Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 241 The Surprised Grandmaster Huang

Of course, this kind of elixir is generally not available in the market.

Su Chen originally thought that no one in Anyang City would know about this Silver Star Pill.

Unexpectedly, I would see the name of Silver Star Pill in the mission notice of Tiandan Palace.

When he reached the gate of the east hall, Su Chen encountered no obstacles based on the mission notice and was let in by the guard at the gate of the hall smoothly.

However, when the guards saw that the task in Su Chen's hands was that of the Silver Star Pill, they all showed sympathy.

"Another guy who's trying to draw a moth to the flame."

"How many people have tried this mission before, all for that first-grade divine weapon, but in the end they were all beaten up by Grandmaster Huang."

"There is no other way. The reward of a first-grade divine weapon is too tempting. Who doesn't want to try it, even if it's just to try your luck?"

"Guess how this guy will be beaten by Grandmaster Huang? Will he have more bruises on his face or on his head?"

Su Chen didn't pay attention to the subsequent discussions. However, from these discussions, he also roughly understood that the mission issuer should be a third-level alchemy master with a bad temper.

This may be scary to other people, but to Su Chen, it's not a problem at all. bad temper? I have plenty of ways to make you feel better.

When it comes to elixirs, Su Chen's confidence has never been lacking.

Soon, Su Chen came to the door of the alchemy room listed on the notice.

This is an alchemy room that occupies a very large area. The ground outside is full of precious medicinal herbs, which proves the owner's considerable financial resources.

Walking into the alchemy room, the decoration inside is also very luxurious.

"Is there anyone else coming to challenge the mission?"

A figure walked out of the inner room, wearing the badge of a third-grade alchemist on his chest. It looked like it was Grandmaster Huang who issued the mission.

When both parties met, their expressions were slightly surprised. Su Chen originally thought that Grandmaster Huang must be a mean-looking, fierce and ugly old man with such a vicious reputation, but he did not expect that Grandmaster Huang was a gentle scholar wearing a long robe, and he did not look very old in appearance. In his forties.

Grandmaster Huang was even more surprised: "Young man, are you here to challenge the mission issued by me?"

Even though Grandmaster Huang looks young, Su Chen knows that his true age is probably that of an old man. Many of these top alchemists have methods to keep their appearance young, so it is not reliable to judge age by appearance.

But now hearing that Grandmaster Huang calls himself "I" confirms Su Chen's guess even more.

"Yes, junior Su Chen is here to challenge the task." Su Chen raised the task paper in his hand.

Now that he has returned to his boyhood, he will naturally not be obsessed with putting on the pretense of being the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life. Facing an alchemist of Grandmaster Huang’s level

"Come in." Grandmaster Huang didn't say much. Although he was surprised by Su Chen's unusual youth, he didn't think much about it, let alone whether Su Chen was a member of the Tiandan Palace. Because if you are not a member of Tiandan Palace, it is impossible to freely enter and leave Tiandan Palace.

After entering the inner room and sitting down, Grandmaster Huang said without any other nonsense, he went straight to the point: "I want to refine a furnace of Silver Star Pill, but the chance of success is only 50%. Tell me if you can help me to make it possible. Increase it to 60% to 70%, or even 80%? The material of Silver Star Pill is too expensive. I have already failed once and cannot afford such a high loss."

Grandmaster Huang's straight-to-the-point style surprised Su Chen a little.

However, Su Chen still said: "I want to take a look at your prescription first."

Upon hearing this, Grandmaster Huang sneered and waved his hand: "Come here, drag him out and beat him up, then throw him out after the beating!"

This kid is simply more hateful than those guys before. Those guys came to try their luck for the reward of a first-grade magic weapon, but at least none of them asked to see the pill recipe. But this kid was lucky enough to look at the prescription as soon as he opened his mouth.

If the recipe has been looked at by others, can it still be called an exclusive recipe? Which alchemist would show someone the elixir recipe as soon as they come in?

Therefore, Grandmaster Huang subconsciously thought that Su Chen was here to deceive Danfang, and the method of deceiving Danfang was very clumsy.

After Su Chen was startled for a moment, he couldn't help but laugh. The reason why he wanted to read the other party's recipe as soon as he opened his mouth was entirely because he knew the complete recipe of Silver Star Pill, so he subconsciously said this and had no intention of secretly learning the other party's recipe.

The Silver Star elixir prescription he knows must be the most complete and optimal one. Why does he need to secretly learn other people's prescriptions that may be wrong or incomplete?

"It seems you misunderstood what I meant." Su Chen said calmly, "Bring me a pen and paper!"

Grandmaster Huang sneered: "Boy, what other tricks do you want to try to deceive me?"

Su Chen just glanced at Grandmaster Huang lightly: "If you don't do what I say, you will regret it."

Grandmaster Huang frowned and looked at Su Chen up and down with a critical gaze. There was even a bit of soul power in his gaze.

However, what surprised Grandmaster Huang was that Su Chen looked very calm, as if he was not affected by the pressure of soul power at all, and looked calm and calm.

Suddenly, Su Chen's eyes opened slightly, and an invisible pressure of soul power stabbed Grandmaster Huang's eyes slightly.

Grandmaster Huang's eyes tightened. At this moment, Su Chen in his eyes was full of aura, like a human Alchemy Emperor, full of the aura of a superior person.

But the next moment, Grandmaster Huang wondered if he was being blinded. How could such momentum and pressure appear on a fifteen-year-old boy?

"Here, bring a pen and paper."

Anyway, Grandmaster Huang changed his attitude and asked someone to bring paper and pen.

Su Chen picked up the brush and started writing on the paper with a big stroke.

Grandmaster Huang didn't know what he was writing at first, but as Su Chen wrote each one, the more Grandmaster Huang read, the more frightened he became.

"Fire tiger orchid, neon colored sand, raw butterfly spirit, five-leaf begonia... isn't this the recipe for Silver Star Pill?"

Grandmaster Huang's eyes were full of shock. The materials written by Su Chen actually overlapped slightly with the Silver Star Pill formula he had on hand. No, it should be said to be a 90% coincidence...

How could this fifteen-year-old boy know the recipe for Silver Star Pill?

For a moment, the way Grandmaster Huang looked at Su Chen couldn't help but undergo a complete change!

However, Su Chen did not write out the Silver Star Pill recipe completely. Instead, he only wrote about half of it and then stopped.

Then, Su Chen put down the brush and said calmly: "Now, do you still think that I am here to defraud you of the elixir prescription?"

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