Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 253 Stay away from her

"Hahaha, Your Highness, the eldest prince, we are late."

At this moment, a hearty voice came from the gate.

Afterwards, a handsome middle-aged man in his forties walked into the venue. "I was late because I was supervising the construction of the canal. Please forgive me, Your Highness."

The eldest prince stood up and smiled at the middle-aged man, "Why is the Situ family master so polite? The construction of the canal is for the benefit of the people. What's more, the Situ family master received the order of the prince to supervise the construction of the canal. Naturally, this prince will not blame you for this."

"Haha, it's good that the eldest prince doesn't blame me."

The Situ family master said, and turned his body to let a handsome young man come in.

"Situ Feng, come and meet His Highness, the eldest prince." The Situ family master said to the young man.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone present fell on the young man at the same time.

"Is this Situ Feng, the beloved son of the Situ family master?"

"He is a young talent. He is young but has already reached the realm of transformation."

Everyone was talking about it. Compared with people like Lu Can, Situ Feng's main advantage is that the status of the Situ family is higher than that of the Lu family, so relatively speaking, Situ Feng is more noticeable than Lu Can.

"Situ Feng meets the eldest son."

Situ Feng was very graceful and bowed to the eldest son.

The eldest son also smiled and said, "Well, Mr. Situ is really a handsome man."

As he said that, the eldest son stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Master Situ, please take a seat."

The Situ family master bowed to Su Chen and was about to take Situ Feng to his seat.

At this time, Situ Feng suddenly saw Gu Qianyin sitting in the center of the scene.

"Hey, Qianyin, why are you here?" Situ Feng was extremely surprised. Since he came back from Qinghe City last time, Situ Feng had gone to Xingluan Gate several times to find Gu Qianyin, but the answer he got was that Gu Qianyin was not in Xingluan Gate. Situ Feng could naturally guess that Gu Qianyin must still be with Su Chen, and this fact also made him extremely angry.

Now, Situ Feng was too surprised to see Gu Qianyin at the eldest prince's boat party.

"Qianyin, when did you come to Anyang City? Why didn't you tell me?"

Situ Feng said, and his feet moved involuntarily and walked towards Gu Qianyin.

When he walked to Gu Qianyin, Situ Feng saw someone sitting next to Gu Qianyin, but he didn't care, and didn't even look at the person. He waved at him and said like driving away a fly: "Get out of the way, this seat is mine now."

Situ Feng was confident that he could command others, because he had seen from the corner of his eyes that this person was a young man. How many young people in Anyang City had family backgrounds and talents comparable to his? They must listen to him obediently.

However, to Situ Feng's surprise, this person sat there steadily, and his butt didn't mean to leave the seat at all.

"Why, can't you hear me?" Situ Feng frowned, feeling unhappy.

When he really turned his eyes and saw who that person was, his face suddenly darkened completely: "Well, kid, it's you again!"

"Didn't I warn you last time, telling you toads not to think about swan meat, stay away from Qianyin?" Situ Feng stared at Su Chen with anger. This kid dared to pester Gu Qianyin and ignored his words?

At this moment, Situ Feng didn't think carefully about why Su Chen appeared at the banquet of the eldest son. His heart was full of anger towards Su Chen.

"Kid, now, immediately, stay away from Qianyin!" Situ Feng ordered. If it wasn't for the fact that this was the banquet of the eldest son, he would have beaten Su Chen long ago.


No way?

Another person who is against Su Chen?

Everyone present was on edge. After what happened to Ma Rongtian just now, they all knew that Su Chen was not a good person. Now Situ Feng treated Su Chen with the same attitude as Ma Rongtian. God knows how Su Chen would react.

"Are you sure you want to sit in my seat?"

To everyone's surprise, Su Chen did not get angry like he did just now, but smiled and asked back.


Situ Feng said proudly. He knew that Su Chen would definitely be afraid of him. He was just a country bumpkin from Qinghe City. What could he use to compete with him?

"Since you insist on sitting, then let you sit."

Su Chen shrugged his shoulders and stood up very happily, giving up his seat.


Everyone present almost burst out. Was Su Chen's performance before and after so different? He had just dealt such a heavy blow to Ma Rongtian, but now it was Situ Feng's turn, but he suddenly became so easy to talk to.

Could Ma Rongtian's status be worse than Situ Feng's?

No, that's impossible. Not to mention that Ma Rongtian is Master Huang's disciple, he is a second-grade alchemist. This identity alone can suppress Situ Feng.

This is because Situ Feng didn't know what happened just now, otherwise he wouldn't have the courage to treat Su Chen like this.

Let alone other people, even Gu Qianyin felt incredible. Su Chen is not a person who will give in to others. What is he thinking?

"Let's go."

At this time, Su Chen said to Gu Qianyin.

Gu Qianyin immediately understood, stood up, with a blush on her face, and followed Su Chen to the back.

When Situ Feng saw this, he almost spit out blood. Why did he want Su Chen's seat? Wasn't it just to sit next to Gu Qianyin, but Gu Qianyin actually left with Su Chen, so what was the use of this seat?

"This kid is really lucky."

Everyone else's eyes were red with envy. Not only did the eldest prince treat Su Chen with such courtesy, but this stunning beauty also obeyed Su Chen's words like that. It was so infuriating.

"Boy, let Qianyin stay, you are not qualified to sit with Qianyin!"

Situ Feng shouted angrily.

"I'm not hers, so I'm not qualified to make decisions for her."

Su Chen said and smiled lightly, "How about you ask her if she is willing to stay and sit with you?"

"I don't want to."

Before Situ Feng could say anything, Gu Qianyin said decisively that she had had enough of Situ Feng's piece of brown candy and wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Situ Feng's face turned darker than the pot lid, while Su Chen shrugged easily: "See, I don't want to sit with you at all."

With that said, Su Chen went to the table at the back and sat down, while Gu Qianyin sat next to him.

This scene once again aroused the envy, jealousy and hatred of countless people.

Gu Qianyin ignored everyone's gazes and asked Su Chen in a low voice: "Why are you so easy to talk to all of a sudden? Why do you give up your position when Situ Feng wants you to?"

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