Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 329 The treasure is obtained

Upon seeing this, a strong man immediately grabbed the pair of gloves. Anyway, the gloves had slipped away now. If he didn't keep it, it would completely drift away from everyone's sight, so it was better to fight for it. Fight.

However, before the strong man's hand could grasp the glove, a snow-white sword light suddenly came from the sky and stood between him and the glove. He was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on his back and he quickly retracted his hand.

Turning around, he saw that the person wielding the sword was Su Chen. The strong man scolded: "How dare you, why do you attack me?"

You must know that they are all well-established figures in Anyang City, so although everyone competes with each other, they still maintain the rule of not taking action against each other. Now that Su Chen actually attacked him, wouldn't he have broken this rule?

Su Chen stood with the sword in hand and said calmly: "If you grab it directly with your hands, wouldn't you ruin this pair of gloves?"

"So what if it's destroyed. Anyway, if we don't do this, the gloves will float away and we won't get them." The strong man retorted.

Su Chen smiled lightly and said, "That's just because you don't know how. If you don't know how, please shut up and don't make people laugh here."

"I don't know how?" The strong man almost laughed angrily. Could it be that so many people at the scene couldn't do it? Isn't this the magic weapon's fishing method? How else could it be done?

However, just when he thought this, the next moment, his eyes widened in surprise.

Su Chen's eyes were staring at the gloves, motionless, as if he was in a trance. Under his gaze, the pair of gloves slowly stopped floating, and finally hung directly out of the water and stayed in mid-air.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, watching this incredible scene, with the same thought running in their hearts: "How did he do it?"

In fact, Su Chen's method is very simple, but no one has thought of it before, and even if they thought of it, they couldn't do it.

That is to use soul power to suppress the ancient will in the gloves!

The ancient will in this glove has been dissipated due to its long history, and its strength may not even be one-tenth of its peak strength. This gave Su Chen the opportunity to use his soul power to suppress it.

If it were the ancient will at its peak, if Su Chen did this, not only would he not be able to oppress it, but he would be enslaved by it and become a fool.

Of course, even if there is no trace of the ancient will in these gloves, not everyone can try to suppress them. Only those who have reached the level of a third-grade alchemy master or above can the strength of their soul power be able to suppress these divine weapons. Ancient will.

As time passed, the runes on the gloves continued to emit a soft shimmer. Finally, all the runes faded and merged into the gloves.

Then, the glove gently fell into Su Chen's hand and was held by Su Chen.

Everyone was watching this scene intently, wanting to see if the gloves would self-destruct like the previous magic weapons.

However, what shocked them was that the glove stayed quietly in Su Chen's hand, showing no sign of self-destruction, and the aura inside the glove showed no sign of escaping.

In other words, this pair of gloves is completely ready for use.

Suddenly, the eyes of the strong men on the scene burst out with greedy luster, and they could not wait to snatch the glove from Su Chen's hand. In fact, there are already many powerful people secretly gearing up to do this.

A powerful man of quite a young age walked up to Su Chen and said with a seemingly benevolent smile: "Little boy, these magic weapons in the stream are ancient magic weapons and are not comparable to ordinary magic weapons. You, a little baby, will definitely If you can't control the power inside, it will do you no good if you hold this magic weapon."

"Well, I have a suggestion. I will buy these gloves from you for one hundred thousand taels of silver. What do you think?"

Cunning, huge cunning!

All the strong men present were secretly cursing. Originally, they had planned to do this, but in the end, this guy took the lead.

One hundred thousand taels of silver is nothing. You must know that they are all important figures in each family. At their level, silver is just a number. Who doesn't have hundreds of thousands of funds on hand that can be mobilized. Spending 100,000 taels to buy a first-grade magic weapon, and it is also an ancient magic weapon. You can't make more money.

It depends on whether the young man will be fooled by his words. If so, he might actually sell the gloves for one hundred thousand taels of silver.

"Not for sale."

Su Chen said calmly.

The face of the old and powerful man changed slightly, and suddenly he lost his kindness and became a little angry: "Little boy, I am doing it for your own good, so don't skip the toast and eat the fine wine..."

"Little guy, don't listen to that old man's nonsense, I'll buy it for 110,000 taels!"

Suddenly, another strong man shouted.

"I can offer you 120,000 taels!"

"Don't listen to them, they are all trying to trick you, I will pay you 150,000 taels..."

Immediately, the strong men present scrambled to raise their bids. This was a first-class magic weapon passed down from ancient times, and it was also the best-preserved one I had seen so far. Spending hundreds of thousands of taels to buy it was not too much.

Su Chen pressed down with his hand: "Stop arguing, when did I say I wanted to sell?"

Those strong men were silent. When Su Chen said he would not sell, their eyes flickered and they looked around Su Chen thoughtfully.

If it’s not for sale, then you can still grab it!

Of course, there are too many people here and they won't grab it directly here, but once they leave this area, it's hard to say whether they will take action.

Anyway, Su Chen seems to be just a young man with no background. As the saying goes, no one is innocent until he has a treasure in his possession. This is especially true in the world of martial arts. Since he has something good in his possession, don't blame others for coveting it.

When Li Shitong saw this, he approached Su Chen and said in a low voice: "Hey! They are having a bad idea about the magic weapon in your hand!"

"I know."

Su Chen shrugged lightly.

"Wait a minute, why is Grandmaster Guo's disciple Li Shitong standing with this young man?"

When everyone discovered Li Shitong, they were a little puzzled at the moment. You must know that Li Shitong usually has high standards. She does not like the young children of the major families, and even the top geniuses of the three major families cannot join her. eyes.

Why are we standing together with a young man with a strange face now? Is the sun rising in the west?

"Wait a minute, I think I know who this young man is. Isn't he Su Chen who has become famous in Anyang City recently?"

"What, is he that Su Chen? A friend of the eldest prince? A person respected by the three alchemy giants?"

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