Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 254 Hitting the Wrong Person

Su Chen smiled and said, "Just wait and see."

Gu Qianyin blinked her long eyelashes, confused.

"Everyone, drink."

The eldest prince saw everything, but didn't say anything. He knew that Su Chen was not one to swallow his anger, and there must be a reason for him to do this.

At the moment, the eldest prince continued to invite everyone to eat and drink.

Due to Su Chen's sudden "submission", everyone present could not help but feel a little contempt for him, and no one spoke or chatted with him anymore.

Situ Feng also turned his head frequently and faced Su Chen's constant bared teeth in provocation. This means that it is not convenient to take action at the eldest prince's banquet. Once out of the banquet hall, Situ Feng will definitely teach Su Chen a lesson immediately.

"Master, that's him!"

At this moment, a voice full of resentment was heard.

Immediately, Ma Rongtian's figure unexpectedly appeared at the door of the banquet hall again, pointing far into the banquet hall.

Behind Ma Rongtian, a figure wearing a robe slowly walked up. The owner of this figure looked to be in his forties. He was gentle and walked with his hands behind his back, but he exuded an aura that could not be ignored. Coercion.

Grandmaster Huang!

Everyone was extremely surprised.

Unexpectedly, when Ma Rongtian went out for a trip, he actually invited his master, Grandmaster Huang!

No wonder Ma Rongtian viciously asked Su Chen to wait before leaving. It turned out that he was going to bring in reinforcements.

As soon as Grandmaster Huang appeared, not even the eldest prince could intervene in this matter.

"Boy, you attacked me just now, and now you are dead!"

Ma Rongtian stared hard at the place where Su Chen was sitting just now. He couldn't wait to teach Su Chen a lesson.

Therefore, before Grandmaster Huang came over, Ma Rongtian had already taken the lead and flew forward. In a flash, he was next to where Su Chen was sitting just now.

The person sitting in that seat now was Situ Feng, and Situ Feng still didn't know what happened. He thought it had nothing to do with him and was still drinking the soup in the bowl with his head down.


Ma Rongtian quickly took action, pinched the back of Situ Feng's neck, and then pressed down hard, pressing Situ Feng's entire face into the soup bowl in front of him.


The soup bowl was all broken. Because Ma Rongtian used too much force, even the table cracked. The hot soup, pieces of the porcelain bowl, hot rice and hot dishes were all spilled on Situ Feng's face and body. It looked miserable. pole.

An unreasonable disaster is definitely an unreasonable disaster.

Situ Feng never expected that someone would suddenly take action against him while he was sitting and drinking soup. Because the incident happened suddenly, Situ Feng had no precautions and suffered disaster like this.

"Boy, I asked you to be arrogant, and you are going to make me arrogant again?" Ma Rongtian was still upset, grabbed Situ Feng's neck, picked him up, and then bumped him against the table again and again.

"Do I hate you?"

Situ Feng was completely angry. He broke away from Ma Rongtian's hand and jumped up.

He used all his strength and gave Ma Rongtian a big slap in the face with his backhand, "Where are you so stupid that you dare to hit me?"


Situ Feng's slap was so powerful that it contained all of Situ Feng's anger and strength. It sent Ma Rongtian flying, spinning in mid-air, and finally hit a wall of the hall hard.

When Ma Rongtian slid down the wall, he was only half alive, half of his face was bruised and swollen, and his mouth was full of blood.

How could an average person easily bear a slap in the face from a strong man in the Transformation Realm?

At this time, everyone at the scene realized that Ma Rongtian must have hit the wrong person. He invited his master, Grandmaster Huang, to come over, thinking that he could teach Su Chen a lesson if he had someone to support him, but in the end, he accidentally hit Situ Feng because he was so excited that he didn't see the person clearly!

Situ Feng had vegetable soup and wine on his face. He was extremely embarrassed. His eyes were as if he wanted to kill someone. He glared at Ma Rongtian with murderous intent and said angrily: "Who sent you here? If you dare to attack me, have you lived enough?" !”

It was only then that Ma Rongtian saw Situ Feng clearly. He was stunned for a moment. He ignored the burning pain on his face and asked, "Who are you?"


Situ Feng almost spit out a mouthful of blood. This guy came up and hit him. But now he is asking himself who he is?

However, Situ Feng was quick-minded and quickly reacted. He suppressed the fury in his heart and asked, "Is the person you want to hit the person sitting in this position?"

Ma Rongtian nodded in confusion.

Situ Feng almost spit out another mouthful of blood. He knew in his heart that he had been tricked by Su Chen. No wonder Su Chen gave up his position so happily when he wanted to occupy this position. At that time, Su Chen expected Here comes everything!

Damn Su Chen!

Let him be so humiliated in public for no reason!

"Su Chen!" Situ Feng roared, "You are dead, I will definitely kill you today!"

Su Chen?

Ma Rongtian was stunned for a moment and then realized that he and Situ Feng had been tricked by Su Chen. Su Chen's trick was really beautiful.

At that moment, Ma Rongtian was also furious: "Su Chen!"

This Su Chen is so brave, he dares to even play tricks on himself!

The two of them stared fiercely at Su Chen not far away.

Su Chen sat leisurely. Compared to Situ Feng and Ma Rongtian who were in a mess, Su Chen was clean and spotless from top to bottom, which was in sharp contrast to the two of them.

Being stared at by the two men's murderous eyes, Su Chen remained calm and said: "You two want to fight on your own, how can I stop you?"

Sophistry, this is definitely sophistry.

Ma Rongtian took a deep breath and sneered: "Boy, it doesn't matter if you play tricks on us, but who is my master? You dare to play with him too? You are simply impatient."

After all, Grandmaster Huang was the reinforcement brought in by Ma Rongtian. If Ma Rongtian hadn't been impatient to teach him a lesson just now, then it would be Grandmaster Huang who was teaching the wrong person now.

From this perspective, Su Chen was indeed fooling around with Grandmaster Huang.

For a moment, the scene was silent. Everyone knew what Grandmaster Huang's status was in Anyang City. If Grandmaster Huang wanted to do something, not even the eldest prince could interfere.

So now, what should Su Chen do?

His previous trick of killing two birds with one stone was indeed a good one, but it offended both Grandmaster Huang and the Situ family. Needless to say, Grandmaster Huang, the Situ family is also one of the top ten powerful forces in Anyang City. Which of these two parties is easy to offend? Object?

Could it be that Su Chen was just enjoying the moment and didn't think about how it would end?

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