Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 281 Looking for Cubs

At that moment, Su Chen immediately began to practice these three methods without saying a word.

The eyes of the heavenly eye, the ears of the wind, and the heart of the rock.

Naturally, he had mastered the formulas of these three methods in his previous life, but now they are put to use here. If you can practice these three methods to the basic level, you will get twice the result with half the effort in practicing archery.

At the moment, Su Chen was hungry and immersed in the understanding of these three methods.

Time also slowly reached late at night.

Su Chen practiced so much that he completely forgot about time.

When he woke up, he found that it was already late at night.

The bonfire had been extinguished, and Princess Xiling and Gu Qianyin had already found a big tree, sat on the trunk and fell asleep.

The two of them were each wrapped in a blanket and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Su Chen did not disturb the two of them. He found a big stone to lean on, took off his robe and put it on his chest, then closed his eyes and prepared to fall asleep.

However, the "Eye of the Third Eye" and "Ear of the Wind", which have just been upgraded several levels, are not stopping.

Su Chen could always feel from time to time through the "eye of the third eye" and the "ear of the wind" that there were monsters wandering not far away from the three of him.

Moreover, it is not one monster beast, but many monster beasts.

The closest monster among them was only 500 meters away from Su Chen.

They seemed not to be interested in humans at all, and just passed by without any lingering.

Su Chen even wanted to wake up the two girls, because with so many monsters moving around, some monsters would always find them.

However, when these monsters passed by the hiding place of the three people, they did not stay at all, as if they turned a blind eye.

"Why are these monsters so active in the middle of the night?"

Su Chen didn't know, but he couldn't take it lightly.

This kind of activity pattern of monster beasts is extremely abnormal, but what makes them so abnormal?

Su Chen thought for a while, but didn't expect any results, but his mind was so disturbed by the behavior of these monsters that he couldn't sleep, so he closed his eyes and sat down to rest.

Soon after.

Princess Xiling, who should have been sleeping soundly, suddenly opened her eyes.

She stood up from the ground, walked to Gu Qianyin, and pushed Gu Qianyin awake.

The two whispered something to each other and walked outside the camping area together.

"What on earth do they want to do?"

Su Chen, who was regarded as "sleeping" by the two women, also opened his eyes. He didn't sleep at all, he just rested his mind.

At that moment, Su Chen also stood up and followed the two women from a distance, wanting to see what medicine the two women were selling in the gourd.

Princess Xiling and Gu Qianyin left the campsite and walked in one direction.

Gu Qianyin asked: "Princess Princess, are you really sure they are around here?"

Princess Xiling nodded: "According to the information reported to me by the palace's intelligence personnel, their nest is near here. We have to hurry. If we go late, we may miss it."

"Okay, let's go quickly."

The two women quickened their pace and walked forward.

"Where on earth are these two guys going?"

Su Chen was also confused and silently followed the two women from a distance.

Soon after, Su Chen's doubts were answered, and the two women came to the edge of a cave.

From the cave, a powerful aura of monsters came out, and it was obviously the nest where monsters lived.

"Is this right here?"

Gu Qianyin asked.

"right here."

Princess Xiling nodded and said with certainty.

"That's great. I hope Silver Moon Beast has given birth to cubs, so we can go back with two cubs."

Gu Qianyin looked very excited.

When Su Chen heard this, he finally solved the doubts in his heart.

"No wonder these two guys stayed up in the middle of the night and came to the monster cave. It turned out that they wanted to get the monster cubs. Come to think of it, when they looked around during the day, they were probably looking for the monster cave."

In the world of martial arts, there is indeed a kind of warrior who is good at taming and communicating with monster cubs. When the monster cubs grow up, they can become their most loyal fighting partners and greatly improve their strength. Combat strength.

This kind of warrior is called a beast master.

However, this kind of monster must be tamed from an early age. When the monster is still a cub, it must be brought back and raised every day, so that the monster can obey orders when it grows up.

Su Chen was not surprised that Princess Xiling and Gu Qianyin would run out in the middle of the night to look for monster cubs. After all, cute furry monster cubs were fatal to every girl.

In particular, the Silver Moon Beast mentioned by the two people is a kind of monster known for its beauty, but it is very rare and difficult to find traces. Therefore, it is not surprising that the two people are attracted to it.

"Let's go into the cave."

As Princess Xiling spoke, she took out a bamboo tube from her body and poured out some medicinal powder.

When the medicinal powder is blown by the wind, it floats into the cave.

"This kind of ecstasy medicine has a good effect on low-level monsters in both the Condensation Realm and the Transformation Realm. As long as the monsters inhale it, they will fall asleep and won't find us." Princess Xiling said.

While talking, the two finally walked into the cave.

The cave is not spacious, and after walking for a while, we reached the end of the cave.

At the end of the cave, I saw a large demonic beast with snow-white fur, resembling a wolf but not a wolf, with a single horn on its forehead. It was lying lazily in the middle of the cave, seeming to have fallen asleep.

Around it, several cubs with also snow-white fur were raising their heads and purring. The cubs had clear eyes and moist noses, and looked very cute.

"It's the cub of Silver Moon Beast." Gu Qianyin couldn't help but said happily.

"We are lucky, this is the little Silver Moon Beast that was just born." Princess Xiling's eyes were bright and she said with a smile, "Let's take the little beast away quickly, otherwise if the mother beast wakes up, she will want to leave. Can't leave."

The adult Silver Moon Beast is a monster beast at the third level of the Transformation Realm. With the strength of the two women, there is absolutely no way they can compete with it.

At that moment, Gu Qianyin and Princess Xiling each stepped forward to pick up the two cubs, put them in their arms, and quickly returned to the original route.

The two women were eager to return home, and even though there were some good rare herbs and materials growing in the cave, the two women didn't even take a look.

Soon, the two women returned to the entrance of the cave and took a deep breath. They felt that the success of taking away the Silver Moon Beast cub made them feel extremely happy.

"Let's go back." Gu Qianyin said.

However, at this moment, a long howl suddenly came from the cave. In the scream, there was a faint heart-rending sound, like a mournful wail.

After hearing this, the two women couldn't help but feel excited in their hearts.

Gu Qianyin panicked and said, "It's not good, the female Silver Moon Beast seems to have woken up."

"How come the power of the ecstasy drug wears off so quickly?"

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