Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 280: Practicing Archery

"Are you two embarrassed? Everyone has a higher level of cultivation than me, and you still want me to protect you."

Su Chen spread his hands. Gu Qianyin was at the tenth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, and Princess Xiling was also a noble person from Tianhuang. Although he couldn't tell the specific cultivation level, it was definitely not worse than the tenth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. If two people like this said that they wanted him to be protected by the eighth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, no one would believe them.

Gu Qianyin was about to speak when suddenly there was a splash of water on the lake behind her without any warning, and then a huge black shadow rushed out from the lake and rushed towards Gu Qianyin, with its mouth wide open. Gu Qianyin bit her neck.

Su Chen was the closest, his eyes turned cold when he saw this, and he immediately punched the black figure.

This punch was both fast and hard. When the black figure was still one foot away from Gu Qianyin, it hit the black figure hard.

boom! This punch hit the shadow's chin, and several people saw clearly that the shadow was a huge crocodile. The crocodile's jaw was completely ulcerated and bloody due to Su Chen's powerful and heavy punch.

The crocodile's body also fell back into the lake with a scream, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's an Iron-tailed Crocodile at the tenth level of the Condensation Realm."

Upon seeing this, Princess Xiling touched her chin with her snow-white hand and looked at Su Chen with interest.

A cultivation level of the eighth level of the Condensation Realm can actually severely injure a monster at the tenth level of the Condensation Realm with one punch. You must know that the monsters at the tenth level of the Condensation Realm are much stronger than the human warriors at the tenth level of the Condensation Realm. .

Gu Qianyin narrowly escaped, and although he was still calm, his expression was somewhat miserable.

The beautiful eyes glanced at Su Chen and said angrily: "Let's leave here quickly. The autumn hunting ground is very big. Let's go and have a look elsewhere."

With that said, Gu Qianyin walked forward.

Princess Xiling smiled slightly and followed her.

Su Chen walked at the back, looking at the backs of the two women in front. It has to be said that in this wilderness, the two figures are like a striking landscape, very eye-catching.

Su Chen was not in a hurry, nor did he go out of his way to find prey. Anyway, he came to participate in the autumn hunting, not to hunt many prey, but to experience and hone his strength.

Put yourself completely in an unfamiliar environment, and crises may arise at any time. This kind of environment is the most tempering, and it is also the greatest charm of practical experience.

As for Gu Qianyin and Princess Xiling, both of them were not very interested in prey. They just walked slowly into the trial area.

As they walked, Su Chen gradually realized that something was wrong. As Gu Qianyin and Princess Xiling walked, they would often stop suddenly and squat on the roadside to smell and look there, as if they were walking. As if looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Su Chen asked.

"This is our women's business. You're a grown man, so just leave it alone." Gu Qianyin said.

Su Chen shook his head. Gu Qianyin was one of his own. Just following Princess Xiling, Su Chen suddenly felt as if the pig he had worked so hard to raise was being robbed by someone else.

At that moment, Su Chen was too lazy to pay attention to the two of them, and was looking for monsters to fight while walking.

Su Chen looked down upon ordinary monsters at all. The ones that could catch his eye were at least monsters above the tenth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

However, as I walked along the way, I encountered not many demonic beasts at the tenth level of the Condensation Realm. Occasionally, I encountered two, and they were beaten to death by Su Chen with three punches and two kicks. They did not pose any threat at all.

As for the monster beasts in the realm of transformation, I have not seen them yet.

However, Su Chen believed that there were definitely many monster beasts in the realm of transformation in this hunting ground, but he just couldn't find where they were for a while.

In this way, after walking all afternoon, it was getting dark.

After dark, it is naturally not suitable to continue activities in such wilderness. Night is the time when monsters are most active, and the combat effectiveness of human warriors will be greatly weakened at night.

Therefore, the three of them found a sheltered place and prepared to camp and rest before continuing the next day.

At this time, some of the monster meat that Su Chen had beaten along the way came in handy. He lit a fire to barbecue and the three of them shared the food.

Princess Xiling and Gu Qianyin both ate slowly, chewing in small bites. This situation reminded Su Chen of Gu Qianxue. If the little girl were here, I'm afraid the monster meat wouldn't be enough for her alone.

Princess Xiling took a few bites of the monster meat gracefully, then put down the monster meat, wiped her mouth, and asked: "Master Su Chen, why don't you collect the materials from the monster beasts? According to Qiu Lie's instructions The rule is, you can keep half of those materials for yourself.”

"It's a waste of time and energy to collect some garbage. Why collect it?" Su Chen shrugged his shoulders. At this stage, he had long disdained the materials on these tenth-level Condensation Realm monsters. No matter how much he collected, he would sell them. Not much money, just a waste of time.

"It seems that the ranking of our group is destined not to be too high." Princess Xiling smiled slightly. When she goes out, she will be ranked according to the prey obtained, but there must be evidence from the materials on the prey.

Su Chen didn't care. He didn't come here for the ranking. If he came for the ranking, wouldn't it be better to join the team of the eldest prince or the third prince.

"By the way, what are you looking for during the day today?" Su Chen asked. The two women's behavior during the day was obviously that they were looking for something in the trial hunting ground.

Princess Xiling shook her head: "Even if I tell you, you won't help, so I won't tell you."

Su Chen said nothing more, took out his bow and arrows by the campfire, and began to practice archery.

His bow and arrow were originally found from the strong black-clothed archer of the Sun family. They were first-grade divine weapons that failed to be refined, that is, they were at the quasi-first-grade divine weapon level.

For warriors, even if they are not professional archery warriors, if they use bows and arrows well, they will often become a killer weapon for the warrior at critical moments.

Su Chen planned to practice an archery skill that would go well with this bow and arrow.

Archery is different from other types of martial arts. If you want to practice archery, you must first practice three methods: "Eye of the Third Eye", "Ear of the Wind" and "Heart of the Rock".

Because if you want to master archery, you must first master strong eyesight, which is the basis for practicing archery.

On this basis, you also need to have good ear skills to be able to see the six directions and listen to all directions.

As for the heart of a rock, it is easy to understand. As an archer, you must have a heart of rock so that you can accurately shoot the arrow at the opponent without being fooled by any false appearances.

For an archer to perfect his archery skills, it would take countless years. Similarly, these three supporting methods also require countless years of practice before they can reach their perfection.

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