Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 282: Heaven sends reinforcements

"The female Silver Moon Beast is stronger than we imagined. She actually broke free from the power of the medicine and woke up so quickly!"

Princess Xiling's face was slightly shocked. It was obvious that the development of the matter was beyond her expectation.

Boom, boom, boom!

From the depths of the cave, there was a vibrating sound like the earth was falling apart, and they were chasing them at extremely fast speeds.

That kind of momentum seemed to collapse the entire cave.

"No, the female Silver Moon Beast seems to be chasing us."

"Quick, let's escape from here as fast as possible!"

At that moment, the two women immediately quickened their pace and ran quickly in the direction they were coming from.

The two girls were usually pampered and pampered. They grew up in a greenhouse and did not suffer much. This time he ventured into the cave to steal the Silver Moon Beast's cub, and he thought he had a foolproof magic potion and was fully prepared.

Unexpectedly, the ecstasy medicine did not achieve the desired effect.

Monsters like Silver Moon Beast usually have a gentle personality among monster beasts and would not harm human warriors easily. However, this does not mean that it will remain indifferent when someone steps into its territory and steals its little beasts.

At this moment, the two women listened to the thunderous and angry roar coming from behind, their hearts trembled, their beautiful faces turned pale, and their legs flew involuntarily, using strength they had never experienced before in their lives.

However, Silver Moon Beast's speed was too fast. He woke up quickly and chased him out even faster. In just a few breaths, he had already caught up to a distance of 100 meters between the two.

"Am I going to die here today?" A look of despair appeared on Gu Qianyin's face. At this moment, she finally regretted not telling Su Chen about finding the Silver Moon Beast cub.

In fact, she just wanted to give Su Chen a surprise, and at the same time, she could bring back a Silver Moon Beast cub for Su Chen. Plus Princess Xiling had planned everything well, so she thought there would be no danger.

But now, it seems a little late to say regret.

Princess Xiling was also a little hasty and no longer had the indifferent temperament of the past.

The two women have already felt that the female Silver Moon Beast is getting closer and closer to them. The brutal pressure makes them breathless and their legs can hardly move.

"You two idiots, get down!"

At the critical moment, a low shout suddenly came from the dark night.

Then, phew! call out! call out!

Three volleys of arrows pierced the night sky like meteors, and then shot towards the female Silver Moon Beast chasing behind the two girls.

Under the moonlight, the figure of the female Silver Moon Beast was revealed, and the snow-white fur all over her body looked as smooth as satin under the moonlight.

Three arrows were accurately shot towards the female Silver Moon Beast, and in the blink of an eye, they were in front of her.

The two women were stunned. Who was the archer who suddenly appeared in the dark night? His archery skills were so accurate, and most importantly, the voice was somewhat familiar.


The female Silver Moon Beast suddenly became furious when she saw the arrow coming.

With a long roar, the man stood up and opened his bows with his two front paws left and right. Once, once, and again, he used the strength of his front paws to sweep away the three arrows.


After the Silver Moon Beast swept away the arrows, it roared again and continued to charge forward.

call out! call out! call out!

Three more arrows arrived.

Silver Moon Beast repeated its old trick and once again used its front paws to sweep away the arrows.

However, these two consecutive waves of arrow attacks greatly slowed down the Silver Moon Beast and greatly slowed down the Silver Moon Beast's forward momentum.

"You two, why don't you leave quickly?"

The archer's voice came from the darkness again. This time, the two women finally heard it clearly. The voice turned out to be Su Chen's!

"Su Chen!"

Both women were extremely surprised. The person who came to help them escape in time was actually Su Chen!

"Master Su Chen, don't be obsessed with fighting, come with us!"

Princess Xi Ling immediately spoke up and said that the cultivation of this Silver Moon Beast has reached the third level of the Transformation Realm, and its actual combat power may be close to that of a strong man at the fourth level of the Human Transformation Realm. It must not be fought head-on.

However, Su Chen in the dark night knew that if he turned around and left now, with the speed of the Silver Moon Beast, the three of them might not be able to leave.

Only by staying here and holding back the Silver Moon Beast can the two women leave safely.

To be honest, looking at this huge Silver Moon Beast, the fighting factor in Su Chen's blood was actually boiling, and he really wanted to experience what it would be like to fight with it.

However, Su Chen also knew very well that this Silver Moon Beast was almost equivalent to a strong person at the fourth level of the Human Transformation Realm. He would definitely have no chance of winning if he fought it.

Fortunately, the bow in Su Chen's hand is indeed a quasi-first-class magic weapon. Coupled with Su Chen's cultivation of eyesight, ear power and mental strength, his archery skills have also been qualitatively improved.

Even this Silver Moon Beast seemed to know that Su Chen's arrow was a threat. It did not dare to use its body to directly block Su Chen's arrow, but used its front paws to sweep it away.

However, sweeping like this ultimately slowed down the Silver Moon Beast greatly, making it difficult for the Silver Moon Beast to cope with, let alone chase after Gu Qianyin and Princess Xiling.

Seeing Gu Qianyin and Princess Xiling running further and further away with their cubs, the Silver Moon Beast was extremely anxious. It roared and bared its teeth at Su Chen, hoping to scare Su Chen away.

However, no matter how intimidated the Silver Moon Beast was, Su Chen remained extremely calm and was not affected by the Silver Moon Beast at all. He kept calculating the angles with the bow and arrow in his hand, constantly harassing the Silver Moon Beast in an extremely precise way, and shot the Silver Moon Beast away. The moon beast was firmly restrained in place.

The Silver Moon Beast was extremely anxious. If it wanted to chase the two women, it would have to carry Su Chen's arrows and attack forward. However, it was not the kind of monster that relied on physical strength to win. Facing Su Chen's obviously extremely powerful It didn't dare to use its skin to withstand the threatening arrows.

Therefore, the Silver Moon Beast could only roar again and again, continuously emitting air waves of the third level of the Transformation Realm from its body, causing sand and rocks to fly around, and the earth to collapse, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

However, Su Chen actually didn't feel comfortable either. He secretly complained in his heart because the arrows he carried were limited. It wouldn't take long before the arrows would be used up, and then there would be no way to contain the Silver Moon Beast.

"Hopefully those two women are gone."

As long as Gu Qianyin and Princess Xiling are far away, Su Chen doesn't even mind playing a race with the Silver Moon Beast. His Sixth Transformation of Wolf Shadow is now the second most perfect one. In terms of speed, it may not be faster than the Silver Moon Beast. Much different.

call out! call out! call out!

Su Chen shot another three arrows in a row, and this time, the Silver Moon Beast quickly blocked the three arrows, much faster than before. And while blocking the arrows, Silver Moon Beast has begun to move forward slowly.

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