Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 330: Gloves for the Beautiful Lady

Finally, someone recognized Su Chen's identity and screamed in disbelief.

Suddenly, the way everyone present looked at Su Chen completely changed.

I originally thought that Su Chen was just a nameless person with no background, but suddenly I discovered that not only was he not without a background, but he also had a lot of background.

If someone did something to him, not only the eldest prince would pursue it, but the three alchemy giants would definitely not let it go either.

For a time, most of them gave up the idea of ​​taking action against Su Chen.

After all, he would still have to hang out in Anyang City from now on, and he couldn't offend the eldest prince and the three alchemy giants all at once.

Su Chen glanced at these people indifferently: "Don't be jealous, there will be many first-grade magic weapons flowing out of this stream. As long as you use the corresponding method, anyone can get the magic weapons."


Everyone present was in high spirits. Yes, if there was a corresponding method, wouldn't it be possible to get the magic weapon by oneself without asking for help?

"Then I dare to ask Mr. Su Chen, what is the method to obtain the magic weapon? How to prevent the magic weapon from destroying itself?"

Someone asked cautiously. At this time, their attitude towards Su Chen suddenly changed 180 degrees, and they almost wanted to sacrifice Su Chen.

"If you want to know how to get the magic weapon, you can." Su Chen chuckled, "Bring me the money!"

Just kidding, these people were still thinking about the magic weapon in their hands just now. If someone hadn't revealed his identity, Su Chen estimated that he would have been assassinated before he could get out of the ten miles of this mountain.

Now that these guys want something from me, how can I not extort money from them?

"Want money?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that giving money is not too bad. At least the ancient magic weapons may not be bought if you have money.

"How much?" someone asked.

"Fifty thousand taels per person, no one can bully an old man." Su Chen said with a leisurely smile.

"What, 50,000!" The man couldn't help shouting, 50,000 per person, this is a lion's mouth.

Fifty thousand taels, no matter what the concept, you can buy several third-grade elixirs. As a result, now, just one method costs 50,000 yuan.

There were at least twenty or thirty people present. Fifty thousand per person was more than one million. What was the difference between Su Chen and robbing money.

"You can also choose not to pay and continue to waste time here. In short, if you want to know my method, each person pays 50,000 taels. There are a total of twenty-two people present. If there is one less person to pay, I will not tell you. ”

Su Chen shrugged and smiled easily.

"Boy, are you sure your method will work?" A strong man asked in a deep voice.

"If it doesn't work, you can come to my tent and ask me to refund the money." Su Chen smiled.

The strong man thought about it carefully, gritted his teeth and took out the fifty thousand silver note: "Okay, I'll make a bet. If the method you mentioned doesn't work, I'll see if I don't end it with you!"

Once the first person pays money, there will be a second one, a third one...

The strong men present all endured the bleeding in their hearts, gritted their teeth and took out the money.

The temptation of a first-grade ancient magic weapon is too great for them. If they get a first-grade ancient magic weapon, their combat power will undoubtedly rise to a higher level. This is very important for these strong men who have stayed in one realm for a long time. .

For example, if a strong man has a rival that has been with him for many years, and the two sides have always been equal in strength, but if this strong man suddenly obtains a first-grade ancient magic weapon, and his combat power increases dramatically, he can defeat the opponent.

From this point of view, it only costs 50,000 taels to know how to obtain a first-grade ancient magic weapon, which is not expensive at all.

Su Chen quickly collected all the money, a total of 1.1 million taels of silver notes, and put it into his arms calmly.

Then, Su Chen said: "The way to conquer these ancient magic weapons is to use soul power to suppress them. The method of suppression is very simple, as long as you are an alchemist, it is not complicated."

"But one thing is that the ancient willpower in these divine weapons is not weak. The soul power of a first- and second-grade alchemist is not enough, so a third-grade alchemy master is required." Su Chen added.

"Third-grade alchemy master?"

Everyone present frowned. In other words, for Su Chen's method, he still needs help from a third-level alchemy master?

This is too difficult. How can a third-grade alchemy master be hired so easily?

Su Chen shook his head: "Don't say I didn't remind you, Grandmaster Guo is staying in the tent now. If you want to invite him, do it sooner rather than later, and the reward must be in place. A third-grade alchemy grandmaster is not everything." I can appreciate it.”

One word woke everyone up.

Everyone immediately moved forward and rushed towards Guo Tong's tent one by one.

"It's yours."

Su Chen threw the gloves to Gu Qianyin lightly.

"Really? Are you sure it really belongs to me?" Gu Qianyin was startled, blinking her beautiful eyes and looking at the gloves in her hand in disbelief, never expecting that such a good thing would happen to her.

Looking at the entire Anyang Academy, there may only be a few high-ranking people who possess first-class magic weapons. It is completely impossible for young students to have first-class magic weapons.

But now, he possesses a first-grade magic weapon so easily, it's like a dream.

Gu Qianyin immediately put on the treasured gloves. Only then did she realize that these white gloves were hollow. After putting them on, they reached the length of the forearm, perfectly showing off Gu Qianyin's slender white arms, making her look a little charming. Sexy.

The more Gu Qianyin looked at it, the more satisfied she became. The most important thing was that this was an ancient divine weapon with great power. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

Li Shitong looked at this scene with sour eyes. She was not that eager for the magic weapon. After all, she was an alchemist and her main business was alchemy. She couldn't even tell where her sour mood came from. Could it be that she was mentally unbalanced because Su Chen was so kind to Gu Qianyin?

Li Shitong said to himself in his heart that it was natural for Su Chen to do this. Gu Qianyin was the one who followed him. Naturally, he could not let Gu Qianyin suffer. If there was any good thing, he would definitely stick to her first. How could he still stick to her first? You can't do it by yourself.

However, the slightly sour feeling in my heart will be difficult to resolve for a while.

Li Shitong breathed a sigh of relief. In order to cover up her emotions, she changed the subject and said, "Su Chen, why do you want them to go to my teacher?"

"Of course it's to give your teacher a big gift."

Su Chen smiled. If it hadn't been for Guo Tong today, he wouldn't have known about the existence of this ancient ruins, so he thought of it as a way to repay Guo Tong's favor. Thinking about it, Guo Tong should be able to earn a lot of labor fees from this group of strong men.

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