Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 252 Just wait and see

"Boy, you are looking for death. You are simply looking for death."

Ma Rongtian roared, veins popped out on his face, and he was on the verge of rage. No one had ever dared to treat him like this in public. This was the first time.

However, although Ma Rongtian was furious, he still retained a trace of reason and did not step forward again.

Because Ma Rongtian finally realized that the strength gap between himself and Su Chen was too big. He was thrown out by Su Chen twice in a row without any resistance, which showed that Su Chen's strength was crushing compared to his own.

However, how is this possible? Su Chen's cultivation level is obviously similar to his own from the perspective of aura, but how can the actual strength be so different?

Ma Rongtian turned to look at the third prince, but saw that the third prince was being blocked by the eldest prince intentionally or unintentionally, and it was impossible to find time to help him.

So Ma Rongtian simply shouted loudly: "Whoever can help me beat this guy up, I will give him ten blood golden pills!"

"What, blood gold elixir!"

"This is the elixir coveted by Condensing Yuan Realm warriors. It can strengthen the physical body of Condensing Yuan Realm warriors, thereby increasing their combat effectiveness."

"Taking out ten blood gold elixirs in one go is really a generous act."

Everyone present was talking a lot, but not many were really interested.

Because none of the people who can be invited to the scene today are the heads or core executives of the big families in Anyang City. These people have already broken through to the realm of transformation. The blood gold elixir used by warriors in the Condensation Realm has no effect on them. .

When Ma Rongtian saw this, he could only grit his teeth and said: "A Mingwang Pill!"

"Ming Wang Dan!"

At this time, a group of powerful people in the Transformation Realm finally began to become unable to sit still.

The effect of the Ming King Pill is similar to that of the Blood Gold Pill, but the only difference is that the Ming King Pill is a pill suitable for those who are strong in the Transformation Realm!

A strong person in the realm of transformation can permanently strengthen his physical body after taking the Ming Wang Dan. Even if there are strong men present who have already taken Ming Wang Dan, if they take another pill, the effect will be superimposed.

Therefore, all the powerful people in the Transformation Realm present were immediately moved, and their eyes suddenly became fiery.

Seeing this, the eldest prince's face suddenly darkened. Originally, when he used his body to block the Third Prince, he still had a smile on his face, but at this moment, that smile had disappeared.

The eldest prince was very angry. At his boat banquet, someone actually wanted to attack the distinguished guests he invited, and even offered a reward for the elixir. What did he think of the eldest prince?

Yes, Tiandan Palace has a transcendent status, but Ma Rongtian is just a member of Tiandan Palace and cannot represent the entire Tiandan Palace.

Su Chen was the one the eldest prince was trying to win over, so it was naturally impossible for the eldest prince to watch Su Chen being beaten.

"Who dares to move?" the eldest prince shouted coldly.

After the eldest prince drank like this, everyone present immediately calmed down, and the fiery color in their eyes also faded away.

Although they really wanted Ming Wang Dan, this was the eldest prince's boat party after all. If they wanted to attack someone whom the eldest prince valued, they had to weigh whether they could afford to offend the eldest prince.

The family heads of the factions under the eldest prince would naturally not do this. Even the heads of the neutral forces, calmed down at this moment, knew that offending the eldest prince for a Mingwang Pill was definitely not a wise choice.

Ma Rongtian was extremely angry, his chest was heaving, and he was breathing heavily. He suddenly looked at Su Chen fiercely and said in a deep voice: "Just wait and see!"

Immediately, Ma Rongtian turned around and left.

"Brother Ma!" The Third Prince quickly chased after him and shouted. He didn't know where Ma Rongtian was going, but he came with Ma Rongtian. Now that Ma Rongtian was leaving, he naturally wouldn't stay here alone.

Soon, Ma Rongtian and the Third Prince left the venue.

Everyone present looked at each other for a moment and became quiet.

Some of them are still heartbroken about the Ming Wang Dan that flew away. Others want to see how things will develop next.

"Brother Su, don't pay attention to them. Let's drink and eat."

The eldest prince smiled, and then called to everyone, "Come, come, come, let's drink and eat."

The atmosphere at the scene quickly became lively again, and the eldest prince also had several staff who were good at adjusting the atmosphere. After a while, the guests and guests were enjoying themselves, and the previous episode seemed to have disappeared.

After drinking for a while, someone finally couldn't help but asked curiously: "I wonder where Mr. Su Chen is from?"

It's true that you are a student of Anyang College, but you must have a background, you can't just pop out of the cracks in the rocks.

Everyone present pricked up their ears and heard Su Chen casually reply: "Qinghe City."

What? Qinghe City?

Everyone was stunned. Qinghe City was just a small town in Anyang County and could basically be ignored. They usually never cared about those small towns.

And Su Chen actually came from Qinghe City, so what kind of background could he have that would allow the eldest prince to treat him with such courtesy?

The most incomprehensible person among them was Lu Can. He originally didn't believe that Su Chen was the eldest prince's distinguished guest, but it wasn't until he saw with his own eyes how enthusiastic the eldest prince was towards Su Chen that he had no choice but to believe it. However, he really couldn't figure it out. Wasn't Su Chen just a student at Anyang College? What was so special about him that attracted the eldest prince?

As for the few Silver Medal students who were with Lu Can, they were all in low spirits. They had come to the banquet with great anticipation, hoping that they would be lucky enough to be favored by the eldest prince at the banquet, and then be hired under his command and flourish.

When the results came, they discovered that Su Chen, who they looked down upon and ridiculed for his humble background in the academy, was treated with courtesy by the eldest prince. You can imagine the gap in their hearts.

"Senior Brother Lu, what's so evil about that kid? Why does the eldest prince protect him so much?" One of the students couldn't help but start a fight with Lu Can. He really didn't understand that Ma Rongtian was going to attack Su Chen just now. He took action, but the eldest prince actually defended Su Chen like that. What was so magical about Su Chen?

"have no idea."

Lu Can shook his head, with a trace of dejection in his expression. He had to say that he was indeed shocked by Su Chen. Even his respected grandfather Lu Xueguang had to be respectful to Su Chen, let alone him.

In front of the eldest prince, he, Lu Can, could not speak, but Su Chen could sit at the same table with the eldest prince and drink together.

At this time, Lu Can didn't want to think so much. He just wanted to end the banquet and return to Anyang College. He didn't know how Su Chen gained the favor of the eldest prince, but only in martial arts could Lu Can regain his confidence.

No matter how broad his connections were, Su Chen was still an eighth-level warrior in the Condensation Realm. Lu Can didn't believe that if he fought Su Chen with a real sword or a real spear, Su Chen could beat him.

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