Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 328: Fighting for the Gloves

For Guo Tong's sake, Zhang Tiancai tried his best to speak pleasantly. Otherwise, Zhang Tian would have reprimanded him to death if a junior asked to see those magical weapons that had been caught.

"Let's see what it has to do with it. How can it be seen as bad?" Li Shitong said dissatisfiedly. Unknowingly, she had regarded Su Chen as one of her own. If Su Chen was treated unfairly, she would also be very angry. angry.

Zhang Tian glanced at Li Shitong. He immediately recognized this young girl as a disciple of Guo Tong and a promising second-grade alchemist. He did not dare to neglect at the moment and said: "I can't make the decision in this matter." , you have to ask people from the three major families.”

"I told you earlier. You can't make the decision. Why are you so blind here?" Li Shitong snorted.

Zhang Tian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, but he couldn't argue with Guo Tong's disciples, so he had to say: "You go to meet a few adults from the three major families first, and then we can talk."

Guo Tong nodded, said nothing more, left with a few people, and continued moving forward.

Soon, they came to a tent, which was very close to the entrance of the cave.

Guo Tong led several people directly to one of the largest tents. This tent was where the three major families discussed matters. At this moment, three strong men were sitting inside.

When the three strong men saw that Guo Tong was coming, they didn't dare to neglect. They quickly got up from their seats and raised their hands to Guo Tong: "Grandmaster Guo."

Guo Tong pointed to Li Shitong and Su Chen beside him and said: "These are my disciples, these are some of my little friends. They know that there is a divine weapon in the world, and they want to come and see it."

"Hey, Mr. Su Chen." A strong man looked at Su Chen and said in surprise. This person was a senior member of the Mu family. Because Su Chen had lived in the Mu family, he naturally knew Su Chen.

At this moment, the senior members of the Mu family were also very surprised to see Su Chen here. But it's not surprising when you think about Su Chen's recent fame in Anyang City.

"What, Mu Yi, do you know him?" asked a middle-aged man with a mustache, who was a senior member of the Lou family.

"Don't you know him? He is Su Chen." Mu Yi asked.

When the senior executive of the Lou family heard that it was Su Chen, he snorted coldly from his nose and said, "What cats and dogs do I need to know?"

"Hey, Su Chen, why does this gentleman seem so prejudiced against you?" Li Shitong asked strangely.

Su Chen just smiled faintly. He knew that the Lou family's attitude toward him could only be attributed to Lou Jun, but he didn't care. If I had to care about the attitude of any minor character, I would be exhausted by now.

Mu Yi glanced at Su Chen and the higher-ups of the Lou family, and said nothing, just saying: "Grandmaster Guo, and Mr. Su Chen, you can stay here first and wait to explore the cave ruins together tomorrow. Before that, you can go to the stream to participate in fishing for first-grade magic weapons."

There are not many tents here and they are in short supply. Even Guo Tong was only allocated two tents.

Currently Guo Tong, Su Chen and Xue Yong live in one room, and Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong live in one room.

After settling in, several people also got more information about the cave ruins.

It turned out that after these few days of exploration, the powerful men of the three major families and other families had basically determined that there were indeed ancient ruins in the cave, so there were first-class divine weapons flowing out of the cave along the stream.

They planned to wait until tomorrow and everyone would enter the cave to see what happened.

Why wait until tomorrow instead of letting some stronger people in now? Because in fact, they have already tried it, but as soon as they entered the cave and went upstream along the stream, they encountered poisonous miasma and were unable to go deeper.

Therefore, one can only ask an alchemist to refine the elixir to avoid miasma and detoxify. This is why Guo Tong was invited.

Many strong men from Anyang City came to this operation, including some old monsters, but it was not to the extent that the entire Anyang City was mobilized. Because if it is just a first-class magic weapon, it is not enough to make many strong people interested in moving away. Many of them already have a first-class magic weapon, so they are not that eager.

Unless the cave ruins are proven to contain high-level exercises and martial arts, or third-level or higher elixirs, then they will not be able to sit still.

After mastering all the information, a few people prepared to go to the creek to catch the first-grade magic weapon.

Guo Tong expressed no interest in catching magic weapons, so he stayed in the tent to study alchemy.

The four young men, Su Chen, Xue Yong, Gu Qianyin, and Li Shitong, walked out of the tent and walked back towards the creek where the first-grade magic weapons were caught.

This fishing magic weapon also has rules. Only fishing nets and other items are allowed, and direct fishing is strictly prohibited. If you have to fish by hand, you can do it, but you have to go to the most downstream part of the stream, that is, wait until others are sure that they can't catch it before you can take action.

In this way, the situation seems a bit funny. Those strong men who usually have a good reputation in the city are like fishermen at this moment, waiting for the arrival of the magic soldiers with their fishing nets spread out.

"here we go again!"

Someone shouted, and saw something floating from the upper reaches of the stream, but it was a pair of gloves.

Although these two pairs of gloves are two separate pieces, they are always close to each other while floating in the stream, and they do not separate at all due to the action of the water flow.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on this pair of gloves. This pair of gloves was as long as the forearm. It seemed to be woven with white silk thread. It looked as light as a feather, and it exuded a soft light. Faint runes flashed on it.

This is a good thing!

Many people immediately made this judgment, not only because the workmanship of this pair of gloves looked very fine, but also because the gloves were not damaged at all, and the runes on them were well preserved, so they must be very powerful.

They had been squatting here for several days, and this pair of gloves was probably the most attractive piece of magic weapon they had ever seen coming out of the stream.

"These gloves are mine!"

"No, it should be mine."

Everyone immediately started to fight for it, and the fishing nets were snaring the gloves.

However, something strange happened immediately. The glove seemed to have its own consciousness, dodging left and right flexibly, slipping out of the fishing net like a loach and continuing to float downstream.

Of course, this is also the result of the relatively powerful ancient will stored in the gloves.

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