Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 242: Moon Sword

For a moment, Grandmaster Huang's face turned red. He looked carefully at the elixir prescription written by Su Chen and found that Su Chen's elixir prescription was not made up at all. It not only contained some contents that he knew, but also some contents that he did not know. some content.

Moreover, Grandmaster Huang used some of his experience as a third-grade alchemist to extrapolate these contents, and found that these contents were correct, and compared to the Silver Star Alchemy recipe that he knew, the contents written by this young man were more scientific.

In other words, this young man has mastered the Silver Star Pill recipe that is more correct and perfect than his own.

But just now, I suspected that the other party was here to secretly learn my recipe?

At this moment, Grandmaster Huang was so ashamed that he almost wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

After calming down his emotions, he said to Su Chen with shame, "My little friend, it was my fault just now. I shouldn't judge people by their appearance, mistakenly thinking that you are here to learn elixirs secretly."

With that said, in order to show his sincerity in apologizing, Master Huang bowed to Su Chen at a ninety degree angle, his head almost bending below his knees.

If this scene were seen by outsiders, I'm afraid their eyes would pop out. Even Grandmaster Huang, a dignified third-grade alchemy master, might not be qualified to allow him to pay such a big gift to anyone, but now he is willing to pay tribute to a fifteen-year-old The young man saluted.

"Grandmaster Huang, please get up."

Su Chen waved his hand. After all, he was not at all fault for what happened just now. Asking someone for their prescription would easily lead to misunderstanding.

"Master Huang wants to increase the success rate of refining Silver Star Pill?" Su Chen asked.

Grandmaster Huang nodded: "The last time I refined the Silver Star Pill, the initial steps went smoothly, but when I finally condensed the pill, something went wrong, which resulted in the final failure to complete the pill and the quality was less than ten stars. Later, I repeatedly calculated , the chance of success in condensation is no more than 50%, but I don’t know what went wrong.”

"Tell me your refining process exactly and I'll listen."

Su Chen knew that it would be difficult for an alchemist like Grandmaster Huang to accept it easily if you directly taught him the correct refining method. Only by pointing out the errors in his methods can you truly convince him.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Grandmaster Huang. Anyway, Su Chen had already proven that he had mastered the better formula of Silver Star Pill. He could not have come here to learn the formula secretly. Grandmaster Huang immediately explained his refining process in detail. I said it again, including every process and detail, and nothing was missed.

After Su Chen listened, he said directly: "You should have a problem with the heat during refining. The main material of this Silver Star Pill is Silver Dragon Grass. Although its stems and leaves have a low melting point, its roots have a lower melting point. It is very high. In order to pursue the stability of refining, you have always used warm fire, so there will be a problem of incomplete melting of the main material, which should be the reason for your refining failure. "

Su Chen's words were like a bolt of lightning that struck Grandmaster Huang's mind, instantly enlightening Grandmaster Huang.

Grandmaster Huang has been troubled by this problem before because his level of knowledge is not at that level, so he cannot fully understand this on his own.

Now once Su Chen revealed it, Grandmaster Huang immediately felt a sense of enlightenment in his mind.

"Yes, yes, that's it. Why didn't I think of it before?"

Grandmaster Huang was so excited that he immediately started to refine the Silver Star Pill on the spot.

"Master Huang, wait a moment. You have not yet settled down and are not suitable for refining elixirs at the moment. I suggest you meditate for a while and calm down before proceeding."

Grandmaster Huang was extremely surprised. This young man's insight was so strong, and every word seemed to contain a kind of truth about alchemy. How could this be like the insight a young man should have?

After sitting cross-legged and meditating for a while, start refining the elixir.

Grandmaster Huang has actually rehearsed the steps for refining the Silver Star Pill in his mind many times. Therefore, these steps are not unfamiliar to him at all.

It wasn't until the step of condensing the elixir that Grandmaster Huang became nervous again.

This time, Grandmaster Huang had already increased the temperature of the refining flame as Su Chen said, but he didn't know whether the refining would be successful.

However, just judging from the trend of the alchemy this time and the smell wafting out of the alchemy furnace, Grandmaster Huang had a hunch that his refining this time should be successful.

Finally, the fire went out, and smoke floated out of the alchemy furnace.

An alluring aroma of elixirs continuously overflowed from the furnace cover, lingering in the alchemy room.

Grandmaster Huang impatiently opened the lid of the alchemy furnace, and a bright silver star pill suddenly appeared in the alchemy furnace.

Since Silver Star Pill is a rare pass-through elixir, under normal circumstances, it is very common for only one to be produced in a furnace.

"Thirteen Thirteen."

Su Chen took one look and immediately gave his judgment.

Grandmaster Huang was overflowing with joy. At first, his wish was just to refine a qualified Silver Star Pill with ten stars or above. Unexpectedly, under Su Chen's guidance, it far exceeded his expectations and he refined a ten-star silver star pill. Samsung's Silver Star Pill.

"Congratulations to Grandmaster Huang."

Su Chen smiled lightly, but he was not jealous at all, because as long as he collected enough materials, he could easily refine the Silver Star Pill, and the quality would only be higher than what Grandmaster Huang had refined.

"Hahahaha, this Silver Star Pill has been bothering me for half a year, and now I have finally succeeded in refining it. Okay, okay."

Grandmaster Huang was extremely happy. He was not only happy that the refining was successful, but that he had finally mastered the correct refining techniques of Silver Star Pill, and all of this was due to Su Chen.

"Little friend Su, the reason why I was able to refine the Silver Star Pill correctly is all because of your guidance." Even though he was happy, Grandmaster Huang did not forget about Su Chen.

"I promised you before that the reward for this mission is a first-grade magic weapon. Regarding this, I must keep my word. Come on."

Soon, Grandmaster Huang's men moved four or five boxes.

Grandmaster Huang pointed to the four or five boxes and said, "These first-grade magic weapons were all collected by me in my lifetime and are of no use now. Let me pick one, little friend Su."

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The energy of the alchemist was simply too great. If a first-grade divine weapon was taken outside, it would be a treasure that could make countless strong men break their heads and fight for it. However, in the case of Grandmaster Huang, it was Four or five pieces were piled together to gather dust. I'm afraid if those martial arts masters outside knew about it, they would be heartbroken.

"I want this long sword."

Su Chen did not hesitate and directly chose the only long sword among them.

This long sword is glowing with green light, and it is definitely extraordinary at first glance. Su Chen held it in his hand and played with it for a while, then found two small characters "Zhan Yue" engraved on the side of the sword hilt.

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