail, turned around and fled into the nearby grass, and soon disappeared.

"Su Chen, aren't we going to chase that little snake?" Li Shitong, who was watching from the sidelines, asked immediately when he saw this.

The little snake has just swallowed the treasures of heaven and earth. If you catch up with it now, and you are lucky, maybe the essence of the treasures of heaven and earth in its body has not been digested yet. Of course, this possibility is very low.

"No need to chase."

Su Chen showed a meaningful look in his eyes and shook his head.

"Old guy, it's all your fault for interfering. All the treasures I got are gone!"

The head of the Situ family showed a fierce look in his eyes, and vented all his heartache on losing the Dragon Blood Grass on Shangguan Yuan, and jumped up to Shangguan Yuan with his sword in hand.

Shangguan Yuan endured the pain of the wound, but he tried his best to raise his sword and stab it back: "You want to take advantage of my illness to kill me, no way!"


The blade of the sword suddenly penetrated the Situ family leader's ribs, sinking two to three inches deep.

"Okay, you Shangguan Yuan, how dare you hurt me."

The head of the Situ family groaned in pain and covered his chest with his hands, but he couldn't stop the blood spurting from his chest. As the blood drained away, his face became pale.

"Hahahaha, who asked you to snatch the treasures of the world from me, this is the price you have to pay."

Shangguan Yuan fell to the ground and burst into laughter.

The head of the Situ family groaned in pain a few times, but gradually calmed down, and then his eyes showed a fierce look, "It doesn't matter, anyway, you were bitten by that snake, you have been poisoned by the snake's venom, and you will die soon. I want to see, Did you die faster from the poison, or did I bleed faster?"

Shangguan Yuan's expression changed slightly, and he looked down at his calf. The entire calf had swollen to twice its original thickness, and became as black as ink, like a mutated black radish.

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